If a second American Revolution where to happen....


New member
Apr 2, 2008
would the "rebel fighters" have any allies? For example The UN had a no fly zone in effect in Libya, but would anything like that happen here? I believe that a revolution is indeed going to happen sometime, however I am not sure when. So would the fighting citizens have aid from other countries, or is america to "important" for them to be turned on by other countries?


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
It would end very horrifically. The largest military in the world facing off against one of the most heavily armed citizeries in the world. That's a recipie for disaster right there.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
america is a important part of NATO and the UN so I'm sure the rebels would have very few friends if any


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Revnak said:
It would end very horrifically. The largest military in the world facing off against one of the most heavily armed citizeries in the world. That's a recipie for disaster right there.
Well, more like half the most powerful militaries in the world and half of the most heavily armed citizenries fighting the other half.


Much of the rest of the world would be desperately hoping it wouldn't go nuclear, and might intervene due to that...if teh rebellion is small enough, possibly trying to help get it squashed, no matter how bad the US government is.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Revolution? Why? If the people get upset with the government, they stage protests, and if the protests are large enough, AND PEACEFUL, the government will have to listen. Martin Luther King Jr. proved that. The problem is people who want to express dissatisfaction with the government do so in stupid ways. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall St movements proved that.

I don't believe anyone in the country is upset enough to stage an armed uprising against the government anytime soon except for a few crazies, and they don't have the manpower and they're crazy. And even if they did, no one in Washington is stupid enough to immediately start shooting unless the rebels shot first, in which case they wouldn't be revolutionaries, they'd be murderers.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Wolverine18 said:
So that leaves... no one that could even come close to challenging the US miltary.
Two words:
Trade blockade.
An army can't run on a hungry stomach or without oil.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Revnak said:
It would end very horrifically. The largest military in the world facing off against one of the most heavily armed citizeries in the world. That's a recipie for disaster right there.
What he said. However...I don't think another revolutionary war is realistic. Sorry, as cynical as I am, that one don't fly.


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
thaluikhain said:
Revnak said:
It would end very horrifically. The largest military in the world facing off against one of the most heavily armed citizeries in the world. That's a recipie for disaster right there.
Well, more like half the most powerful militaries in the world and half of the most heavily armed citizenries fighting the other half.


Much of the rest of the world would be desperately hoping it wouldn't go nuclear, and might intervene due to that...if teh rebellion is small enough, possibly trying to help get it squashed, no matter how bad the US government is.
That's not a revolution, that's a civil war. I know it's kinda just semantics, but there is a bit of a difference.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
It would only work if the People had the support of the Armed Forces. Like what happened in Egypt. Get a few generals to side with the people (the people that they are sworn to protect) over the murderous dicks in power, and a revolution would definitely succeed.

As much as I would love to see a coup eliminate both Congress and the White House from power (or existence, preferably), I just don't see it happening any time soon. That ship has sailed, sadly.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Unless I know the context of the war, I can't exactly make a good assumption. Depending on what happens, the UN may help or it might not. I'll go with my favorite answer of E: Not enough information.


Senior Member
May 4, 2011
This is kind of an over simplification...I think a lot of it depends on the "revolution" who is doing the fighting, what the goal is, whether or not the people leading the "rebels" are actually dangerous...

We're partially assuming the situation. Hell a large section of the military could rebel and easily win....there are many variables.

Penguinis Weirdus

New member
Mar 16, 2012
No, it wont happen for a long time, why? Because unlike Syria, Libya or even Egypt you are not under the rule of corrupt regimes whose response to protests is to shoot them. You do have a democratic state (albeit one that favours the rich predominately) but it is still democratic. Also everyone who say it would be US military vs civies look up any civil war or revolution that has been documented and you'll see that that it is a a big bloody mess. For instance the English Civil War back in 1642-1651 killed roughly 800,000 people (in England, Scotland and Ireland) out of a population of about 7 million (this includes Cromwell's harrowing of Ireland) and the thing is we've only got better at killing our fellow man.
Also it wouldn't be the rebels and the nasty government, chances are it would be Government about 5 or 6 different dissident groups and the military being spilt amongst all of them.
Everyone saying NATO would be involved I don't think we would, while yes there would be legal precedent (article 5 and other sections of NATO treaty), there's no actual incentive for us to do so.

Simply put, no put stop polishing weapon in your hand, it would be a horrible mess for all involved and stop trying to glorify the idea of revolution. Its rarely (and even then) very rarely the right course of action and generally will leave you with a dictatorship of some sort or another.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Yeah. Really not going to happen.

But if you want to see more about this subject, get the comic DMZ. It's set in New York after an American civil war. (Modern times not 18-whatevers.)


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Tayh said:
Wolverine18 said:
So that leaves... no one that could even come close to challenging the US miltary.
Two words:
Trade blockade.
An army can't run on a hungry stomach or without oil.
Two Words:

Strategic Oil Reserve

The United States Military keeps enough about 4 months worth of gasoline and oil set aside for military applications.

Also, the U.S. military is the largest user of green energy. They are better capable of surviving nowadays without oil.

Diminished Capacity

New member
Dec 15, 2010
Read the graphic novel series DMZ. The premise is a 2nd contemporary American civil war, in which the rebel faction seizes much of the country. New York city is the demilitarized zone, acting as a buffer between the forces.

It's pretty fun to read, even if a few parts are cliche.