I Hit It With My Axe: Episode 10: Trying To Kill The King Has Consequences


Mar 17, 2010
Firia said:
I watched the first two eps, and decided to give the show a few more eps before I'd resume watching, to see if it ever caught its stride. This is what, episode 9? 10? It's just like it was when it came out, and I cannot stand it.

GM person, you have no character or color to your world. You have "dudes" on a table, numbers on a paper, and that is all. Lose the "and these guys are all like, 'Aaaah,'" and act a little. Get into a persona or two.

What's more, your players are unfocused. They ARE having a good time, and that's important. But your lack of Character doesn't give any world for people to immerse themselves in, and as a result, you get players more likely to be unfocused, with bland characters of themselves.

I will give you another 9 to 10 weeks and check back. :)

[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
Firstly, we'd be so impatient with a DM who went on too much longer than Zak does--we all have very vibrant and vivid imaginations--we don't need to be spoon feed. You can tell because we all have very intense reactions to WHAT IS being described to us. He is an excellent, insightful and un-fucking-believably creative DM.

We don't need or want more blah blah blah-ing or silly self-important DMing. We know the world we are playing in...or at least I do, I feel as though the other girls have a pretty good idea too.

If YOU would like more of that as a viewer say that. Not that we need it. We like to think for ourselves. Our game (show) is about playing the game not about tourism.

(Also, our characters are not generally any more un-focused than the male players character's I've played with. We are not playing "heroes" and there is no clear cut, simplified, right and wrong in-game morality in Zak's world to make it easy for us.)

Secondly, IT IS NOT A DISRESPECTFUL TAGLINE. We are not ashamed of our professions and that is how we describe ourselves, and it's also honest--how is it not D&D with pornstars and strippers if that's what we are? Suggesting we don't respect ourselves simply because of the title of our professions then that's kind of um, silly and in itself very very disrespectful. Something worth considering. Also do you think I'd let the man I've lived with for the past 4 years produce and publish anything I (or my friends) found objectionable and get away with it or stay with him? That is REALLY silly.


Mar 17, 2010
Jaranja said:
Pretty good episode but you need to stop with the boob shots. We get it, they're Women.
Oh stop it. That's how I dress in real life day to day most of the time--even when I visit my mom. KK made a dirty movie about it. I have big boobs, they will be visible and obvious if you film me doing anything. You could film me brushing my teeth and get footage someone would think was inappropriate because they jiggle. No one's trying extra hard to make a point of them. They just get in the way. Would you prefer I wear more concealing clothing? Gonna take it there? ;)

I'm not trying to insult or manipulate anyone--you'd be self centered to think so. It's about ME not you.

This body I have won't last forever and I'm gonna revel in it every chance I get. I get a lot less chances than most people do due to my serious and chronic health problems. I got seriously lucky growing boobs like I have but I was that kid who missed weeks of school 'cause she has pneumonia *again* or was in the hospital for asthma *again*, who was so tiny and runty she looked like she should have been in classes with kids 2 or 3 years below you, who spent her recesses *reading* quietly not running and jumping and climbing. Someone made a dirty movie based on a drawing Zak did of me once when he took me to the hospital too. (I did really get pneumonia from trying to play on monkey bars when I was 7--being too small--falling--knocking the breath out myself--blacking out--and scaring the shit out of my lil sister who was playing nearby when I came to rasping and chocking noisily.)

I must have rolled REALLY terrible constitution, strength and dex stats in the womb. However I did roll decent intelligence, wisdom and charisma stats so it's all good.

I am glad you enjoyed this episode though.


Mar 17, 2010
Tom Roberts said:
Loved it.
Highlights for me
KK sudden new ability with dice once she's rolling against her own party.
"That's the cutest thing ever" about the beetle-riding goblins pushing a hydra towards you.
"Tiamat!" Heh. Frankie's been reading the Monster Manual (or perhaps watching Saturday morning cartoons), but her identification skills could use some work.
I have read the 1e AD&D Monster Manual--I haven't lent it to Frankie yet because I think then she'd want to hide EVEN more!

Also I just want to thank everyone for voicing their support (and asking questions) as the other girls have done previously.


New member
Dec 30, 2006
Eversor01 said:
Some people have commented the DM seems flat, as a DM I gotta say give him a break, he caters to his audience, if you get too immersive for people who are new it can put them off or make it a chore if they are just looking for a game with some friends.

Have to second this. As DM, you gotta go with the flow or you'll only have yourself to DM.

People should keep in mind that it's obviously heavily edited, so we have no idea what's transpiring between various bits. Otherwise each of these episodes would be, you know, probably several hours long. Though, I wonder--how long are the sessions?

Anyway, they have to edit it for what they think would be appealing to us--usually soliloquies don't fall into that category. It should be about the interactions of the people--as it seems to be so I think they're full of win there.

I like the show--glad the shaky camera's gone steady instead. It's fun to see everyone having a good time. As someone who's not making time for gaming anymore, this is my only DnD fix and it's a good one.


Mar 17, 2010
0over0 said:
Eversor01 said:
Some people have commented the DM seems flat, as a DM I gotta say give him a break, he caters to his audience, if you get too immersive for people who are new it can put them off or make it a chore if they are just looking for a game with some friends.

Have to second this. As DM, you gotta go with the flow or you'll only have yourself to DM.

People should keep in mind that it's obviously heavily edited, so we have no idea what's transpiring between various bits. Otherwise each of these episodes would be, you know, probably several hours long. Though, I wonder--how long are the sessions?

Anyway, they have to edit it for what they think would be appealing to us--usually soliloquies don't fall into that category. It should be about the interactions of the people--as it seems to be so I think they're full of win there.

I like the show--glad the shaky camera's gone steady instead. It's fun to see everyone having a good time. As someone who's not making time for gaming anymore, this is my only DnD fix and it's a good one.
We usually we shoot the show in two 4 hour sessions but in our off camera sessions they can go anywhere from 4 to 12 hrs.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
The first crit!

Cthulu went well my guy went wibble just a little last sunday and we had a whole lot of fun dealing with a blackmail in norway which we crawled away from in a 1920s battered bullet ridden bloodied car after killing fuck loads of yeti's and in the usual cthulu esk way covering up our tracks incase Cthulu turn his eye upon us.

Another solid episode and very much enjoyed please keep up the good work boys n girls.


New member
Dec 30, 2006
mandymorbid said:
We usually we shoot the show in two 4 hour sessions but in our off camera sessions they can go anywhere from 4 to 12 hrs.
12 hours--I haven't done that since early college days! Even two 4-hour sessions is a lot--I'm guessing you're not getting paid much (anything? You don't need to answer that) to do this, so thank you all for your time!
I'm amazed people are still smiling after that much time, but on the other hand, once you start getting punchy, everything gets really, really funny. Plus, you guys are performers--anyways, thanks for the quick reply and looking forward to the next show :)


King Princess
May 20, 2010
Firia said:
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
Hi! I just opened an account on this site, and you have merited my first comment!

I'm Connie, and not only am I one of the ladies on "I Hit it with my Axe," I also have a full-time job. At this job, I dance on a stage at a a bar, while gradually removing my clothes. Then I shake various parts of my naked body - often around a pole. Where I come from we call this a "stripper" (or "peeler" or "exotic dancer" or sometimes even "titty dancer" from what I understand)

Please realize that I do not find people mentioning what I do for a living any more disrespectful than somebody saying "She works at McDonald's" "or "That guy is a graphic designer"

I love my job, unlike many people, and I don't know how that wouldn't speak very highly of me :)


New member
May 20, 2010
Great episode! These definitely are getting better and I love the energy and enthusiasm that Justine brings to the game. She is obviously new at this, but at the same time I can tell that she really wants to get into it as much as the other girls.

What I love even more than the videos though are the comments. Some people like to watch daytime talk shows to feel better about themselves (wait, that's why they watch them right?), while I like to read hilarious comments by people who can't handle that a show about porn stars (and a stripper and hair dresser) playing D&D to feel better. What's even better is when Mandy or one of the other girls gets on to post a righteous rant in their defense.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Although the game itself is fairly well played, I think that the format of the show could use some work. The girls are, for the most part, plain unattractive, so focusing on them over the actual game makes this difficult to watch.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
mandymorbid said:
That's how I dress in real life day to day most of the time--even when I visit my mom. [...] Would you prefer I wear more concealing clothing? Gonna take it there? ;)
You know? I, too, was first [em] mildly [/em]* irritated by the boob shots, but this put my mind on the right track. People should be able to dress how they want and not get disparaged for that. Not everywhere a possibility.

0over0 said:
mandymorbid said:
We usually we shoot the show in two 4 hour sessions but in our off camera sessions they can go anywhere from 4 to 12 hrs.
12 hours--I haven't done that since early college days! Even two 4-hour sessions is a lot
Man, yeah. My sessions are usually about 3 hours (excluding banter and generally hanging around before and after the session). We sometimes tried to start early in the day but that never amounds to much more than 6 hours.

Edited for clarification: *It was just that in this case the camera was really focused on Mandy's breasts. They're lovely, sure, but tend to distract (I'm not a native speaker, fast spoken dialogue without subtitles are at times difficult to follow). But that's just my problem. ;)

Mordicai Caeli

New member
May 1, 2010
EchetusXe said:
Firia said:
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
It's their job. It would be like having a series called 'I hit with my wrench' and filming a bunch of plumbers playing D&D. I would expect, neh DEMAND, the occasional tool shot *cough*.
I was going to say something about DnD with plumber's butt, but then I realized...I didn't want to.

Mordicai Caeli

New member
May 1, 2010
Dave Michalak said:
Nomnomnomitron said:
What the HELL, dude. This comment is comprised entirely of fail and jackassery.

EDIT: I went on to further insult this person and tell them off, but then realized that I was flaming and that's not cool, so I am self-censoring. /EDIT
I am replying to you to congratulate you on not feeding the trolls...& to distract myself from engaging them, too. Yeah, suffice to say; what the helllllll.

Mordicai Caeli

New member
May 1, 2010
mandymorbid said:
Firstly, we'd be so impatient with a DM who went on too much longer than Zak does--we all have very vibrant and vivid imaginations--we don't need to be spoon feed. You can tell because we all have very intense reactions to WHAT IS being described to us. He is an excellent, insightful and un-fucking-believably creative DM.

We don't need or want more blah blah blah-ing or silly self-important DMing. We know the world we are playing in...or at least I do, I feel as though the other girls have a pretty good idea too.

If YOU would like more of that as a viewer say that. Not that we need it. We like to think for ourselves. Our game (show) is about playing the game not about tourism.
Right-- a good DM plays to his players, & if the players react more to "you hear a (garbled guttural gurgling)" when it comes time to meet the grub-monster & would be bored by some purple prose "its squamous scales slide across the floor adorned with eldritch runes..." then by all means, do what engages the players.

Though it does make me consider that a out-of-sequence "montage" of "meet the players & the characters" & Zak explaining the homebrew rules might but a fun bonus episode & something to point to when people in the forums ask.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
mandymorbid said:
Jaranja said:
Pretty good episode but you need to stop with the boob shots. We get it, they're Women.
Oh stop it. That's how I dress in real life day to day most of the time--even when I visit my mom. KK made a dirty movie about it. I have big boobs, they will be visible and obvious if you film me doing anything. You could film me brushing my teeth and get footage someone would think was inappropriate because they jiggle. No one's trying extra hard to make a point of them. They just get in the way. Would you prefer I wear more concealing clothing? Gonna take it there? ;)

I'm not trying to insult or manipulate anyone--you'd be self centered to think so. It's about ME not you.

This body I have won't last forever and I'm gonna revel in it every chance I get. I get a lot less chances than most people do due to my serious and chronic health problems. I got seriously lucky growing boobs like I have but I was that kid who missed weeks of school 'cause she has pneumonia *again* or was in the hospital for asthma *again*, who was so tiny and runty she looked like she should have been in classes with kids 2 or 3 years below you, who spent her recesses *reading* quietly not running and jumping and climbing. Someone made a dirty movie based on a drawing Zak did of me once when he took me to the hospital too. (I did really get pneumonia from trying to play on monkey bars when I was 7--being too small--falling--knocking the breath out myself--blacking out--and scaring the shit out of my lil sister who was playing nearby when I came to rasping and chocking noisily.)

I must have rolled REALLY terrible constitution, strength and dex stats in the womb. However I did roll decent intelligence, wisdom and charisma stats so it's all good.

I am glad you enjoyed this episode though.
Wow, tough childhood. I have depression, but I always thought constant physical illnesses affect you more when you're growing up because it can also cause mental distress/instability. I have nothing against you showing off your breasts (they are pretty fantastic), I think you should be proud of what you've got. I'm just saying, I'd like to see more of the face area on the camera. I've not got an issue with you or anything you do, It's just where the camera looks.

I can understand how what I said might have been misconstrued and I apologize if I caused any problem for you.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Connieparts said:
Firia said:
[sub]Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.[/sub]
Hi! I just opened an account on this site, and you have merited my first comment!

I'm Connie, and not only am I one of the ladies on "I Hit it with my Axe," I also have a full-time job. At this job, I dance on a stage at a a bar, while gradually removing my clothes. Then I shake various parts of my naked body - often around a pole. Where I come from we call this a "stripper" (or "peeler" or "exotic dancer" or sometimes even "titty dancer" from what I understand)

Please realize that I do not find people mentioning what I do for a living any more disrespectful than somebody saying "She works at McDonald's" "or "That guy is a graphic designer"

I love my job, unlike many people, and I don't know how that wouldn't speak very highly of me :)
Well said. People who are embarrassed about that kind of job probably shouldn't be doing it anyway.

I'd like to officially welcome you to the Escapist.

Be polite and use proper grammar.
Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah.
Stay out of the basement.
Enjoy your stay at the Escapist-Friendly arm inn. (Massive cookie your way if you get where that's from).


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Jaranja said:
Enjoy your stay at the Escapist-Friendly arm inn. (Massive cookie your way if you get where that's from).
Oh, man. Remember that quest where you had to get a magical belt from an ogre and when you killed it, you'd find out he had twó magical belts and you'd be all: "Yes! Magical belts ahoy!" And then you'd put one and then the other and then...
Or that quest where you get the golden pantaloons from that noble and you had to carry those golden pantaloons for two games and two expansions. That inn had some great quests.
Good times, good times.

(Or maybe you're refering to the setting and not to that great game based on 2nd edition.)


Don't panic
Apr 6, 2010
I must say I never really liked this show.. This episode caught my attention though. I'ma go watch the previous ones=p


New member
Jul 16, 2009
LunarTick said:
Jaranja said:
Enjoy your stay at the Escapist-Friendly arm inn. (Massive cookie your way if you get where that's from).
Oh, man. Remember that quest where you had to get a magical belt from an ogre and when you killed it, you'd find out he had twó magical belts and you'd be all: "Yes! Magical belts ahoy!" And then you'd put one and then the other and then...
Or that quest where you get the golden pantaloons from that noble and you had to carry those golden pantaloons for two games and two expansions. That inn had some great quests.
Good times, good times.

(Or maybe you're refering to the setting and not to that great game based on 2nd edition.)
I've never played or read anything to do with D&D, unfortunately. That game was brilliant, though. It was my favourite hub after Beregost. I hated Noober too much to both with Nashkell.


New member
Nov 12, 2002
Firia said:
Psst, "D&D with strippers" is a pretty disrespectful tagline. While I can't speak for how your players feel about it, the tag doesn't speak very highly of how you view them as people, as women, and as your players. Something worth considering.
You're totally right. Over on our D&D column, "Check for Traps," we were just discussing how gamers are stigmatized. Given all the social stigma we point out in that article, I bet these girls are really embarassed to be outed as D&D players.


Oh...wait... you meant they should be embarassed to be identified as strippers and porn stars.
Yes I'm being sarcastic. I hope that I have successfully pointed out the irony at work here.