Firstly, we'd be so impatient with a DM who went on too much longer than Zak does--we all have very vibrant and vivid imaginations--we don't need to be spoon feed. You can tell because we all have very intense reactions to WHAT IS being described to us. He is an excellent, insightful and un-fucking-believably creative DM.Firia said:I watched the first two eps, and decided to give the show a few more eps before I'd resume watching, to see if it ever caught its stride. This is what, episode 9? 10? It's just like it was when it came out, and I cannot stand it.
GM person, you have no character or color to your world. You have "dudes" on a table, numbers on a paper, and that is all. Lose the "and these guys are all like, 'Aaaah,'" and act a little. Get into a persona or two.
What's more, your players are unfocused. They ARE having a good time, and that's important. But your lack of Character doesn't give any world for people to immerse themselves in, and as a result, you get players more likely to be unfocused, with bland characters of themselves.
I will give you another 9 to 10 weeks and check back.
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
We don't need or want more blah blah blah-ing or silly self-important DMing. We know the world we are playing in...or at least I do, I feel as though the other girls have a pretty good idea too.
If YOU would like more of that as a viewer say that. Not that we need it. We like to think for ourselves. Our game (show) is about playing the game not about tourism.
(Also, our characters are not generally any more un-focused than the male players character's I've played with. We are not playing "heroes" and there is no clear cut, simplified, right and wrong in-game morality in Zak's world to make it easy for us.)
Secondly, IT IS NOT A DISRESPECTFUL TAGLINE. We are not ashamed of our professions and that is how we describe ourselves, and it's also honest--how is it not D&D with pornstars and strippers if that's what we are? Suggesting we don't respect ourselves simply because of the title of our professions then that's kind of um, silly and in itself very very disrespectful. Something worth considering. Also do you think I'd let the man I've lived with for the past 4 years produce and publish anything I (or my friends) found objectionable and get away with it or stay with him? That is REALLY silly.