Like many, most of us were excited, by that we held our manhood and boldly clicked the first episodes. Who can blame us chasing an entertaining profit? Adult entertainers + D&D = Profit? This has to work, right? Let's clear the goblins, sphinx's, gazers, and whatnot in the room to help Escapist pitch a more effective revision to their subscribers.
I'm 27, male, and work in IT. I enjoyed playing paper based RPG's in my teens and now apathetic to the video game constructs they attempt to make now. I've also dated a stripper and have had plenty of social experiences to see the attempt here that allows such a high resistance. I'm obviously also not your target demographic your shooting for. What is it by the way, 18-25 and FEMALE? I feel compelled to speak out on content like this to help us all.
Okay, fess up Zak Sabbath and Escapist, you thought everyone would just willingly accept the two dimensional hotness your splaying out like a Bards spell of Irresistible Dance. But just like summoning 'BOOBS' you quickly learned the stun effect wears off. It's somewhat entertaining to hear the players personalities. I also know not to play serious D&D/RPG campaigns with women. It's the difference I am trying to convey. Each player I looked up with a bio showed to have a great professional appealing personalty and assets (ya sorry about the pun).
It's not the players faults they are losing our interest when trying to play a pro-dominant mathematic game. No, that doesn't mean women are bad at math and I don't devalue talent on the screen. Paper RPG's require imagination to stay enthralled into the game. It feels like your substituting it for beautiful ladies and it's starting to insult us all.
P.S. Please ask one of the players to motor-boat (yes with a bra) the GM. I would hope this would be entertaining to us all for 20 seconds and give him a more enthusiastic tone for him.