I am a male, but always make a female player-character.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I usually play through as a good male then an evil female. It's easier in something like Fable and Mass Effect where I feel I'm playing a different character rather than 'putting myself in the game'. So I enjoy making this power driven female who does everything for personal gain... I usually also let her be good for about the first hour then I decide she loses her shit... Games which are a bit more you being yourself I usually try to make them as close to myself as possible.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
easy. you like to see women game characters do the 'strut' they always do.

and i do too pal...i do too...


New member
Jun 30, 2010
I'm a female, and I always make a male character. No exact reason or justification, except the rare occasions where I get to view the glorious abs of my male video game counterpart. (I really liked myselfXZevran in Dragon Age One).


Nov 1, 2009
I'm a male, and I primarily play female characters as well.


1) I'm attracted to females, and henceforth in third person scenario's find a female figure more appealing to watch interact with the game world than a male figure (aesthetics).

2) Females tend to be voice-acted better - ie. Female Shepard

3) The teenage variety of men and women are easy to con in video games, and I exploit that heavily for free stuff (I am a shameless, manipulative bastards in online gaming, yes).

That said, I'll only play a male character when I am able to manipulate their phenotype into something less "OMG SLAB OF MUSCLE HULKING ABOUT" (see Gears of War), and when there is a romance option that I find interesting and the female character aesthetically pleasing.

All depends on the game and the options within it, in the end.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Kurt Cristal said:
I try to justify this all the time, but I'm not really sure why EXACTLY I do this. I won't give out any more personal details about myself because I'm just curious about what you think of this, escapist. So, any psychoanalysts in the house? Also, when you make a customizable player character, what do YOU make?
the most used ways i have hured to explain this is

" if i have to stair at an ass all day long it may well be a nice one" or "if i half to here sumone talk it may well be a nice vioce"


New member
Mar 1, 2011
im male but i usually make females. i figure if you gotta watch the backside of something for multiple hours, it had better be something you can enjoy,or at least stand to look at, roleplaying be damned. idk what i would do in something like dnd though.

Orc Town Grot

New member
Mar 11, 2011
Its nothing to do with sexual preferences, parental issues or identity crisis, that's for sure. Its just normal, healthy 'role playing' that suggests an even keel with regards to all the above. Wow, I get out of this thread without getting a warning today!

Jillian Andes

New member
Feb 14, 2011
The gender of the character I play is completely up to how I feel at the moment when I make them. I don't have a preference usually. I will say though, with a game like the Sims, I tend to make females more often for the simple fact that it's more fun to dress them up in all the preeeeetty clothes and makeup and what not. Either that or I subconsciously want to create an amazon society where men are nigh-nonexistent.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
(Escapism. Probably because she'd be one lady with whom it's ok to make as many 'mistakes' as I need before getting it right. In real life, some people just vanish w/o a thought for some kind of closure or saying good-bye.)

But don't tell anyone I said this. Yeah, I'm with the guy who said, if I'm gonna be looking at someone's ass for hours, I'd rather it be a female's.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
My reasoning for it would be simple: Because i can.

Its really just that. I can RP any type of Character, including the gender convincingly enough. Which would mean that if any of ya ever met me in and Game which included RP, i.e. MMOs, Forums etc, you wouldnt go "Well thats a Dude/Chick" based on how i act.

I make a Character based on a initial Idea, usually the female Option lends itself better to it, for example my last playthrough of FO:NV was as a female unarmed/melee Specialist. I found it somewhat hilarious that the "weak gender" could kill most people with 2-3 Hits (Ballistic Fist ftw). Mass Effect the reason is basicly Jennifer Hale. Better delivery than Meer, so thats all there is to it.

I dont think though that picking a Gender in a Game somehow implies you are that Gender in RL or wish to be. Hell if asked about which RL gender i am i'd answer "neither" just because it does not matter in that context. Do you play a MMO so you can meet with Guys/Girls? in RL? I dont, so it doesnt matter whether i am my chosen "virtual gender" or not. By any Definition, the Player on the Internet has no Gender aside from what he wants to portray.

So i play both depending on various Reasons, mostly based on how i feel like at the time though :D


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I don't like a story to be about me because I'd be totally out of place in say, Mass Effect etc. I just play the default character and do what I would imagine someone like them would do, so usually the good options unless good is also stupid. Then I go through a thousand times over picking every single damn conversation line just to see what happens and usually assign personalities to each play-through e.g. "realistic hero" "Jesus" "neutral" "badass" and "antagonist". My character is usually male but I might make the next play-through female to open up more conversation options.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
making female characters is indicative of nothing but your feeling of comfort and security in your own sexuality. I'd say you were gay if you only ever made male characters with rippling muscles, square jaw and strappy warrior's garb.

If you refuse to even contemplate a female character then you are probably having doubts about your own sexuality, if you only ever make characters that are reflections of yourself then you're an egotist and an unimaginative one at that. Worry too much about either and you clearly care far too much about what other people think.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
I normally make a male character who acts like how I'd want to. Just easier to connect that way.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Leole said:
PD: He even married another guy within the game. I was disgusted but, laughing really hard at the same time.

OT:I usually play male characters in RPGs. Allows me to relate to them more, cause i'm a dude.
Mostly i feel icky playing a female character, but there are times in MMOs that i make a female character just for the heck of it.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I don't think making a character of the opposite sex says much about you unless there are certain specifics you put into the making of said character. The only reason I can say my choice to use female characters is tied to me psychologically in real life is because I am well aware that in real life I am strangely uncomfortable around men and although I am purely heterosexual and don't moonlight as a woman or anything like that, I am much more emotionally tied to women and if given the option, 65% of the time I use a female character in video games.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I almost always make a female character from any game that gives the option,

in a scale of 100% total: Female 95% - Male 5%

50% of the time female characters just look better.

25% of the time I just have better concept for that female character and name.

20% of the time I just want to because its what I like.

5% I make a male character because he can look like a baddass motha shut yo mouth.

games of exsample: CoH, Aion, Champions online, Rift, DC online, Dragon age, Oblivion, Fallout Etc.

if male characters looked better more than half the time I.E. retarded superman muscles where they don't exist and dorky expressions or the stupid Anime look where they look like a woman anyways.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
I play both male and female characters in most games with the option, I kinda prefer the female characters as it allows me to experience a world in a females perspective which is something I don't experience normally. (Or at least as female a perspective as the devs allow)


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I usually make male charecters because I like to pretend that my super awesome, suave, deadly, duster wearing, and desired-by-men-and-women-alike sniper of the wastlend in Fallout: New Vegas is actually me. :)

But I do always play a female charecter in any RPG game I've beatena nd deemed worthy of replay so I don't miss out on anything.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
wow. I always do the same! I personally do it because I like watching sexy women run around and do what I tell them to. (I won't even tell anyone the things I did in Fallout 3 because I'd probably ruin myself lol.)
I guess I'm just a pervert.