I Hit It With My Axe: Episode 10: Trying To Kill The King Has Consequences


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Gildan Bladeborn said:
fnartilter said:
Great episode! The werewolf part with Kimberly hitting the low rolls to fail saves against becoming a werewolf, then rolling the 20s when going berserk - hilarity.
Yes, that was rather amusing, and reminds me how my usual group rolls - when it's important, we can't hit the broad side of a barn, but when we're asked to make some silly dice check, oh hey, natural 20!

fnartilter said:
Who're Frank Franzetta and Ronnie James Dio? Hmm, maybe I'll wiki them later.
... Oh boy was that ever something you should have just wondered to yourself, now everyone will question your geek credentials!

But to answer, Frank Frazetta was a fantasy artist of great repute - his iconic Conan covers in particular redefined the standard for sword and sorcery artwork, and Ronnie James Dio was a heavy metal legend.

Next you'll tell us you've never heard of Boris Vallejo or something.
There goes my geek cred. Always had a -10 to identifying names though. I have seen their art a billion times (okay, more around a million), and for the life of me could not remember their names.

My friends and I had a recent escapade where our monk, and our rogue (myself) had to sneak into these slave pits. All was going well, we took down the gate guard. Opened the gates, and started heading for the cells. Oh, I should mention that our druid gave us both spider climb so we could sneak on the walls. I decide to avoid vertigo and use the ground. The monk decides to sprint-stealth along the wall, and as the DM describes it in all its anime-like finesse the player lets out a 'Woooop!'.

DM: You still need to roll for stealth.
Monk: *Rolls* ... 1.
DM: Seeing as how you've never felt the excitement of running across a wall you let out a loud wooop of excitement.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
1. "Whoa...your mom SUCKS!" Absolutely epic.

2. I still want one of those cookies.

3. I would, however, trade the cookie for KK's jacket. (Dude, that thing is sweet.)

4. It makes me so happy to see a newbie like Justine really throw in with complete enthusiasm. I think we've all seen the person who tags along and halfheartedly "tries," but you can tell in the back of their mind they're saying "this is totally stupid."

5. I really look forward to this every week. Great job, guys. :)


New member
Apr 16, 2010
fnartilter said:
My friends and I had a recent escapade where our monk, and our rogue (myself) had to sneak into these slave pits. All was going well, we took down the gate guard. Opened the gates, and started heading for the cells. Oh, I should mention that our druid gave us both spider climb so we could sneak on the walls. I decide to avoid vertigo and use the ground. The monk decides to sprint-stealth along the wall, and as the DM describes it in all its anime-like finesse the player lets out a 'Woooop!'.

DM: You still need to roll for stealth.
Monk: *Rolls* ... 1.
DM: Seeing as how you've never felt the excitement of running across a wall you let out a loud wooop of excitement.
You're reminding me of a time in a college game when the party rogue got drained to negative wisdom, which the DM ruled made him insane, and specifically kleptomanaical. So he goes around pick-pocketing each member of the party until he gets to the monk. Now this monk is a member of a fanatical sect called "The Order of One" that believes in self reliance to the point where they won't even use tools. His only possession is the loincloth he wears out of politeness to the rest of us. So he thief reaches in, fumbles his pick pockets check, and ends up eye to eye with the monk while grasping his, ahem, wand.

Mordicai Caeli

New member
May 1, 2010
Roamin11 said:
So what I want to know is.... Was at the one point where Mandy was talking was the Camera looking at the cookie in her hand.... Or her breasts..... Cuz I saw cookie, and I wonder.... If it was delish....
Ha! I also thought "Oh man, more gratuitous cookie shots!"


New member
May 22, 2010
I'm another new registrant to the Escapist because of this series and I'm really enjoying it! I like the way the story is unfolding and all the girls seem really into it. Justine's enthusiasm really makes me remember the wonder we've probably all felt at playing a new game!

I'd like to also see pics of the minis too, being a prolific painter myself. :)


New member
Sep 16, 2004
Ya know, I just don't understand the point of this series. We're watching people play D&D. What's the big deal? I can go to any comic book store and watch people play D&D.

Is it because they are strippers and porn stars? That's great, but unless they start dancing on a pole or doing each other, I fail to see what their jobs have to do with anything. They could be mechanics and bankers, what does it matter? It's still just people playing D&D. What, exactly, is the appeal?


Dec 14, 2004
RonHiler said:
Ya know, I just don't understand the point of this series. We're watching people play D&D. What's the big deal? I can go to any comic book store and watch people play D&D.

Is it because they are strippers and porn stars? That's great, but unless they start dancing on a pole or doing each other, I fail to see what their jobs have to do with anything. They could be mechanics and bankers, what does it matter? It's still just people playing D&D. What, exactly, is the appeal?
The same reasons why some sports fans watch the highlights instead of the entire game.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Three and a half minutes in and the girls are encouraging Justine's character to juvenile delinquency. LOL!