If You Could Be The Best At One Game...


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Davey Woo said:
Your description of being the best at one game reminds me of when everyone in my year downloaded Unreal GOTY edition onto the school computers. Not a second went by without someone in the classroom shouting "Who's Davey Woo?" "Grrr he just killed me again!"

The people in my year were pretty shit at Unreal...
I don't know to be honest, I think being the best at something would get boring after a while. Except for maybe Rock Band I suppose.
I'd love to be able to 100% on hard, let alone Expert.
Ahhh, I remember when we were playing the origional UT in the back of my computer class... Good times good times. And also, just throwing this out there, If you were really really good, why not play every interment in Rock Band at the same time? That would be worth watching.

A Raging Emo

New member
Apr 14, 2009

Whether that be Bad Company 1/2, 2143, 1943, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1, et cetera...

Battlefield is my favorite shooter with a sense of realism to it. If I had to pick a favorite shooter, though, I'd choose Halo 3.



New member
Mar 18, 2009
Davey Woo said:
IxionIndustries said:
Davey Woo said:
Your description of being the best at one game reminds me of when everyone in my year downloaded Unreal GOTY edition onto the school computers. Not a second went by without someone in the classroom shouting "Who's Davey Woo?" "Grrr he just killed me again!"

The people in my year were pretty shit at Unreal...
I don't know to be honest, I think being the best at something would get boring after a while. Except for maybe Rock Band I suppose.
I'd love to be able to 100% on hard, let alone Expert.
Did you bring the CD to school and install it? Because I'd love to do something like that. Any suggestions for a game?

OT: I'm going to go the mindfreak route, and say... LIFE!

But honestly, Magic the Gathering. I'd own everybody at the local tournaments, and win cash.
Someone had the demo on a USB stick, and they saved it as "important work" in the student user area, so everyone could access it.

I will warn you though, if a class of you is playing it will be obvious because on school computers it takes up a shed-load of the LAN. So prepare to be caught and possibly punished (I don't know your schools rules so I'm just warning)
Our district's internet is extremely slow anyways, so I doubt anyone will notice.

Dusty Donuts

New member
Jul 16, 2009
Aww, it's not Rocktober anymore...is it?
I would become the best at Team Fortress 2, then win a whole bunch of competitions. It's basically the only way to do things with this ability, apart from show off your epic hats from playing all day for "training" or force people to give you hats.
No offence to XBOX users.
EDIT: No, it's still Rocktober, even though it's the 14th, it says it's the 13th as well...hmmm.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Mookie_Magnus said:
Definitely Halo. The entire Halo series, including Halo Wars.

I'd mostly play Halo 3, and watch as people accuse me of 'hax' and cheating and the like. But I would just sit silently and play, maybe make the occasional non-sequitur, or witty sarcastic comment.
It would almost be worth it just to hear everyone ***** at you. Halo 3 or Starcraft, just to spite all of Korea, were tied for second for me.

I Stomp on Kittens

Don't let go!
Nov 3, 2008
So I can show off (of course)
And I could be good at all the instruments on their. Triple threat

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Mr_Powers said:
Ahhh, I remember when we were playing the origional UT in the back of my computer class... Good times good times. And also, just throwing this out there, If you were really really good, why not play every interment in Rock Band at the same time? That would be worth watching.
No, I like Rock Band, because it's the only game I don't get angry at, because I can do it well, but only on medium/hard difficulty. So I'd find solace in the fact that I was the best Rock Bander ever. I don't want to be able to play all the instruments at once, I think that just shows a lack of friends.


New member
May 4, 2008
Fat_Hippo said:
Starcraft. Then I'd go to Korea and be a pro, and actually earn some money with my skills. Hellz yeah.
Man, you stole just about every word I was about to say.

Well, Starcraft aside, I'd probably choose-
Spaceman_Spiff said:
Chess, it is technically a video game.
Dammnit, ninja'd again.

Screw it; Halo 3. I'd humiliate everybody with wimpy weapons and make custom gametypes all day.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
IxionIndustries said:
Our district's internet is extremely slow anyways, so I doubt anyone will notice.
It also depends on how underclocked your school's PC's are, they might not be able to run it at all.

Regardless it does provide a lot of fun if you can get it to work (I think we got the demo off the PCWorld website somehow)


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Jaranja said:

if you 0wnded Second Life youd could actuall make mad real life money.. selling property and "art" and whatnot..

Ignoring prize money, Id go for tekken myself :) oh wait, i already am :p

Draco Kaiser

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Halo 3 or Starcraft. Halo 3 to crap on the other pros cause I'm a douche ;]. Starcraft cause I wouldn't need a job anymore.