I did it, you guys! I finally did it!


Senior Member
Jun 27, 2011
The first game I got a Platinum for was Sly Cooper: The Thevious Racconus. Then it was Ratchet and Clank 3, then Assassin's Creed II. I don't think I have any other ones, but I'm close in like 5 games.
Captcha, gimee pizza. Well look, if you give me pizza I will try.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
I'm not hugely into trophies, but if I love a game AND the trophies aren't too arduous to obtain, I might go after them. I usually don't even make it to platinum though, the only one I have are Infamous 2, Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy and Sly 1.

I have gotten very close in Assassin's Creed 2, Burnout Paradise, Jak II, Jak III and Persona 4 Golden. I'm halfway through a run of Golden that will grab me those last few achievements, but I've stopped playing that for now.


New member
Sep 21, 2013
All I can think of right now that I've hundred-percented is Mario Galaxy 2. But that was mostly because the process of running around and collecting stars was a lot of fun.


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Dead Space 1. I was always so disappointed that so many games before that (and indeed after it) didn't include trophy support. In the long run, I'm not sure exactly how trophies / achievements have changed the gaming experience (for better, worse, or neutral), but I remember distinctly playing and enjoying that game so much primarily because it had them. Well... that and the fact that it was the first triple-A game that was being billed as "survival horror" in a long while.

Got 22 so far since then, but would have maybe 10 more if not for fucking multiplayer-only trophies. Hate those with a passion.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Lets see what I got:

Assassin's Creed 2 - Holy balls was this one a pain in the ass. Getting all those feathers... I was about to throw my control against the wall.
Fallout 3 - My first 100% completion and it felt so good getting that last achievement. The holotape achievement for Mothership Zeta was a *****.
From Dust - Fun game with a decently hard challenge system. I felt good about that one.
Harm's Way - Okay, I only got this free title because it was insanely easily to 100% it. Like TMNT levels of easy. I felt dirty after getting it.
Mass Effect 1, 2, & 3 - I just really like these games and felt I needed to get them.
Minecraft - None of the achievements were very hard, though getting the iron and old to build the long rail system was a pain in the ass.
Oblivion - I was bewildered when I saw how easy the achievement list was. Seriously, only beating quests. Hell, the Dark Brotherhood questline gives you 2 in 5 minutes.
Portal - Hurting that companion cube... so... many... fucks not given. I loved that game and felt good that I beat it.

Honorable Mention:

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - I got all the singleplayer achievements which was no easy task. Seriously, fuck that tank mission.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I have eight, working on nine. I got my first one from Tekken 6, which only cost me an extra day and a callous.
The first Jak and Sly are cop-outs, so I don't count them as highly.

I got one for inFamous 2, and Far Cry 3. Interestingly enough I got all the trophies for both expansions too.

Let's see I got one for The Darkness 2, Borderlands 1, and God of War. I think I can get GoW 2's platinum as well, but I'm not sure at the moment.

And I'd like to get one for Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus, I'm like, three away. Also just a few away in Fallout 3, but I don't feel like getting to level 20 two more times.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
x-com plus enemy within. not super rare, but also not exactly a cake walk, considered the ironman impossible stuff.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Bioshock 2, which was actually the first Bioshok game I played, easily the one I've played the most of (3.5 playthroughs and quite a bit of multi), aaaaaaaaaaand easily the one I consider to be the worst in the series by far.

I came very lose to plating pre-DLC Skyrim as well, but I accidentally broke of the Daedric weapon quests so perhaps next time I have 200 hours to kill I'll try again.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Pretty much every game I think I got 100% on they brought out DLC achievements for and I'm not sure whether the ones I had left to get were for the DLC or from the original game.
Think the first game I got 100% was Call of Duty 4. Also got Left 4 Dead and Burnout Paradise.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
my first Platinum Trophy was The Walking Dead Season 1. Jak and Daxter was a pretty easy platinum, and so is Journey, but Journey doesn't have a platinum trophy for some odd reason.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Assassin's Creed 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2 and Bioshock. I worked hard on those achievements so it's damn gratifying to get 100%.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Dead Century said:
Nothing. Not one damn title. I hate trophies/achievements. Gaming always feels better to me without them, honestly. Most are tedious and boring as fuck to complete. That said, I do like neat easter eggs.
I'm with this guy I find them pointless at best. At worse they change the game to be fueled by extrinsic motivation. IE your playing to get the achievements not to have fun playing.


New member
Feb 6, 2014
I have 13
Uncharted: Drake Misfortune
Terminator Salvation
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
Dynasty Warriors Empires
Jurassic: The Hunted
Mass Effect 2
Infamous 2
Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Jak and Daxter
Sega Ultimate Genesis Collection
Sega MEGA DRIVE Collection
Fallout 3

I was a little cheap getting the platinum's with the Sega Collection games there just two version of the same game. I have a few more I'm close to getting but never felt like spending the time to collect whatever missing items. A few blast shards in the first Infamous and some feathers/jewel things in Assassins Creed games.


New member
Feb 6, 2014
Eddie the head said:
Dead Century said:
Nothing. Not one damn title. I hate trophies/achievements. Gaming always feels better to me without them, honestly. Most are tedious and boring as fuck to complete. That said, I do like neat easter eggs.
I'm with this guy I find them pointless at best. At worse they change the game to be fueled by extrinsic motivation. IE your playing to get the achievements not to have fun playing.
Its true that some are a bit overkill and some people are trophy level/achievement driven instead of enjoying the game but we all have the option to play for whatever reason.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Portal, which I downloaded from XBLA. It's so short that it's easy enough to 100% the story achievements. The challenge maps were hard though.

I got all the achievements for GTA IV PC, but that was done using a script. So, while it is on my LIVE gamertag, I don't count it.


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
I used to be obsessed with trophies, probably to what many would consider a somewhat unhealthy degree. That period in my life has pretty much come to an end, but I won't lie that the completionist in me will occasionally glance at my collection of PS3 games and consider going back and Platinum-ing the ones I have yet to.

My trophy collection currently sits at 34 games platinum'ed. Rather than listing all of them, I'll say that the game which took the most time was probably GTA IV - the multiplayer trophies in that game were brutal to get, and getting to Level 10 took around 50 hours of straight, coordinated experience grinding.

World at War was probably the most difficult, since you had to beat the game on Veteran difficulty, which requires some skill, I guess, but mostly a tremendous amount of patience. If anyone wants to see my trophies, go to this website and type in "BigBossKoala" https://secure.us.playstation.com/logged-in/trophies/public-trophies/


New member
Apr 2, 2008
The only game I've aced Achievements-wise is Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. Can't be arsed anymore to do that sort of thing.

I was more of a completionist growing up. I remember going over to the neighbor kid's house and working together to get all the secrets in SNES games. Some of our biggest achievements were getting everything in all three Donkey Kong Country titles (101, 102 and 103% respectively), winning the gold in every race mode for Super Mario Kart, and unlocking every secret level in Super Mario World.