I will debate almost anything


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society
Not really, two people have the same job, same benefits. One man buys a nice new car, the other buy a nice new lawn. Both items are equally priced. The car guy can still be envious of the lawn guy, and the lawn guy can still be envious of the car guy.

Now say one man gets promoted because he brown nosed the boss. Someone who may have worked hard to get that promotion, who was just passed over, might be jealous.

Corruption happens because it is a flaw in human character.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
DasDestroyer said:
erto101 said:
azurine said:
this sounds like fun!

let's see... 1+1=2.

I dare you to try and prove me wrong.
1 = 1

41 ? 40 = 61 ? 60

16 + 25 ? 40 = 36 + 25 ? 60

4² + 5² ? 2 * 4 * 5 = 6² + 5² ? 2 * 6 * 5

(4 ? 5)² = (6 ? 5)²

4 ? 5 = 6 ? 5

4 = 6

2 = 3

1 + 1 = 3

Have fun =)
x=/=-x, unless x=0
Oh well. It's only fun to give this sort of "proof" to my friends who can't grasp math =)


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
Blobpie said:
This will be fun!

Question: Are pants beneficial to mankind, and if not how?

(I'll be the pros of pants you be cons :) )
Pants are so restrictive. Without the restraint of pants we would be able to move faster. I know we would be without pockets, my solution is a messenger bag. They hold more then pockets.

Also, who needs that pesky modesty. Animals run free, why should I not be free?

Disclaimer: no I do not really think this


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Gilhelmi said:
XxRyanxX said:
Gilhelmi said:
XxRyanxX said:
..Mm *thinks* What will you get out of debating if I may ask?
TeeBs said:
Scott does not watch Child Pornography.

*looked at your profile.*
Bad Mr. TeeBs, Bad. *wackes TeeBs gently with rolled up news paper*
Haha, wow XD that was a response I was not expecting. Really good reply, wow *laughing a bit* Whew.. ok, besides that what got you into debating? Or into the hobby for that matter?
Just the hobby of it. I live in a small town in Kansas so not too many that can stay on my level of debate. Here I can have a challenge at least.
Im guessing I offered a little bit too much challenge *raise eyebrows*


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society
Not really, two people have the same job, same benefits. One man buys a nice new car, the other buy a nice new lawn. Both items are equally priced. The car guy can still be envious of the lawn guy, and the lawn guy can still be envious of the car guy.

Now say one man gets promoted because he brown nosed the boss. Someone who may have worked hard to get that promotion, who was just passed over, might be jealous.

Corruption happens because it is a flaw in human character.
I'm sorry but you guys are discussing communism not socialism. It sorta bugs me because I'm a socialist not a communist.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Gilhelmi said:
You use it to sharpen your skills at finding logical fallacies, or to understand why you believe what you believe. If everyone always agreed then nothing new can be learned. That is boring to me.

Besides, how can you debate your views if you do not know the other sides arguments. On the spot correction is also necessary part of ones skill-set.

Also it is fun.
It's not exactly what I meant. Sometimes, it's hard for me to put my thoughts into words.

What I'm trying to say is, how can you debate about things you probably don't know much about? Wouldn't you then be obliged to either concede the point to the other interlocutor or use logical fallacies to prove your point?

I mean you probably have an opinion about everything (like most of us do), but that doesn't necessarily mean your opinion about a specific subject is educated. In those cases, wouldn't it be wise to admit you don't know enough about the subject to start a debate?


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
HG131 said:
Debate which would win in an all-out fight: The Deadites, The Necromorphs or the Flood. Pick any side and try to convince me.
I only know who the Flood are.

*Gil hands over his Nerd Club members badge*


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
ouch111 said:
Gilhelmi said:
You use it to sharpen your skills at finding logical fallacies, or to understand why you believe what you believe. If everyone always agreed then nothing new can be learned. That is boring to me.

Besides, how can you debate your views if you do not know the other sides arguments. On the spot correction is also necessary part of ones skill-set.

Also it is fun.
It's not exactly what I meant. Sometimes, it's hard for me to put my thoughts into words.

What I'm trying to say is, how can you debate about things you probably don't know much about? Wouldn't you then be obliged to either concede the point to the other interlocutor or use logical fallacies to prove your point?

I mean you probably have an opinion about everything (like most of us do), but that doesn't necessarily mean your opinion about a specific subject is educated. In those cases, wouldn't it be wise to admit you don't know enough about the subject to start a debate?
I try to be as well educated as I can be.

I assumed, that most of the responders here would not choose a topic I do not know anything about because I am usually more studied then they are. So far, I am correct, no one has given a topic I do not know anything about.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society
Not really, two people have the same job, same benefits. One man buys a nice new car, the other buy a nice new lawn. Both items are equally priced. The car guy can still be envious of the lawn guy, and the lawn guy can still be envious of the car guy.

Now say one man gets promoted because he brown nosed the boss. Someone who may have worked hard to get that promotion, who was just passed over, might be jealous.

Corruption happens because it is a flaw in human character.
People have their choice on what to buy, people still have freedom of pay, you choose what to do with it, I would rather have a better car than lawn, me=not jealous of lawn
And the promotion is irrelevant considering regardless of promotions, they receive EQUAL pay


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
erto101 said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society
Not really, two people have the same job, same benefits. One man buys a nice new car, the other buy a nice new lawn. Both items are equally priced. The car guy can still be envious of the lawn guy, and the lawn guy can still be envious of the car guy.

Now say one man gets promoted because he brown nosed the boss. Someone who may have worked hard to get that promotion, who was just passed over, might be jealous.

Corruption happens because it is a flaw in human character.
I'm sorry but you guys are discussing communism not socialism. It sorta bugs me because I'm a socialist not a communist.
Neither am I, but the debate is still fun, and helps to form your own opinions.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Mathematics is a numerical representation of our perceived reality. However, our reality is not just about money or the number of rocks you have. So if you take 1 + 1 = x in terms of people, you will find that it doesn't equal two. If you add two people together, you have the two people (so 1 + 1 = 2, so far) as well as the developing relationship between them, which can either detract from the individuals or benefit them, so 1 + 1 = (2 + y) + x, where x is the value of the relationship formed and y is the benefit/detriment caused to the people by the relationship. Hurray a philosophical approach to maths.

Actually, a few years back I went to some conference or another for smart students, and one of the lecturers was talking about an ancient form of mathematics (I forget the origin of it, sorry). Anyways, he showed us a rectangle (representing a single two-dimensional plane) with three circles (representing one-dimensional points) on it, and he said "not counting the rectangle, how many objects/shapes/things are represented on this screen". Using that old branch of mathematics, the answer wasn't three, but seven: the 'points'(3), the space between each point-pair (3), and the triangle formed by all tsix of those (1). The logic is that those specific sections of space between the points, and the triangle formed by them only exist with applied restrictions. Even without physically represented points, the limited spaces and the triangle require the existence of their limitations (the limitations are part of what they are). So by creating only three points, you actually create seven 'things' (points + space + triangle = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7).

EDIT: This isn't a debate, it was just inspired by that guy talking about 1^x or whatever, except my thoughts got side-tracked so that they no longer applied enough to warrant a quote.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Gilhelmi said:
I assumed, that most of the responders here would not choose a topic I do not know anything about because I am usually more studied then they are.
Don't you think it's a bit arrogant?


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society
Not really, two people have the same job, same benefits. One man buys a nice new car, the other buy a nice new lawn. Both items are equally priced. The car guy can still be envious of the lawn guy, and the lawn guy can still be envious of the car guy.

Now say one man gets promoted because he brown nosed the boss. Someone who may have worked hard to get that promotion, who was just passed over, might be jealous.

Corruption happens because it is a flaw in human character.
People have their choice on what to buy, people still have freedom of pay, you choose what to do with it, I would rather have a better car than lawn, me=not jealous of lawn
And the promotion is irrelevant considering regardless of promotions, they receive EQUAL pay
Equal pay but not equal respect. Who do you respect more the General or the Private, the general manager or the stock-boy?

Social standing is still very dependent on this. Do you want to be the decision maker or the peon following orders?

One man marries a HOT wife, (because he is successful and has higher social standing, and it is expected), another marries an average looking wife (because they are in love). The man with the HOT wife might be jealous of the average man, because he wanted love. The average man might be jealous of the man with the Hotty wife, because she is VERY HOT.

Again human nature (or demons) causes corruption.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Gilhelmi said:
erto101 said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Gilhelmi said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Socialism is good.
*incoming shitstorm*
Socialism is the system that place full emphasis on the government. Even under democracy, the government can be corrupted. The best system is a combination of Capitalism and Federalism (see federalism. If you distribute the authority out along many Checks and Balances then you reduce the corruption.
But if all people learn to work their jobs, and benefit to society equally, everyone gets the same amount of things, over time, envy and jealousy have been bred out of humans, so corruption would not happen in a socialistic society
Not really, two people have the same job, same benefits. One man buys a nice new car, the other buy a nice new lawn. Both items are equally priced. The car guy can still be envious of the lawn guy, and the lawn guy can still be envious of the car guy.

Now say one man gets promoted because he brown nosed the boss. Someone who may have worked hard to get that promotion, who was just passed over, might be jealous.

Corruption happens because it is a flaw in human character.
I'm sorry but you guys are discussing communism not socialism. It sorta bugs me because I'm a socialist not a communist.
Neither am I, but the debate is still fun, and helps to form your own opinions.
Not what i meant. Sorry if i come across a little unclear but it's late here in Denmark :p

Denmark, Sweden and Norway are examples of socialistic states. Just saying they're aren't communists.
A communist state would be with no differences and all under government control.
Socialism is the not so extreme edition =). The government provides free health care, education and other social services, but does not "own" the national economy.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
ouch111 said:
Gilhelmi said:
I assumed, that most of the responders here would not choose a topic I do not know anything about because I am usually more studied then they are.
Don't you think it's a bit arrogant?
Maybe a little. But so far I have not been wrong.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
So, you are claiming to be a proficient mass debater? And doing so publicly, in front of everybody?
