If you find anime girls attractive does that make you a pedophile?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
GundamSentinel said:
Then there's also the thing that pedophile =/= child molester. Too often are those two things used synonymously. By far, most pedophiles live perfectly normal lives without child abuse. Pedophilia is not necessarily harmful.

Neurologically, pedophilia is very similar to homosexuality (ooh, controversial...) or other kinds of what would be considered deviant sexual preferences. It's just the practicing pedophilia is not legal or accepted (obviously, with good reason) and homosexuality is merely often not accepted and only illegal in certain parts of the world.

And to add to that, the fact that it's not something people should be engaging in is a modern concept. Homosexuality has been demonized for far longer, pedophilia used to be accepted by older peoples across the ages and even due to Christianity while homosexuality was demonized again thanks to religion. If you have to take one "deviant" sexual preference which has taken the most flak, it's definitely homosexuality.

For a nation of "saved" people, like a lot of Americans like to think they are, there seems to be large ignorance of historic fact and new ideas replacing those historic facts as the way the world works in their heads. Such ignorance just...bugs me. XD


New member
Apr 10, 2011
snowplow said:
Being attracted to japanese drawings of women is however considered creepy, so if you care about your social standing you should keep that under consideration.
That was part of my original question but I didn't state it really well. Do most people seriously think that being attracted to drawings is weird? Because if so then most of the internet is guilty imo.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
LobsterFeng said:
snowplow said:
Being attracted to japanese drawings of women is however considered creepy, so if you care about your social standing you should keep that under consideration.
That was part of my original question but I didn't state it really well. Do most people seriously think that being attracted to drawings is weird? Because if so then most of the internet is guilty imo.
Most people agree it's creepy, but will hide the fact that they feel the same way in order to save face.

People will see the mental imagery of woman on a broomstick with two melons strapped to it, and have since the days we were spanking it to cave paintings. Anyone too overt about how creepy he thinks finding cartoons sexy is usually has other sick tastes he's completely ashamed of, and will go out of his way to break *you* down in order to not appear suspect.

All in all, completely normal. What's not normal is the levels of denial going on in this thread.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
GTwander said:
LobsterFeng said:
snowplow said:
Being attracted to japanese drawings of women is however considered creepy, so if you care about your social standing you should keep that under consideration.
That was part of my original question but I didn't state it really well. Do most people seriously think that being attracted to drawings is weird? Because if so then most of the internet is guilty imo.
Most people agree it's creepy, but will hide the fact that they feel the same way in order to save face.

People will see the mental imagery of woman on a broomstick with two melons strapped to it, and have since the days we were spanking it to cave paintings. Anyone too overt about how creepy he thinks finding cartoons sexy is usually has other sick tastes he's completely ashamed of, and will go out of his way to break *you* down in order to not appear suspect.

All in all, completely normal. What's not normal is the levels of denial going on in this thread.

This sums it up nicely~


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Ummm No, far from it actually. Is it weird? I don't want to judge you especially since i've never liked anime. But this is the internet... nah, i'm still not one to judge.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Being attracted to anime women happens all the time. Lots of people are like that, and there's nothing wrong with you if you are. Welcome to the club. Try to disregard anybody who calls you a freak. Haters gonna hate. The truth is, anime women are hawt. They just are. They're designed to be that way intentionally.

And even if the anime girl is clearly a child in canon, finding her attractive does not make you a pedophile. I happen to know that most people who find underage anime girls attractive (lolis) do not find real underage girls attractive. This is because the charm of anime children is a completely different fetish. This is also why it's wrong to lock a man up for having cartoon porn of minors, because it's just a cartoon, and an attraction to it does not signify an attraction to real children. I know these things because I'm very involved with both anime and various (completely legal) fetish communities. There's really no reason for anybody to be concerned about people who like anime minors, because they're no threat to real minors. These people are not dangerous in any way whatsoever. It's a harmful misconception that results in a lot of cartoon-loving people being lumped in with pedophiles, when they totally aren't.

And anime girls 13 or older tend to be built like 18-22 year olds anyway. It's just the way they're drawn. Anime women have never been realistic, and that's exactly why many people love them. I love me some Revy [http://tcanimaniablog.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/revy-1.jpg], Panty [http://images.wikia.com/ideas/images/1/11/Panty.and.Stocking.with.Garterbelt.505852.jpg], Ryomou [http://static.zerochan.net/Ryomou.Shimei.full.164187.jpg], and Hinata [http://i.minus.com/jq8C7hOnUDMrp.jpg], but I also like Evangeline [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mdsstOCZ7sU/TTXUht_jlbI/AAAAAAAAANc/1CeNujGCcEI/s1600/negimadvdvol5.jpg] and Hinata [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090703054425/naruto/images/9/9a/Hinata.jpg]. Yes, I do like mature women. But in spite of the last two, no, I'm not a pedophile. In fact, I don't even like children, much less find them attractive. Heck no. Sometimes when I see children in public, I just want them to go away.

So in short:
-An attraction to mature anime women is normal. It happens to a lot of people.
-An attraction to underage anime girls does not make you a pedophile.
-Most people who are into anime lolis don't find real children attractive.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
LobsterFeng said:
Okay obviously this topic is much deeper than the title suggests and I've actually had this thought floating around my head for a while but The Jimquisition's recent episode made me decide to start this thread.

So this is just me, but I find anime girls (and most animated girls in general) very attractive. I'm not attracted to them to the level where it becomes too weird - at least I don't think I am but you can be the judge of that I guess - but if I were to decide to fantasize about a female fictional character I would definitely choose an animated one over one portrayed by an actress or whatever.

Anyway, there seems to be a lot of people who look at at such girls and find them very unsettling because to them they look like children with disproportionate breasts that shouldn't be on there. Which as a fan of anime I can say that's totally reasonable.

Now I realize that there is a lot of weird stuff in anime, and I'm not a fan of it all (personally can't stand big breasts I think they ruin the prettiness of the character.) And there's a lot of variables so such a topic can't really be generalized. But I'm just wondering, if I were to say that I were attracted to a girl character in an anime, and that character happened to be around an average teen age of 14-17 or whatever, which does happen, would that make me a pedophile or would you see me as a pedophile?

I'm 19 if anyone needs that context. And I'm still very much attracted to IRL girls if you need to know that too. And don't worry I'm not attracted to IRL children/young teens. (Please believe me, I'm not, I find that so gross.)

EDIT: Mother of crap, this is why you don't start a thread and then go to bed all night and then work all day. But if people need more clarification, like I said above, I AM STILL VERY MUCH ATTRACTED TO IRL WOMEN AND HAVE EVEN BEEN KNOWN TO DATE THEM OCCASIONALLY. So no, thinking anime chicks are better than them is not a problem.

EDIT 2: Oh and I forgot to say that along with anime girls this also includes western cartoons, American comics, etc. So yeah...make what you will of that.
Depends, do they look like this lady here;

Congratulations you are "normal".

PS: paedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescence, not merely "younger teens" though both are under the banner of "underage" so may be treated as paedophilia but I think it's a bit different as in Most US states and most countries in the western world the age of consent is 16 years old and many 16 year olds can be as fully developed as a 32 year old.

I obviously don't think it's evil for a 19 year old to be attracted to a 16 year old or even a 15 year old, the close in age and similar maturity, not like those sickos who kidnap 5 year old girls. Just because the common factor is under-age, that's not the same thing morally.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
If being attracted to 2D cartoons is wrong, then you're just as bad if you cried at the end of Toy Story 3.

Not only are they toys but they aren't even real things, they are computer animated polygons.

If you were EVER EVER emotionally moved by any animated feature, video game or painting then you are just as bad as anyone who jacked off to drawings as in all cases you allow something which is not a direct representation of real affect you on a significant level.

You shouldn't even read and enjoy book, those are just words after all and you're letting them affect you emotionally. All of the paintings ever made should be incinerated for cheap energy resource as they are "just drawings, not actual real people". HUUUURRRRR! Well that doesn't mean they aren't significant.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
LobsterFeng said:
That was part of my original question but I didn't state it really well. Do most people seriously think that being attracted to drawings is weird? Because if so then most of the internet is guilty imo.
It's not that strange when the character is obviously sexualised but I do find it weird when some people on the internet seem to have obsessions with the characters. I've spoken to some people who literally think that they're in love with an anime character and that's not normal. However, most of these people tend to have very little experience with real women.

I think it becomes unhealthy when you find yourself exclusively attracted to fictional, animated characters so that no real person could ever live up to the expectation.

It's like the equivalent of a woman decided she's going to wait around until Edward Cullen becomes a real person.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
Chemical Alia said:
Dreiko said:
As for the artists, they usually tend to make idolized aspects of humanity. The absolutely coolest, cutest, sexiest, etc. according to their ideas. "Creepy" is in the eye of the beholder and all that.

I ran into this today, thought I might as well share it as it seems to be relevant and up the OP's alley.

Oh God, what ARE they? Honestly though, the whole "real life anime character" look in cosplay can work well enough for people with that style of facial structure. Though, I tend to find it's far less creepy with more anatomically grounded anime styles than things like Sailor Moon. Hell, based off of your profile pic you might even be able to pull it off.

This isn't too far off from what I'd consider anime. Though I guess it's more an approximation of you in an anime style than an actual likeness.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
Ryan Hughes said:
DoPo said:
axlryder said:
Ryan Hughes said:
DoPo said:
Ryan Hughes said:
DoPo said:
Ryan Hughes said:
That being said, if you find yourself irresistibly attracted to 16 year old, real world women, then please seek help, and it might be a good idea to seek help, and the first step might be to stop watching anime.
Hold on, what exactly is wrong with 16 year olds? What distinguishes them from 18 year olds? And can you tell that difference by a glance?
The law distinguishes between them, and since pedophilia is a crime. . . It is worth noting that in some countries like New Zealand, the age of sexual consent is 16, so that would actually be legal there, morally abhorrent, but legal.
You still haven't explained what's wrong. You're just stating it is without elaborating. And you also didn't say how would one tell exact age at a glance. Furthermore, the age of consent is not 18 all around the world, not even most of the world. In Europe, it's mostly between 14 and 16, for example.
You cannot tell exact age at a glance, especially not in media, because as I said, all media is representation, and this implies that there is also distortion. In real life, you simply have to ask the age of a woman if you are not sure.

Also, do you really need me to waste my time explaining to you about how children under the age of 18 have -on average- under-developed frontal cortices which inhibit decision-making, and even at the age of 18, this is questionable. Shall I explain to you how grass is green and how the sky is blue while I am at it?
You're taking a general medical fact and trying to apply it absolutely across a set of general circumstances and slapping the label "morally abhorrent" on said circumstances. That's silly. You already distinguished that it's "on average". There are a multitude of variables I can think of that would grey the line in this case. The prefrontal cortex doesn't complete it's development until around the age of 25 for crying out loud.
Well, it appears I've been ninja'd. Also, I'd like to point out that, on average, males are supposed to be attracted to girls around 16 years of age, because that's how people work.
Look, if you guys want to invent increasingly delusional ways to justify your fantasies, then more power to you. But I feel like I would have to reduce my argument to an asinine level for you to even understand. So have fun. It is all intellectual anyway, as I am quite certain these will remain fantasies for you, regardless of your intentions.
It's cute that you'd bother responding to the people you deem so intellectually incompetent. I'm sorry, but pure condescension doesn't convince anybody of your position. It just reduces people's opinion of you and makes it seem like you have no idea what you're talking about. On top of that, the entire premise of your comment is based on a bad presumption (whose fantasy was this again? I never claimed it to be mine), which is something I wouldn't expect out of an even moderately intelligent person. You go ahead and keep on overestimating your own intellect though.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Syntax Error said:
JoJo said:
snip from last post in page 1
Australia did ban A-cups in porn, so there.
did they ban shaved vajay-jays as well?

Because I'd LOVE to see the Australian Porn inspector coming around to make sure all the ladies in your porno are old, fat and hairy enough to meet government standards.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
The Lunatic said:
It's an odd one, really.

I don't think directly.

A lot of anime women have childlike aspects, and I think if you're attracted to those, even in the body of a mature adult, then, yeah, you have an attraction to under-age aspects.
Is that really fair?

I mean how many men do you know who prefer women with big bush hair in their armpits and groin? Most prefer shaved or at least extremely trimmed, and hairy armpits is a dealkiller for most, but does that make most men paedophiles?

Most women prefer men with a shaved face, or at the very least trimmed down facial hair does that mean all women are also paedophiles because they don't go for the Hagrid look?

Big breasts and rounded hips on hentai women are FAR more prominent adult features than large eyes are childlike features. And large eyes are not childlike, if anything it's a visual style that emphasises relatable-ness. Evil unrelatable characters in comics and animation in both east as west tend to have smaller eyes.

Notice how Mr Burns has small eyes relative to his face compared to Homer Simpson. When a bad character becomes good (you know, the Mr-Grinch-heart-grows-moment) their eyes are drawn larger. Big eyes are just more appealing, not childlike. Childlike is mainly in body proportions like large head relative to a squat body and gangly limbs.

Frankly I find this "Anime women are secret fanservice for pedos" completely unfounded.

There IS fan-service for pedos but that isn't it, you'll know it when you see it, it's blatant but rare.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
If you find anime girls attractive (regardless of if they are underage or not) than it's just a fantasy. These are drawings that were not intended to bring harm.

Anime based child porn laws might exist though.
But I'm sure they don't place you on the same societal level as a pedophile.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Colour-Scientist said:
LobsterFeng said:
That was part of my original question but I didn't state it really well. Do most people seriously think that being attracted to drawings is weird? Because if so then most of the internet is guilty imo.
It's not that strange when the character is obviously sexualised but I do find it weird when some people on the internet seem to have obsessions with the characters. I've spoken to some people who literally think that they're in love with an anime character and that's not normal. However, most of these people tend to have very little experience with real women.

I think it becomes unhealthy when you find yourself exclusively attracted to fictional, animated characters so that no real person could ever live up to the expectation.

It's like the equivalent of a woman decided she's going to wait around until Edward Cullen becomes a real person.
It's no worse than how most of the movie-going public does the same with a live action character actors. They are both works of fiction, Tom Cruise is nothing like the roles he plays in films.

Patrick Stewart is no where near the perfect gary-sue he is when he plays Captain Jean Luc Picard.

I couldn't resist.



Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Treblaine said:
It's no worse than how most of the movie-going public does the same with a live action character actors. They are both works of fiction, Tom Cruise is nothing like the roles he plays in films.

Patrick Stewart is no where near the perfect gary-sue he is when he plays Captain Jean Luc Picard.
Yes and it would be extremely unhealthy to hold a real human being up to those standards, which is occasionally the case with people who become a bit too obsessed with certain anime characters.


Trippin' balls man.
Jan 9, 2012
Nah, we can find a lot of weird shit sexy, as long as we can recognize certain aesthetics in it.

Though if you only like little girls, then yes, you be teh pedobear.