If you could create a Fallout Vault experiment, what would you do?


New member
Jun 19, 2009
stone0042 said:
rickthetrick said:
stone0042 said:
rickthetrick said:
Insert Comedy Here said:
Build a Vault with food dispensers that constantly dispense food, all the fatty stuff. Release a gas into the air that nullifies the brains signals that tell people to "Stop eating, fatty!".
All the jumpsuit extruding machines release incredibly comfortable and extravagant clothing, not just the jumpsuits.
Also the entire Vault is furnished like a ludicrously wealthy, vice enjoying billionaire, with all sorts of extravagances that people enjoy.

Then after around 50 or so years, assuming that the people haven't gotten so fat that they can't procreate, take it all away.
A series of bizarre accidents disables most of the Vaults entertainment areas, leaving the Overseers office, the living areas, and basically anywhere you can't have fun, intact.
The jumpsuits produced are now horribly itchy, and break down easily.
The food dispenser still produce the same types of food, just only enough to feed half the Vault. Also, that gas is still pumping.
Then after another 25 years, the Vault opens.

The Aim: See what happens when you give people everything they want, then take it away from them, especially after that are so used to it.

Hypothesis: Cannibalism, at least at some point.

or just look at most americans.

I'd make a vault where only ten percent of teh population coudl see or hear. They'd have to take it upon themselves to care for the rest, or let everyone die. Be an interesting morality test.
ouch. I guess the American comment is deserved though, we are very overweight as a people.
well that and we are spoiled as a nation. We complain about being bored when other coutries are struggling to just live. Ever see an 8 year old with an ak 47 for protection? I have.
Yeah, there's that to. I just count myself lucky that i was born in a fully developed, successful country.
Oh yeah don't get me wrong I'm not hating america. It's where I keep my stuff after all.
I'm just saying a lot of people don't appreciate what they got.
so to close I say



Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Well considering I can edit script with the G.E.C.K., I can already do this. So there is no if.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
no baths, beds and only raw vegan food whit no spices what so ever (not even salt)

the vault dwellers would become tired from the lack of nutrition, they would have to sleep on the hard floor and would soon start to smell, i would like to see how they would react or if they even would be alive after just 4 weeks.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
imacharginmehlaz0r said:
Danny Ocean said:
imacharginmehlaz0r said:
would the mesh be connecticated?
Like the speaking holes they have in prisons?
will it be like just spereating them or will they be away from eachother?
Oh, just separating them. They could cut it if they had a means to. There's only one layer.

you rolled a one

New member
May 7, 2009
i would make two vaults that has all needed food and water but give only water to one vault and food tothe other and conect the vaults

chaos ensues

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
imacharginmehlaz0r said:
Danny Ocean said:
imacharginmehlaz0r said:
Danny Ocean said:
imacharginmehlaz0r said:
would the mesh be connecticated?
Like the speaking holes they have in prisons?
will it be like just spereating them or will they be away from eachother?
Oh, just separating them. They could cut it if they had a means to. There's only one layer.
could they bite it?
Yes, but it's steel frame, not wire, so it'd hurt like crap.

Guitar Gamer

New member
Apr 12, 2009
vault 13: all types of metal are played constantly (but not to the extent that everyone goes deaf)

everything in the fault is metal (in the figurative meaning as well as the literal)

everyone must be able to master a heavy metal instrument and Medevil weaponry

seal the fault for 200 hundred years and then play a automated message instead of metal saying "time to go, get your G.E.C.K, instruments, and pizza and get out


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Mix the water with Pixie Sticks and give all the residents Japanese anime and manga on one side and on the other Mix the water with liquid testosterone and give the residents action movies and super hero comics.

FYI I was making this up halfway typing it.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
My first thought was to have the lights dim a very little bit each week to test and see if the inhabitants would eventually get night-vision, but then I thought it might be more fun to change the color of the light instead. After a couple of generations of everything turning a greenish hue, would the inhabitants become calmer, or a redder hue make them more hostile? Only time will tell.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
A vault where there are no bins and everyone is given chewing gum, but if you take the gum out and put it anywhere other then a bin, you will be shot.

Enjoy the chewing!


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I'd fill it full of marketing people, TV news talking heads, Goldman Sachs executives, and assorted other parasites who have never had to do actual meaningful work in their lives, and give them nothing but vegetable seeds and the means to garden them and make them live in an agrarian society and see if they made it even one year.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Put me in vault with a bunch of very atractive wemon. And see how long it takes till it becomes a Super Epic Fail.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I would have a vault were all the females or males died off and see what happened, wow that would suck though


The One with the Cake
Oct 17, 2008
Nerdfury said:
My vault will be filled with friendly versions of all the enemies outside - humanoids will be intelligent and friendly, non-humanoids will be loving pet-like creatures. Then, when the vault opens everyone will be released into the world at large and come across rabid mutants, mole rats, death claws and rad-scorpions, et al. Residents will see a death claw or mole rat and be all "Awh, who's a cyoot widdle def-cwaw!" or see a super mutant and say "Hey, man, what's up? Didja catch the game?"

Hilarity will ensue!
If you have the animal friends perk you can do that anyway. Well, with animals at least. I always walk up to sleeping Yao Guai and be like "Aw, who's so cute?" They just yawn...

I would have a vault with 200 people in it. 2 people of each age between 1 and 100, one male, one female. Then give them enough rations to last 100 people 100 years. See what happens.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
As an autistic person myself I'd have a vault with just people with autism to see how it would compare with a vault filled with non-disabled people.


You matter in this world. Smile!
Feb 22, 2009
I'd have a vault where everyone is fluent in just one language - a different one for every person. Nothing will be written down - operating instructions, warning signs etc would be in the form of pictures.

Then see how long it takes for the communication barrier to break.