If a second American Revolution where to happen....

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
I don't think any major global power would intercede until things had been pretty much decided, and then only to stabilize or clean up. Of course, one of the smarter ways to turn a "revolution" at this point, without massive loss of life and years of bloody struggle, would be for everyone who wanted to 'rebel' to simply stop going to work - if they could get a large enough number of people to start it and a movement followed them into not working, it would pretty much put the government into the position of negotiating, dissolving, or forcing the population into slave labor, which would be far more likely to conjure international pressure.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
The problem with the idea of seeing the citizens versus the military is way off. Don't you think the soldiers that have families will be fighting with their families rather than against them? I highly doubt that even the government could order a man to imprison or "interrogate" their wives/husbands/children.

But it all depends on who throws the first punch. Will the government become dictatorial and impose strict laws and punishments or will anti-government rebels partake in violence while protesting (prior to government dictatorship)? Most likely that the government would use its power first and the rebels would get sympathy support from the UN


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Canada and Mexico might provide asylum for some refugees, but that is about it.

Also it REALLY depends on the circumstances. You are assuming civilians vs military, a Second American Revolution wont be anywhere near as cut and dry as that. It is going to be very messy to determine who is on what side, assuming there are only going to be two sides.

It will be disorganized as hell. As the other poster mentioned, if a fight actually broke out, it is more likely there will be several factions, probably involving economic (99% vs 1%) groups or cultural/ethnic groups.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Revolution? Against who? Who are we rebelling against? Our own government? The military? The shadowy council of people who run the world from the Avengers movie?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
BBboy20 said:
If it were to occur, the CIA would be doing half the battling.
Actually, the CIA doesn't operate against Americans on American soil. Home-grown terrorism would fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI or Homeland Security and the "battling" would be executed by the national guard or military.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
...why would there even be on at all? There's some dysfunction in the government, but there really isn't that much wrong. Additionally, it would get crushed. No matter how many guns the citizenry has, they can't stand up to modern armor and air support.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Jack the Potato said:
Revolution? Why? If the people get upset with the government, they stage protests, and if the protests are large enough, AND PEACEFUL, the government will have to listen. Martin Luther King Jr. proved that.
One of the things that annoys me the most about American politics is the amount of faith placed in the "precedent" system. By which I mean, when it comes to politics, "If it's happened once before, then that's good enough for me".

Bullshit. Government changes, the United States governmental system does not protect us against the kind of disaster that happened in Tienanmen square, or the permanent martial law imposed by a "democratic president" in Taiwan.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Zakarath said:
...why would there even be on at all? There's some dysfunction in the government, but there really isn't that much wrong. Additionally, it would get crushed. No matter how many guns the citizenry has, they can't stand up to modern armor and air support.
The government works, but only in a security sense. The government is pretty poor when it comes to political parties (although obviously better than Communism or Fascism). There ARE countries which have better political party systems than the United States.

Really to have something like a second American revolution occur, you need something like a worsening of the economy (far more than now), and/or food shortages or a dramatic shift in government policy for the worse.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Tony said:
Another American Revolution would not happen. The chances of one happening are amazingly tiny. I do believe that America is going to eventually end up like Greece.
Unless I'm mistaken, historically economic downturn has typically been one the things that could lead to revolution.

EDIT: fix'd

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
zehydra said:
Jack the Potato said:
Revolution? Why? If the people get upset with the government, they stage protests, and if the protests are large enough, AND PEACEFUL, the government will have to listen. Martin Luther King Jr. proved that.
One of the things that annoys me the most about American politics is the amount of faith placed in the "precedent" system. By which I mean, when it comes to politics, "If it's happened once before, then that's good enough for me".

Bullshit. Government changes, the United States governmental system does not protect us against the kind of disaster that happened in Tienanmen square, or the permanent martial law imposed by a "democratic president" in Taiwan.
My point was more that MLK showed us that it can be done, and people aren't as stupid as some would say they are, so we'd really have no reason to not TRY peaceful protest before resorting to something much more controversial and violent. But again, this is all hypothetical, because I'm pretty sure aside from a few screwballs, nobody really wants to overthrow the US government. It has problems, but it's not that bad.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Tony said:
Another American Revolution would not happen. The chances of one happening are amazingly tiny. I do believe that America is going to eventually end up like Greece.
Really? I was thinking Rome...

Anyways, On Topic.

I dont think there will be a revolution anytime soon, atleast not like the American Revolution. There may be eventually an uprising of the citizens of this country, due in large part to the total ass-hattery of that going on right now, but even that wont be for a while. What it will take to really cause such a thing, is somewhere down the line, someone or something, either the president or the congress, will make something happen that suddenly causes the whole of the nation to go into an uproar...

My bets on extremist gun laws that bans every type of firearm...


New member
Oct 15, 2011
zehydra said:
Zakarath said:
...why would there even be on at all? There's some dysfunction in the government, but there really isn't that much wrong. Additionally, it would get crushed. No matter how many guns the citizenry has, they can't stand up to modern armor and air support.
The government works, but only in a security sense. The government is pretty poor when it comes to political parties (although obviously better than Communism or Fascism). There ARE countries which have better political party systems than the United States.

Really to have something like a second American revolution occur, you need something like a worsening of the economy (far more than now), and/or food shortages or a dramatic shift in government policy for the worse.

it also works in keeping the hundreds of different cultural/ethnic/religious groups get along more or less, which is no small feat when looking at other countries whose population cant get along with a smaller fraction of groups.

not ideal, of course, but it works.

CrazyDave DC

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Sorry, but the idea of another revolution in the U.S. makes no sense at all. The only revolutions that actually happen are against oppressive, corrupt, authoritarian regimes. What's more likely to happen is an extremist party getting elected and then doing away with democracy in a Hitler-esque fashion, but I can't see Americans ever supporting that.


Apr 28, 2008
Penguinis Weirdus said:
No, it wont happen for a long time, why? Because unlike Syria, Libya or even Egypt you are not under the rule of corrupt regimes whose response to protests is to shoot them.
Because the military totally didn't open up and shoot a bunch of unarmed kids at Kent State?

I'm not saying it was a common occurrence, but it's delusional to think the American government doesn't have a heavy handed approach to squelching protests.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
CrazyDave DC said:
Sorry, but the idea of another revolution in the U.S. makes no sense at all. The only revolutions that actually happen are against oppressive, corrupt, authoritarian regimes. What's more likely to happen is an extremist party getting elected and then doing away with democracy in a Hitler-esque fashion, but I can't see Americans ever supporting that.
considering the rate at which the republican party is cannibalizing itself, neither can i. It would have to be an extremist party that is not associated with either party.

Obamacare is about the only thing keeping the republicans somewhat together.

Andre Rapp

New member
Apr 2, 2010
the American system is too compartmentalized to be a simple "us vs them" rebellion, the various divisions and departments would inevitably side with one faction or the other, the military at large would probably be split with the higher ranking "men of piece" that obtained their rank through politics siding with the government, and a majority of the lower ranking fighting force siding with the rebels. neutrality would be impossible as at some point they would be ordered to attack U.S. citizens, at which point they would be forced to choose one or the other.

this is assuming this rebellion is a normal regimented rebellion like we have seen in the Arab spring, which would be unlikely. a more likely form for any rebellion would be a more tech savvy one, focusing on cyber attacks and assassinations. this would wind up being more of a duel between ever more fierce anti-terrorist crack-down with more and more freedom and rights being rescinded for "national security" and more and more citizens inevitably joining the resistance as fewer and fewer options are available. Obama has already set a precedent for using combat drones to kill U.S. citizens without trial, and the national defense act he amended declared the U.S. a battle ground, meaning that it is legal for him to order the army to perform military action on American soil, which always holds the potential for being used against U.S. citizens. honestly i don't see it as all that far off, the pieces are in place, all that's missing is something to motivate the people to action.

it would be long and bloody, and by the end of it any and all freedoms would have long faded away in order to crack down on the growing resistance. it would effectively end in an eternal cycle of unorganized cyber attacks, then organization of a movement, then the capture and execution of its leaders, and then more disorganized cyber attacks, with bombings sprinkled here and there. eventually one of the other super-powers would side with one of the sides and use them to set up a puppet government, and since most of the other superpowers that would want to do such a thing are communists they would probably side with the government, since it would already be a socialist dictatorship by then, sculpted by the Occupy movement, lobbyists, corrupt officials and your standard "soccer mom" crowd that believes that anything not covered in pillows or containing more than a single grain of sugar should be illegal for our own good.

despite what many seem to think, there is absolutely no chance of any dictatorship forming from the right wing for the simple reason that they actually want the citizens to have access to fire arms, which is the biggest mistake any potential dictator could make. any party that supports rendering me defenseless against the government, however, has me worried, especially when they think the answer to every problem is "more government, more regulation, more red tape"


New member
Oct 15, 2011
AC10 said:
Penguinis Weirdus said:
No, it wont happen for a long time, why? Because unlike Syria, Libya or even Egypt you are not under the rule of corrupt regimes whose response to protests is to shoot them.
Because the military totally didn't open up and shoot a bunch of unarmed kids at Kent State?

I'm not saying it was a common occurrence, but it's delusional to think the American government doesn't have a heavy handed approach to squelching protests.
to be fair, that event had a very serious backlash against the government. Not to mention college students/environment now are completely different from back then. It is possible that could change, but it would take a long time. At the very least, there are no signs that such an event is possible today.

Tom Roberts

New member
Mar 1, 2010
If you really want an interesting look at a second civil war (and both world wars with an Americas Divided) check out Harry Turtledoves Opus, How Few Remain/The Great War/American Empire/Settling Accounts (11 Books in all). It's based on the simple idea of a confederate soldier pointing out to a confederate courier that he had dropped some cigars...

If you're a real history buff you'll know why that matters, and how much it could change.