I Hit It With My Axe: Episode 10: Trying To Kill The King Has Consequences

Zak Sabbath

Porn Actor, Dungeon Master
Mar 16, 2010
Episode 10: Trying To Kill The King Has Consequences

The party tries to escape the goblin palace, but it isn't easy...

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Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
To be honest the GM could narrate with a bit more character and colour, i liked how the miniature really "landed" on her.
The colored models are nice too^^


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Best episode yet, Couldn't stop laughing. Loved the whole werewolf part and when he was pulling out the new miniatures near the end, was awesome!


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Anxiety is the least of your problems if you decide to play D&D.

As I found out, sleep and nutrition are also quite large problems.

What would other Escapists do if they are asked to play in this game?

Legend of J

New member
Feb 28, 2010
Couldent think of much to say unless it involved badges i think this is what the series needs now.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Pretty good episode but you need to stop with the boob shots. We get it, they're Women.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
I agree. I think this series needs some IHIWMA Badges.

Maybe people could make suggestions.

@ Jaranja: Yeah, and they have big boobs. For some people, that's what they're watching the series for.

Jack T Robyn

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Jaranja said:
Pretty good episode but you need to stop with the boob shots. We get it, they're Women.
This is about the only issue that's still around.

The show has very much improved since Jolie joined, though I don't neccessarily think it's just because of her. The whole production crew seems to be getting more of a hang of this.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
It's bugging me that they still haven't figured out how to walk on the ceiling...or, the floor, as the case may be. "Don't say the magic words!" That was the hint, wasn't it?

To the people complaining about the boob shots, the description of the show is "It's D&D. With pornstars and strippers." That's really one of the main appeals.

Rest in peace, Ronnie James Dio. Rest in peace.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
I watched the first two eps, and decided to give the show a few more eps before I'd resume watching, to see if it ever caught its stride. This is what, episode 9? 10? It's just like it was when it came out, and I cannot stand it.

GM person, you have no character or color to your world. You have "dudes" on a table, numbers on a paper, and that is all. Lose the "and these guys are all like, 'Aaaah,'" and act a little. Get into a persona or two.

What's more, your players are unfocused. They ARE having a good time, and that's important. But your lack of Character doesn't give any world for people to immerse themselves in, and as a result, you get players more likely to be unfocused, with bland characters of themselves.

I will give you another 9 to 10 weeks and check back. :)

[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]


EchetusXe said:
Firia said:
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
It's their job. It would be like having a series called 'I hit with my wrench' and filming a bunch of plumbers playing D&D. I would expect, neh DEMAND, the occasional tool shot *cough*.
Since my little post script comment has drawn more attention than the critique of your show and GM habits itself, I'm going to address it, post this whole thing in my original post, and call it good, since I'm rather tired of people making assumptions about what I meant by a "disrespectful tagline."

I'd like to lead off with stating for the record that I used to work in a strip club myself as a waitress. I often fooled around with one of the girls there, and later dated another that starred in many of the home grown pornographies that was even shown on in house TVs. I have no disrespect for the profession of exotic dancing, porn, or the sex industry.

When I say "disrespectful tagline," I'm looking at it as how I would try to promote a show. That icon hasn't changed since episode 1, some weeks ago, which tells me that you were trying to grab peoples attention... with sex. Yes, they're women- very attractive women. Yes, they work in the sex industry. That is also very sexy. I base this next part on the three episodes I've seen, but, it's a show about women playing D&D. There is no apparent connection with these womens profession, and D&D. So when I say that it's a disrespectful tagline, I say that you're using these women as sexual icons to sell your show. I see the tagline, and I read "these women are sexual objects; come see them roll dice!"

Now, some of your players have replied to me, telling me they don't find the line disrespectful (and they enjoy your style of GMing). And if they don't mind being used to draw in viewers, more power to them. I just know that I would demand more respect than that of myself to draw in viewership.

You don't have to appease me. I'm done with your show. If I'm the only one that finds your advertising methods questionable, then that's more power to you.

[sub]And that's it. Not replying to any more comments on the topic. I am in fact deleting any and all quotes I get from this thread. While I haven't been swamped with replies, I've gotten more than I care for in varying degrees of hate. I've addressed it, and I am done with it.[/sub]

Tom Roberts

New member
Mar 1, 2010
Loved it.
Highlights for me
KK sudden new ability with dice once she's rolling against her own party.
"That's the cutest thing ever" about the beetle-riding goblins pushing a hydra towards you.
"Tiamat!" Heh. Frankie's been reading the Monster Manual (or perhaps watching Saturday morning cartoons), but her identification skills could use some work.


Dec 14, 2004
Firia said:
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
Just fyi, they aren't shameful about their day jobs; they wouldn't have let the video production crew put up a tagline like that if they were shameful. Remember, it's all a matter of perspective as to what is disrespectful.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Firia said:
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
It's their job. It would be like having a series called 'I hit with my wrench' and filming a bunch of plumbers playing D&D. I would expect, neh DEMAND, the occasional tool shot *cough*.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Great episode! The werewolf part with Kimberly hitting the low rolls to fail saves against becoming a werewolf, then rolling the 20s when going berserk - hilarity.

Who're Frank Franzetta and Ronnie James Dio? Hmm, maybe I'll wiki them later.


The Could-Have-Been-King
Feb 5, 2009
It amazes me how easily it is to get wrapped up in the story when watching these episodes.

Also allow me to continue to fawn over Justine. She's even more lovely with glasses on. *fawns*


New member
Feb 2, 2009
R.I.P Frank and Ronnie... two of the greatest artist of our times!!

fnartilter said:
Who're Frank Franzetta and Ronnie James Dio? Hmm, maybe I'll wiki them later.
Are you kidding?

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
fnartilter said:
Great episode! The werewolf part with Kimberly hitting the low rolls to fail saves against becoming a werewolf, then rolling the 20s when going berserk - hilarity.
Yes, that was rather amusing, and reminds me how my usual group rolls - when it's important, we can't hit the broad side of a barn, but when we're asked to make some silly dice check, oh hey, natural 20!

fnartilter said:
Who're Frank Franzetta and Ronnie James Dio? Hmm, maybe I'll wiki them later.
... Oh boy was that ever something you should have just wondered to yourself, now everyone will question your geek credentials!

But to answer, Frank Frazetta was a fantasy artist of great repute - his iconic Conan covers in particular redefined the standard for sword and sorcery artwork, and Ronnie James Dio was a heavy metal legend.

Next you'll tell us you've never heard of Boris Vallejo or something.


New member
May 13, 2010
Great to see the girls enjoying themselves so much.

Great to see them take it so seriously. Even if they are very naive compared to more experienced roleplayers, I really like to see the passion they bring.

Awesome that Justine is really getting into the game. Fun to see the most desirable female on the planet playing D&D.

Man I wish I was the GM for this group.