I will debate almost anything


New member
Dec 27, 2008
crudus said:
Ok, lets see how good you are.

Everything revolves around the Earth while the Earth remains motionless. You can prove the latter just by watching the heavens; they move as we stay put. The former is easily proven by a simple experiment. Imagine driving in a convertible. You throw a ball up. The ball will fly backwards. If the Earth was moving then you would fly back in the same fashion every time you jumped.
the earth drags the atmosphere round with it as it rotates, higher up the atmosphere is less affected by the spin of the earth and you get massive winds. this doesn't work in reverse (i.e. earth remains still everything else drags the atmosphere, closers to the earth there is less drag from everything else) as outside the atmosphere is a vacuum and therefore there is no matter cause friction and any mass sufficient enough to cause the dragging by gravity would not have its gravitation sufficiently depleted in the distance between the upper atmosphere and the surface of the earth to account for the difference in wind speeds.

there is also the coriolis effect which causes specific air patterns due to the interaction between air currents and the earths rotation.

there are probably more complete ways to disprove that but this was the first one i thought of and i want to go to sleep.

Jewrean said:
All Devil-Worshipers that sacrifice people to Satan are immoral because killing people is just plain wrong.
morals are personal, relative and defined by culture, if their cultural reference point is satanism where human sacrifice is morally fine then your judgement that it is immoral is irrelevant to them. whether something is moral or not is not a property which actually exists outside of the mind of the person making the judgement.

of course this doesn't stop it being illegal and them being prosecuted for it because its murder. which makes it a nice way of point out that morals are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to making laws and you're better off basing it on the harm and benefit caused to the people concerned.

(i hope you realise this is just a thought experiment and human sacrificing satanists don't exist outside the fevered imaginations of bible belters hopped up on JAYZUS and moneyspinning preachers)


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Gilhelmi said:
Engarde said:
I have a one.

All crimes deserve equal punishment, here meaning the death penalty.
I'll argue negative, you argue positive.
Well it would reduce the population which is starting to get overcrowded.

Also, it will give very good incentive to not commit crimes. I will assume accidental crimes like occasional speeding and the like are only ticketable offenses (unless you are a repeat offender). As long as the justice system is fair we will have no problems.

Disclaimer: no I do not really think this
Ah, but is it justified to have such a system with the current 'trial by media attitude? Since as we all know, humans are not perfect, is it truly fair to say the system could work?

Not to mention, will the poor who may have had to steal to survive deserve execution, thus also most likely dooming their family?

Anyway, was just a bit of fun, we can let it drop there if you wish. I am thouroughly amused.

Sammi Costello

New member
Mar 20, 2010
zer0kevin said:
All numbers are equal to all other numbers.

A and B are equal non-zero quantities:
(a = b)

multiply by a:
(a^2 = ab)

Subtract b^2:
(a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2)

(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)

Divide (a - b):
(a + b = b)

Substitute for a = b:
(2b = b)

Divide by b:
(2 = 1)
You can't do the bold step (ie, you can't divide by (a - b)). This is because a is equal to be, and so, (a - b) = 0. You can't divide by zero (in this instance at least). Therefore, by this proof, 2=/=1.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Engarde said:
Gilhelmi said:
Engarde said:
I have a one.

All crimes deserve equal punishment, here meaning the death penalty.
I'll argue negative, you argue positive.
Well it would reduce the population which is starting to get overcrowded.

Also, it will give very good incentive to not commit crimes. I will assume accidental crimes like occasional speeding and the like are only ticketable offenses (unless you are a repeat offender). As long as the justice system is fair we will have no problems.

Disclaimer: no I do not really think this
Ah, but is it justified to have such a system with the current 'trial by media attitude? Since as we all know, humans are not perfect, is it truly fair to say the system could work?

Not to mention, will the poor who may have had to steal to survive deserve execution, thus also most likely dooming their family?

Anyway, was just a bit of fun, we can let it drop there if you wish. I am thouroughly amused.
The most I could see is non-violent crime not being punishable by death.

But even those Hobos are hurting our utopia by being poor. Now if we make poverty punishable by death that should motivate them to get jobs or start a business.
Disclaimer: no I do not really think this

OK; this was a fun and silly one


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Ok a new one. The sexual slavery thing in some parts of asia, I think the U.S.A. buy all the Sex slaves and sending them too uranius would be a horrible idea. Why do you support the slaughter of a group of people who are for the most part innocent, just born into the wrong family at the wrong time?


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Mimsofthedawg said:
Gilhelmi said:
Perhaps this is worthy... but on the other hand, having less restrictions on sex could create a happier, well balanced society. Throughout history, the most stable, content cultures are those who have been the most liberal - particularly within the realm of sex. Arguing the pros of child porn may be a bit much, but are restrictions such as age of consent too restrictive? If a person is old enough to consent to sex, why shouldn't they be old enough to make porn? Age of consent has gradually risen as society has progressed over the last 200 years (From non-existent to 16/18 today); along with that, depression, abuse, and other mental disorders have also risen. Would more lenient rules help? Why not?

(heheh, see what I did there?)
I never said no sex or no porn discussions. That was in response to a particularity annoying troll that kept bugging me. But no age of consent debates either.

I do not think there is a need for porn in society is my stance. However, if we can agree to keep it clean, I will debate this with you.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
There is no such thing as a best game of all time, or a best movie of all time, etc. Quality is only measured through our feelings.


New member
May 15, 2010
FalloutJack said:
X10J said:
FalloutJack said:
Batman is not wearing a mask. The mask is his real face. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)
To clerify, is what you mean to say that Batman is wearing a mask, and that that mask is Bruce Wayne?
In one comic or another (I want to say Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum, though I may be wrong), someone said that it was pointless to remove the mask, because the mask WAS his real face. Namely, Batman is the real person. So, perhaps Bruce Wayne being the false identity is what I mean.
Let's see. We've got three entities here Batman, Bruce Wayne, and the personal self(the personal self being who one realy is).

Now, the current Bruce Wayne is a social self projected by the personal self as an attempt to simmulate what the personnel self would be like had the death of his mother and father never occured, and is projected as a scapegoat for the media and anyone else wondering "what's going on with Bruce Wayne?".

Batman is a social self trough which the personal self may act and live, without facing any of the punishments/judgements that his lifestyle would subject him to.

That may have gotten a bit too psychobable-y to understand, and so will try and write it more practicaly.

Its kind of like The Personal Self(the man behind all the masks) is painting two self portraits to show the world. One is Bruce Wayne, millionare playboy; the other is Batman, bad-ass ninja vigilante. The Bruce Wayne painting is a front to disguise his true self. The Batman portrait is a front to reveal his true self, while keeping it protected.

Now, with this in mind, I argue that Batman is not the true entity, because Batman is a mask used by the true entity(the Personal Self) to act safely, and not the true entity itself.

TLDR: Batman and Bruce Wayne are both masks, but Batman is a mask that looks more like the wearer.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
TeeBs said:
TeeBs said:
TeeBs said:
I think Child Pornography is bad, why do you support it?
I think this guy has a valid argument.
I also second this.
legal distribution of confiscated child pornography held as evidence to paedophiles without profit while still maintaining prosecution for its production would provide a sexual outlet for them and so discourage them from abusing children and reduce the harm to children by for its production by removing demand.


Average Person Extraordinaire!
May 2, 2010
You want a debate? HERE'S a debate:

?Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like??


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Skorpyo said:
You want a debate? HERE'S a debate:

?Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like??
You`ve got to be kidding me. I`ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It`s just common sense.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Skorpyo said:
You want a debate? HERE'S a debate:

?Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like??
Please use complete sentences.

Or at least ones that can be read.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
All people are inherently good at the start of their life. It is through upbringing, personal experiences, and societal 'norms' that cause many groups of people to develop ideals that can then become radical and, at times, violent.