I liked the ending to Mass Effect 3


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Fear not, you are not alone in your opinion. I personally loved the ending, though I can completely understand why others did not.

I gave a big rundown for why I actually enjoyed the ending and if for some reason, you really want to see it:


I had a long and nice chat with Zeel (Yes, THAT Zeel but it went well once I got him to stop insulting me :) explaining my reasoning for why I liked the ending. I wouldn't mind Bioware clarifying some things (namely how did Garrus go from being right behind me into the giant death beam to flying away on the Normandy). As for plot-holes, I personally didn't really see any besides for my bromantic partner Garrus ditching out on me.

EDIT: Change that up a bit. I would also be perfectly fine with the indoctrination theory IF that was Bioware's intention this entire time. If it's not and they are changing it because of the backlash, I will be a very unhappy camper.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I don't necessarily "hate" the ending but I'm not thrilled by it either. Introducing the character of the Catalyst and the concept of order and chaos within the last 10 minutes was just sloppy, nevermind the fact that the Catalysts whole "The Reapers are necessary to prevent synthetics rising up against organics" makes NO sense at all.

Ignoring the contradiction of having synthetics kill organics to prevent them from killed by synthetics, where the hell was the bit where Shepard says "Uh...sorry to interrupt but the Geth and Quarians are up there fighting side by side after reconciling after a three century long war so I'm calling bullshit on what you just said"?

Even knowing nothing about the repercussions of your actions is something I'm okay with, it's nice to leave a little something to speculation/imagination but who the fuck at Bioware thought it'd be a good idea to make it so that someone who has only played the third game and blasted through it, ignoring any and all side/companion missions can end up with the same ending as something who has played all three games and doing everything in each game?

(.......Fuck, I'm starting to get into a "thing" here. I'd better wrap this up)

Anyways...yeah. I don't hate the ending with the passion that many others have had although I can fully understand where that passion is coming from. I just wish the ending had more substance than "Ladies and Gentleman....BUZZ ALDRIN!!!" followed by "Welp, now that that's done make sure you buy our dlc!"


New member
Jun 30, 2008
To each his own.

Still, for anyone who feels like reading, here [http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/355/index/10022779/1] is quite a good analysis of the issues with the ending narrative.

Riki Darnell

New member
Dec 23, 2011
Murmillos said:
Sure, I suppose somebody could like the end if they had no emotional attachment to any of the characters (squad mates) nor had any taste in good story telling.

I felt incredibly sad when I lost Legion and Eve (and I had only know her for what...a day or so). The ending reminded me of the movie Sunshine. I loved that movie because of the ending and I love this ending for the same reason. Like I said I picked the middle path, and to me personally, that was the best way I could have ended the game. I didn't want my Shep to survive and my interpretation of the game was the "child" at the end was kinda like well, God, and the reapers were like his "angels". When Shep jumped into the light she reached Nirvana. But like I said that's my view on it, not saying I'm right or anything.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
And you are entitled to like it. I liked Dragon Age 2 but apparently few others did. Thing is when there is this much backlash against a developer there is at least a nugget of truth. The internet is a fickle beast and it is nearly impossible to get any sizable portion to agree on something yet it has happened here.

Riki Darnell said:
Murmillos said:
Sure, I suppose somebody could like the end if they had no emotional attachment to any of the characters (squad mates) nor had any taste in good story telling.

I felt incredibly sad when I lost Legion and Eve (and I had only know her for what...a day or so). The ending reminded me of the movie Sunshine. I loved that movie because of the ending and I love this ending for the same reason. Like I said I picked the middle path, and to me personally, that was the best way I could have ended the game. I didn't want my Shep to survive and my interpretation of the game was the "child" at the end was kinda like well, God, and the reapers were like his "angels". When Shep jumped into the light she reached Nirvana. But like I said that's my view on it, not saying I'm right or anything.
If you want to save people from spoilers type {spoiler}{/spoiler} around the text replacing the {} with [].


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
endtherapture said:
What was the paragon ending? Control? Definitely didn't seem the Paragon one, I thought destroy was the right option personally. Controlling the Reapers against their free will is something a paragon Shepard would definitely not do, in fact he's just agreeing with TIM so is a very renegade type character.
Actually, control being paragon is more in line than people tend to give it credit for, given the available options at least[footnote]
Though mind you, I find it abhorrent that Shepherd's only options are dictated to him by what the finale dictates is the Big Bad of the series, meaning that in retrospect no matter how you slice it the villain wins, which is made all the worse by the way the endings are divided, and that's ignoring the overwhelming similarity between the ending cinematics...
[/footnote]. Outside of Synthesis, the final choices basically were a rehash of the choice you had in Legion's loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2. Brainwash or destroy the heretics. Former is paragon, latter is renegade. The alignment of the finale's choices is only amplified by the cost associated with them (namely the collatoral damage of the destroy option is the kind of thing paragon options avoid at all costs)

. . . sleepy . . .

New member
Jun 12, 2011
I actually like the ending for the same reason that so many hate it: that no matter what you do, even if you spent 100 hours in the game, some ends are simply unavoidable. They wait for us around every pass and corner. We assume that because our choices have consequences, that our consequences will somehow have priority over someone else's. Sometimes, someone outside of the story of our lives makes a decision that is just plain bigger than us, and the consequences of that decision end up being bigger than us, too.

Now, I want to make it clear: I totally understand and feel the rage of someone who spent a combined $180 or so on a game that doesn't end the way they hoped. I get that nihilism is soul-crushing, and that people don't want soul-crushing, let alone soul[crushing that they have to PAY for. I also think that the ending sequence should show more of the consequences of your actions from throughout the games as they stand at the time of Shepard's Final Decision.

That said, I think this is a step towards the long-fantasied dream of recognition of videogames by the larger culture as an artistic medium. The idea of a major game ending in a philosophical statement (even a statement that is essentially a giant metaphysical kick in the balls), is big, and a philosophical statement that gets people debating is even bigger.

This is a step on the path to art. I'm excited to see what comes of it.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Well I still subscribe to the Indoctrination Theory so I also view the ending favorably.

This well made video helped me come to that conclusion:


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Frankly all the hate has become so hyperbolic that I cant take it seriously anymore. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go back and enjoying playing it... again. Bad ass over here, somebody stop me!


New member
Aug 10, 2011
How does it feel to be WRONG!!!!

I'm just kidding.

Anyways, I'm sure some people did. It was very macabre, just the problem was that it had no place being macabre. Basically it just wasn't a happy ending, and the average Mass Effect player was kind of banking on a happy ending. Like the Matrix, except people had a much bigger connection to the games.

Oh... And it kind of didn't make too much sense. That sort of was a problem as well.

edit: I feel like I'm shitting out fire right now. Dear God, someone save me.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
I guess sure, being told one thing about the ending and how it'd tie up three games and instead being delivered something else was fine after all!

Of course, I haven't played it, so what do I know, maybe catharsis is overrated.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
That's good, OP. I'm glad. It's great to enjoy things. Being happy is spectacular.

Now, move on to the next game on your mind. Spare yourself the heartache.
JoesshittyOs said:
edit: I feel like I'm shitting out fire right now. Dear God, someone save me.
Me too! But it's because of all the hot wings (and I do mean HOT) I had last night. :(

Worth it, though.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
JackandTom said:
I liked the ending to Mass Effect 3.

[HEADING=2]You Monster.[/HEADING]

But with all seriousness, I can see how the endings could work for some people. However, because they are filled with plot holes, lack sense if you think about them, came out of nowhere, lacked closure, and go against everything we were promised in the months before release, I hope you understand why others are extremely upset about the endings. Admittedly, there are a number of people who are going WAY too far with their reactions.

and this


New member
Mar 28, 2011
To me, it depends if the indoctrination theory is correct or not. If it is true, then the whole thing is one of the best moments in gaming that I've ever experienced. If it isn't, and that was really supposed to be the true ending, then it's pretty much a kick in the teeth for me. Kinda strange that it can be either one of those two polar opposites, but that's where I stand on the issue.

Jesse Willadson

New member
Jan 14, 2012
Nice flame shield. I didn't hate it, I just want some things fucking explained. Also the idea of "taking back mass effect" seems kinda arrogant


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Murmillos said:
Sure, I suppose somebody could like the end if they had no emotional attachment to any of the characters (squad mates) nor had any taste in good story telling.
Except that most of the squad mate stuff was dealt with in game before the final assualt. I liked the ending yet I was heartbroken at the way Mordin died curing the genophage. Having him volunteering to go up the Shroud and have an explosion cut him off and kill him mid singing left me sad inside. That has nothing to do with the ending.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
i liked the ending.

but i shot the thing

thats an excellent ending for me , i was tired and bloody people were still dying and i didn't know what to do. so i shot the thing for better or worse i shot it not knowing what kind of world i'd create it.

that doesn't sound bad.

i imagine shepard didn't make it off the citadel though