I need a good Training FPS


New member
May 20, 2010
YukoValis said:
Ok first of all no I don't mean for real life, I know the vast difference between pulling a trigger and pushing a button in a game. Second I only really play PC anymore, so I need suggestions for that.

It boils down to this, my GF just got into FPS games. Borderlands in fact which doesn't really teach you how to shoot. Although competent enough to head shot, she all in all sucks when it comes to FPS. I want to find a game that might teach her more of the ropes. All I can think of is Call of Duty 4 MW with the training mission in the start.

I like to watch her play, but every time I shake my head and sigh when she doesn't strafe and just stands there getting shot down. So any games that can sort of help improve FPS gaming skills?
Ouch. COD 4... are you trolling or what?

Well i'm going to assume you're serious but just ignorant so i'll let it slip. IMO for training you want counterstrike, teaches you to aim for and hit the head and teaches you the value of getting the first bullet on target, plus it teaches you the value of stealth and tactics. OK its maybe a little at the hardcore end of the spectrum but if all you want is competence in simple run and gun shooters then anything like UT or Quake will teach you to move and shoot.

Epic Fail 1977

New member
Dec 14, 2010

I can't believe people are suggesting TF2 and Counter Strike for learning the ropes.

If she's brand new to FPS gaming then I'd suggest she start with some single player campaigns. Doom 3 has very straight-forward controls (no crouching, no leaning around corners, no iron sights) and puts a heavy emphasis on strafing. For learning the basics I'd say she could do a lot worse than to start there. After that maybe move her on to one of the MW games (again, single-player campaign) as they provide a great way to learn the value of sprinting, taking cover, and aiming down the sights.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
single player? pick up any generic shooter with slow moving enemies and set it on a low difficulty

multiplayer? i can't really think of anything more forgiving than TF2.. I'm not bad at that game and I play it about 3 times a year.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Quake Live.

Teaches you all the basic skills needed for any FPS and it's free to play so you don't have to buy anything.

A little more advanced would be TF2, which teaches class balance, and how to take on opponents who you are at a clear disadvantage against (also free to play now).

Once she can take down a heavy using a scout, she's ready for the big time.

Grotch Willis

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May 10, 2011
Panzervaughn said:
TF2 can show you all kinds of different weapon proficiencies, tactics, flanking, team composition.

Also hats.
Also, its free and it has a training mode so that you can learn the basics by just playing with bots.


New member
May 20, 2010
Guy Jackson said:

I can't believe people are suggesting TF2 and Counter Strike for learning the ropes.
believer258 said:
I want to know why people are suggesting Counter Strike and other competitive shooters.
Because Counterstrike teaches you the fine art of FPS, and you dont have to jump into a live server straight off the bat, that's obviously no going to be helpful. However 1 on 1 training with an experienced player plus training with bots can be incredibly instructive.

Whats more games like quake and UT teach you to move like no single player game will, seriously you don't know FPS until you've graduated from the dual schools of UT style and CS style (not necessarily those specific games but their style of play)

Epic Fail 1977

New member
Dec 14, 2010
Continuity said:
Guy Jackson said:

I can't believe people are suggesting TF2 and Counter Strike for learning the ropes.
believer258 said:
I want to know why people are suggesting Counter Strike and other competitive shooters.
Because Counterstrike teaches you the fine art of FPS, and you dont have to jump into a live server straight off the bat, that's obviously no going to be helpful. However 1 on 1 training with an experienced player plus training with bots can be incredibly instructive.

Whats more games like quake and UT teach you to move like no single player game will, seriously you don't know FPS until you've graduated from the dual schools of UT style and CS style (not necessarily those specific games but their style of play)
There's a rather huge gap between "basics" and "fine art". They're at opposite ends of the spectrum. Baptism by fire can work but it's not the best way to go about things. One step at a time is better.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
For learning her the ropes, while giving you both the chance to have fun... Play something co-operative. I guess thats why you mentioned Borderlands?

Or play Portal 2 co-operative. It won't teach her to shoot, but by the end of the game she should be comfortable with basics like movement (wsad) and mouse-look. And be entertained as well! :)

For teaching her to dodge, and if you aint turned off by old games, i would suggest Unreal (the original). It has a very simple start, would probably be a nice learning curve.

Shooting will come natural once she can move and look around.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Half life 2 actually. Gives you training against a range of enemies. Hell, it was my first fps on the PC.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Start with something a bit more basic, like Quake (1) or Half-Life (1). In single-player.

Half-Life has a nice tutorials that explains the controls, and an actual story, so that's a great place to start. Sure, it's no modern warfare game, but you have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and the story might be a good motivator to learn and improve.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
I wouldn't start with COD...mabye later...
start with something from Valve like:
and Maybe CS...but that's still in the higher difficulty...
build up the difficulty...
you don't want it to be too difficult at the beginning.
COD doesn't really teach anything but run in and shoot...so if you use it at all...do only the training mission for learning purposes.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Team Fortress 2 is free so it's insane to not give that a try, also there's bots with varying difficulty modes.

Call of Duty 4 I recall having a training section to it where they have you aim down the sights and such.

Timesplitters Future Perfect- It's a GREAT shooter (co-op story) with a fun multiplayer mode with a variety of guns that you can put into the match and the bots have adjustable difficulty and the game has handicap settings. Also despite being from 2004 it still looks pretty good and it's gotta be dirt cheap.

Serious Sam HD 1-2 have a lot of running and gunning.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
It seems everybody thinks that good training FPSs are ones that involve noobs getting murdered every 20 seconds...

A Bit More On Topic: Some people have already recommended Portal, so I'll just say that I like how the first Call of Duty game handled it's tutorial. It's basically a beginner's guide on how to play an FPS and it does a really good job on explaining everything. The game itself is also has a really solid single-player campaign, something that can't quite be said of many FPSs nowadays.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
MisterDyslexo said:
Well, maybe Portal could actually work out, because that is getting use to controlling from a first-person perspective and aiming. In fact, you have to be pretty good with your reflexes to to execute some puzzles, and requires quick thinking on your feet, which is also a virtue in FPS. And finally, of course its in an environment where you won't get gunned down by bands of marauders, so its moving at her own pace. Portal won't teach her everything, but it will get the basics down for her pretty damn well.
Darn, someone else said it first. Yeah, portal would be great for teaching her how to play, Portal 2 if you want to play with her. I also strongly sympathize with how you feel when she doesn't strafe and stands around getting shot. My parents found portal entertaining, but when they played, the first thing they did was look at the floor while trying to find the door.

Additionally I would recommend any first person game that has lots of space to walk around in without being killed, though the only one I can think of is TES: Oblivion (after escaping the sewers).


New member
Apr 10, 2011
It depends what exactly to you want to improve as different FPS games have different skills.

If you like arcade FPS like bulletstorm then I recommend you play something as fast paced as possible, which requires a lot of skill in precise shooting of baddies in quick succession and you have move / strafe while firing instead of just standing behind cover and shooting.

For online try something like Quake Live and oldschool online fps games

Single player try the Serious Sam or Painkiller series.

Games like CS where you die from one or two shots wont help you improve your aiming and shooting skills that well. Also dont abuse save states that true road to suckage

Also you could try out a new indie FPS called Xotic, its a score based shooter which might be good for improving your point and shoot skills. I havnt had a chance to play it yet so I cant tell you sure.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
You are looking for older games, things like Quake where standing still gets you no-where. These days the prevailing FPS strategy is (With obvious exceptions) to keep people behind a chest high wall in the same spot. A more modern game that you have to run around in, Bioshock. Standing still will get you dead fast, whilst running is the only reasonable thing to do. If that first Big Daddy fight doesn't get her running around like crazy, I don't know what will.
That is what I have taken from your post anyway, that you need movement training for your GF, not accuracy or how to use training.
For 'how to use' training, TF2 is an interesting game. Concept is a shooter, but it has its own twists. It also has numerous tutorials on how to do many things in game, a lot of which I liken to strategies in other games (Hitting your engineers constructs with your wrench repairs them, similar to how using your wrench on a tank that is almost exploded will repair any damage in Battlefield games, albeit slowly [Quickly compared to RL though] and Spies disguising as the enemy I would liken to any game where enemies can be easily mistaken for friends, and you run around a back way to your enemies spawn point and follow them into battle, only to kill them because they thought you were their ally).
Accuracy training I'd recommend something that focuses on long range combat. The Battlefield series has this, especially with some of the mods and larger maps. I remember a remake of Operation Greasy Mullet for a mod that I use that had a 2Km view distance for snipers.
Tactics training I'd probably go Counterstrike for. You very quickly learn that there are certain tactics for each map that work well, and it also brings to light the uses of different types of weapons.

On top of that, just slowly present more and more FPSes to her. She will slowly pick it up. You started off slow too remember, its just a matter of time before she learns what she's doing wrong and improves.

Quite obviously though use Bots for all multiplayer games. Pitting her against players ATM would be disheartening, and she would likely be insulted for 'being a noob'.