I fail to see how this is funny.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Cpt_Oblivious said:
That show The Big Bang Theory. Everyone I know loves it and thinks it's hilarious when it's just absolute shite. I even gave it a fair trial and sat through 2 full episodes, it just wasn't funny.
Oh how wrong you are.
The Big Bang Theory is freaking hilarious.

But, like so many other things in this world, humor is totally subjective. What is hilarious to me, might be just awful for someone else. And no matter how much debate and point, counter point arguments you have, you can never convince someone that something is funny. It either is, or it isn't.

L33tsauce_Marty said:
OH MAN! I love Balloonshop!
They are so hilarious!

Ahh...oh well. To each their own, eh?


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Amen on the Adam Sandler thing. I'm not saying I hate the guy; Punch Drunk Love was a fantastic movie. But the stupid humor of half his most famous movies? I fail to laugh.

Jim Carrey too. Was I the only person who didn't laugh much at Ace Ventura?

I can see why you say XKCD. It has some funny comics, so I do follow it, but a lot of times it's either "complicated stuff see i know maths" or "whine girl don't luv me". Or blatantly ripping off other comics.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
There have been a lot of ones said that I totally agree with, but there are two that I feel need mention that will probably earn me a lot of wrath.
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog and The Guild.
Both of them just seemed very lacking in the humor department and both seemed to be painting themselves into the humor category. Dr. Horrible just sort of said, "Let's come up with silly heroes and a story about villain" and then forgot to write the actual jokes into their humorous world. The Guild just sort of did this thing where they figured they could reference nerd culture and pass that off as a joke. They just weren't funny to me.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
Armored Prayer said:
All the time.

My father loves good clean humor (Pink Panther movies for example) which I don't find funny.
Wait, you think that Pink Panther is clean humour? There are so many jokes based upon sex in both the old and new versions of Inspector Clouseau that the only way you could consider them clean is if you physically washed them.

OT:Modern cartoons. They've lost any sense of wit that the previous generations had, and all are taking way too many leafs for the Japanese manga cartoons.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
every American pie movie except 1 and 4 (Band Camp was hilarious, come on), especially the new one. because it was too shite for the cinemas, it had the text "too sexy for the cinemas" as a pathetic excuse on the front. and every 4th spelling on the cover was a ";)" geez, give up already!


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I'm going to go with The Office. (Having not seen the British version which apparently has St. Ricky Gervais). It also appears to suffer from overly-pretentious fans who enjoy pretending to "get it".

the Dept of Science

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Janeane Garofalo.
I was at a festival with a comedy tent thingy and Janeane Garofalo did a set. She gave up after 10 minutes because the audience was in a stony silence. On the plus side, it means that Ed Byrne got an extra twenty minutes.
I read a thing a month or so later by some Garofalo fans saying that it was a bad crowd or something, but the fact is Ed Byrne got constant laughs the whole way through his set so the fans were chatting testicles.

Also... whoever said about the AVGN I agree.
I've only watched a couple of his videos but I got a pretty good idea. The thing is, his videos are kindof funny because the games he plays are so bad, but it doesn't take any wit or intelligence to find something thats bad and then swear about how stupid it is. I guess the problem is that he never really said any jokes. It was more like "how fucking dumb and shit is this game mechanic?". I could have just played one of the games with friends and had a more funny experience.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
JEBWrench said:
I'm going to go with The Office. (Having not seen the British version which apparently has St. Ricky Gervais). It also appears to suffer from overly-pretentious fans who enjoy pretending to "get it".
I think the problem is that it seems to be tailored towards people who like saying they watch The Office to seem like they're a part of the "in crowd" instead of, you know, watching it for humor's sake.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Anything that's little more than "Here is something, it is shit, lol." There's acerbic humour (Step forward, the vast majority of ZP), playing on absurdities and so on, and then there's knocking something to play to a base.

Armored Prayer

New member
Mar 10, 2009
daheikmeister said:
Armored Prayer said:
All the time.

My father loves good clean humor (Pink Panther movies for example) which I don't find funny.
Wait, you think that Pink Panther is clean humour? There are so many jokes based upon sex in both the old and new versions of Inspector Clouseau that the only way you could consider them clean is if you physically washed them.
True, I just said that because it was the first thing to come to my mind.

But you get what I mean. I don't hate clean humor, I'm not jsut a fan of it. Which sucks considering my parents love it.

Stranger of Sorts

Individual #472
Aug 23, 2009
The office... I just don't like that kind of comedy.

Oh and most American comedians that I see on youtube. Though some are brilliant (Rich Hall, Reginal D Hunter) a lot just regurgitate each others jokes.

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
I've yet to find out why man humour is funny. The type of stereotypical humour men have which involves talking about women and equating her boobs to melons, that sort of thing.

A couple of my friends people I know are like this where they burst into laughs because they think they made a joke when all they shouted out was "OMG I WOULD SO DO THAT". I don't understand why its funny. I usually just see it as trying to be manly, but coming off as retarded.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Everybody loves raymond....I just don't get why people watch that, it seems quite bland. I'm actually quite easy going when it comes to comedy, I find most of it funny. I used to enjoy some of the aforementioned films when I was younger (15/16) but then I spent most of my time stoned so that would explain some of it lol. Getting a little bit annoyed at this adam sandler crap and a lot of the films that feature actors like you see in 40 year old virgin and superbad etc. Although I thought those films had their moments they are really starting to push it. They seem to think that making almost exactly the same film over and over again is a good idea. Makes me want to vomit!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
xmetatr0nx said:
Well crap, i was going to say Game Dogs...now ill just have to reiterate how crappy game dogs is.
I agree with that entirely, wtb more episodes of Doomsday Arcade.
98% of sitcoms and things like squidbillies or drawn together...


New member
Nov 11, 2008
awesomebillfromdawsonville said:
I'm gonna go with Jonah Hill. Obnoxious. Nasal. Irritating. Most of all, completely unfunny. Arguably, a main source of frunz worldwide.
Now that's something I can agree on. I do not find him the least bit funny, nor do I understand why others do.
Captain Cook said:
I don't find XKCD funny. I'm not alone either; there's a whole blog full of people who think XKCD sucks.

What I find strange is that many XKCD fans I've told that either called me stupid, said "ur mom", or called themselves superior. And given that I willingly took AP Calculus and Physics in high school, I highly doubt that I'm stupid/they're superior.
I find XKCD to be funny most of the time, but I don't think of myself as superior to those that don't. I just chalk it up to people finding different things funny.


in the trunkle.
Oct 26, 2009
Napoleon Dynamite. Most of my friends think it's funny, I'm just sitting there like "This is the worst movie EVER."

Also, that guy on Youtube who randomly yells curses and other things, I think it's just sad.