I am a male, but always make a female player-character.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Justyn Stahll said:
I usually make my character female based on this quote from Rooster Teeth (they were playing Skate 3)

"Why did you make a Girl?"

"Well, Because I'm going to be looking at the this person's ass for X-hours so....might as well be a girl's"

thats why
This quote is fantastically relevant. In third person games I also do it so I can see more of the screen. Male characters tend to be much too bulky.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
Most of the time I make female characters because its just more.. Fun?

I mean at fallout 3, i can dress my female character in a pink dress, and punch a huge rabid bear once and its head explodes.
Used both female and male for mass effect. Male for Miranda's ass, and female for err.. I don't know why but the female default ones looks and feels more badass.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I like to play as both, alternately. Usually I'll play as a male first (I'm male) and then female on my second playthrough, but in KotoR I played as a female on my first and only playthrough and really enjoyed it.

EDIT: Oh yeah I should say, I play both male and female characters because I enjoy different roleplaying perspectives, and creating different characters - nothing to do with appearance. I find it interesting that many guys seem to have made their female characters evil ? In Mass Effect I did the opposite, my first (male) playthrough was mostly renegade, and my second (female) was mostly paragon.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
I'm a girl and I mostly play MMORPGs, I used to play female characters for years but started to get bored so now I sometimes play male characters too.
I bought the game, so why not try all the content out, that's one good reason! Plus, I like to see how hot I can make a male character :p


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I always make a female character if I have the option. As a female gamer myself I feel more connected to another female... since I am one... yea you get it.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
J1NXY0 said:
I'm a girl and I mostly play MMORPGs, I used to play female characters for years but started to get bored so now I sometimes play male characters too.
I bought the game, so why not try all the content out, that's one good reason! Plus, I like to see how hot I can make a male character :p
I used to do that too... but every time I played online as a male I got hit on all the time, asking if I wanted to go into a "private chat" ...


Well I guess that happens when I am a girl too! Good thing I don't play MMORPGs that often!


New member
Aug 27, 2008
As a female I tend to always make male characters in MMO games there is far less BS. I can focus on just having fun and playing the game, instead of dealing with every Mr.Suave type when in random groups or when going to role playing events.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Onyx Oblivion said:
I'm a male.

I make my women evil.

I think it's because I'll feel more disconnected with a female character, and therefore less guilty.
That's funny; I'm a guy and my female characters ar always evil too.

But it's because since I'm a guy, I always play through as a guy first, and I'm generally always "good" the first time through. And my second time through I'll make a female character because I like to see how different the dialogue becomes (and I'll have a nice pixel-ated ass to stare at for the next 20-30 hours of gameplay) and I'll also be "evil" because I've already played as a "good" guy.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I usually try to find a look that suits the names I'm able to get or make up. Male and female depending on the name.


New member
May 9, 2011
My boyfriend almost exclusivly play female characters, because he thinks male characters are utterly boring to watch, and I agree female models are usually better done and more pleasant to look at. it is almost as if most graphic developers and designers seems to put more thought and consideration into what a female charachter model or template might look like to actually look good.
I suppose this could be because beauty is considered more of a feminin trait, while the traits you would more likely want to adress to a male hero would be strength and more of a dominant aura.

as I think about it, every time he playes a male character he makes them utterly silly instead, I supose it is to compensate the lack of eye candy with funny instead.

As for me I only play female characters, both good and evil, mostly evil. better made models, better voice acting, better dialogue option.


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Mar 27, 2011
Depends on class. I'm male and Rogues are always female for me for instance. Warrior classes always male. I chop and change with casters... From Wow, Warlocks are female, priests are male. From DIII (OT: which I am super pumped about) Barb = male, Demon Hunter = female, Wizzard = I think female, witch doctor = I think male, monk = male.


Elite Member
May 29, 2009
JWRosser said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
I'm a male.

I make my women evil.
I do that!

No idea why, but I often make a "good" male and an "evil" female. Not always, but often. 'tis weird.
Well I haven't yet, but my next Fallout character will be an insane evil crazy chick that chainsaws everything.
Heh heh...


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Dec 28, 2010
When I play rogue's, I play female's. That's pretty much it. They're more agile, and agile men look like queer's. I mean no offence to queer's I don't like looking like hulks either. I'm fussy.


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Sep 11, 2008
I tend to make RPG characters that are a projection of my own persona.

This does not include leather corsets or 7 inch heels.

If you are someone who applies no such complexities to creating your characters, and just want some polygonal eye candy to stare at while you farm for experience points, do your thing.

If you are like me, but you are projecting your persona onto a female character, maybe you have learned something personal about yourself? I'm not here to judge.


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May 3, 2011
Well as a friend of mine put it: If your gonna sit there and stare at someone's ass for hour on end it might as well be an ass you like looking at.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Lol in wow on a role playing realm I have a chick char, just seem to immurse myself deeper into the whole role playing thing while playing a female and on games like fallout I have a evil female char, doesn't mean much just think female chars are better looking than male ones :)


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Jan 5, 2008
I tend to play a male as my self insertion stupidity on first playthrough. Since that is where I do the most screwing up, perhaps I am saying something negative about myself... Over and over and over and over again...

*sigh* That's depressing.

*cough* Anyway, I tend to make a female for the second and thus more intelligent seeming playthrough because, A. I want to see a chic's ass since I spent the last eighty hours looking at a dude's and B. my wife sucks at games but loves customizing and dressing up female characters. So I do it for both of us and we enjoy the experience.

Also, she does any face work for male characters I do too. It's something she is good at and I like the results.

Third character is a toss up depending on what is available for play. Oddly enough, I didn't play a woman for Oblivion but my wife made a character who was quite lovely but she didn't get too far into it before getting bored or frustrated or whatever, I forget, it was years ago.

EDIT: Further note, my female characters tend to be more sexually promiscuous than my male characters. I blame my wife's influence. In Dragon Age Origins, Lynn the Elven Mage dallied with Leliana before settling on Alistair but had to give him up for the good of the kingdom. She then found her true love in healing Zevran's broken heart and inability to commit. Yes, that is how my wife wanted things done. She wanted to fuck every fuckable character and then end up with Zevran as he is her favorite.

She said he reminded her of me. I don't know how to take that.


New member
May 13, 2010
My first character is always a sort of me playing, how I'd make the choices and so on.
Second is normally a female character, a running one across most RPG's who's just evil. I really like her character by now though. Originally I used her because I wanted a manipulative evil person and figured a woman would have it mildly easier.

Now I just use her in most games where I go through a second time because I like the character, it's fun.