If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas

Anthony Wells

New member
May 28, 2011
i live in texas for one reason..things are cheaper here. and most texan people here in corpus christi are actually smart and not idiotic.

edit: wheres my quote...son of a ...

Edit 2: here it is
thethingthatlurks said:
I moved out of Texas just under two months ago. Glad this wretched and primitive hellhole hasn't changed one bit...

You know that racist grandfather everybody has? Hit him over the head with a shovel two or so dozen times, then leave him out in the sun all day. That's Texas in a nutshell, a state full of idiots, racists, religious zealots, I-am-totally-not-compensating-for-having-a-really-small-penis-by-owning-twenty-guns types, rednecks, and for some reason a really good university. Oh, and Austin is a pretty nice place as well...

The Long Road

New member
Sep 3, 2010
If I were to bet, I'd put big money on the OP whining about Fox News at least once every week, probably more. Oh well. Hypocrisy is a ubiquitous human trait. Keeps us all sane and happy.

Huffington Post is going to sniff out the worst offenders of good taste they can find and publish them, so long as they make liberal ideology seem like humanity's last shining beacon in the dark. That's their business model. At its core, it's no different than Fox's strategy of making liberals look like the Red Army reincarnate. Inciting crowds draws business, and at the end of the day, those employed by both Fox and Huffington need to put food on the table.

The worst thing people could possibly do here is say "Only in America/Texas", because you're just displaying your own bigotry. It's a different flavor, for sure, and for some reason it's more socially acceptable. However, you've just shown that you're capable of the exact same thoughts this guy has. Would you eliminate him and his kind just because of their opinions? If you thought "yes" for even a nanosecond, that means you're a bigot, too.

Considering the population of both liberals and Muslims generally drops sharply when away from major population centers, it's almost certain that this was a giant publicity stunt to get the attention of, well, people like the OP. Perhaps he's truly devious and his plan was to get all the "All Americans are racist idiots" people to come out of the woodwork and show that neither side has a monopoly on bigotry.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I love all these people saying "Only in America", as if we're all a bunch of overweight hicks in cowboy hats who instantly despise anyone who isn't a Christian or voted for the party opposite of the one they like.
I am in no way saying that this individual is an idiot and a bigot, and I am not saying that he is the only bigoted, idiotic person in existence, but this is getting ridiculous.
That said, I, being a Christian, would still probably dress like a Muslim just to go to his gun class.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Jodah said:
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
A private institution can deny anyone they want. Any business can do it, most won't, however, due to bad publicity. This only applies to service btw. Hiring is a whole different story.

The government is not a private institution. Licenses are given by the government. Thats like saying that they can refuse to give you a Drivers License at the DMV because they dont like your race or your religion, and thats somehow protected under the 1st amendments FREE SPEECH. Nope, sure isnt. Its the constitution that says the OPPOSITE, that everyone is protected under the law.

Its so hilarious. This man is trying to infringe on peoples SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, the thing the gun nuts are saying IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT EVER, and heres a man who is literally trying to go against that amendment, but because he said "YEEEHAAA, MUSLIMS/OBAMA!", all of a sudden the constitution doesnt matter anymore.

Well, that pretty much disregards everything you guys have to say about that forever....
Licenses are given by the government, the classes are taught by private individuals. He isn't denying them a license, he is refusing to teach them the course. Anyone he refuses is free to go somewhere else to take the course.

Edit: Side note, I don't support what he did. I do, however, support his right to do it.
Yes, he can deny to teach gun safety to people. Thus losing HIS license to give out gun safety licenses, which is from the government.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
A private institution can deny anyone they want. Any business can do it, most won't, however, due to bad publicity. This only applies to service btw. Hiring is a whole different story.

The government is not a private institution. Licenses are given by the government. Thats like saying that they can refuse to give you a Drivers License at the DMV because they dont like your race or your religion, and thats somehow protected under the 1st amendments FREE SPEECH. Nope, sure isnt. Its the constitution that says the OPPOSITE, that everyone is protected under the law.

Its so hilarious. This man is trying to infringe on peoples SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, the thing the gun nuts are saying IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT EVER, and heres a man who is literally trying to go against that amendment, but because he said "YEEEHAAA, MUSLIMS/OBAMA!", all of a sudden the constitution doesnt matter anymore.

Well, that pretty much disregards everything you guys have to say about that forever....
Licenses are given by the government, the classes are taught by private individuals. He isn't denying them a license, he is refusing to teach them the course. Anyone he refuses is free to go somewhere else to take the course.

Edit: Side note, I don't support what he did. I do, however, support his right to do it.
Yes, he can deny to teach gun safety to people. Thus losing HIS license to give out gun safety licenses, which is from the government.
And that's between him and the government that issued it. My point is he isn't doing anything illegal and is just another bigot trying to get attention. If Texas wants to yank his license then they can, but its still his right to refuse to teach them.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Jimmybobjr said:
Ahh, america. Too many Bigoted, uneducated, moronic people who dont understand that it is they are saying.

Gotta love it.
I see, and what wellspring of love and hugs do you spring from?

"Ha ha, Americans are bigots that make generalizations and don't understand other cultures, ha ha ha."


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
Jarimir said:
Sandytimeman said:
out of curiosity, if someone left the Muslim church you belong to, to become an atheist or w/e and you had a gun. What would you do, or should do, according to the Koran?

I don't agree with this guy. But religious people in general scare me when it mandates killing in their holy book. Yes this includes the old testament as well as the Koran.
You do know that the Bible commands you to sell your daughter into slavery if she will not marry who you want and to ask the town elders to stone your son to death if he misbehaves too much?

It isnt just the Koran...
allow me to point out

from my earlier post said:
Yes this includes the old testament as well as the Koran.


New member
Oct 27, 2011
A Texan said something intolerant on the radio!?!? Good Lord! I can see how this has become a 9 page discussion.

Wushu Panda

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Jarimir said:
Wushu Panda said:
They are stupid, too damn restrictive. USA has tons of gun control laws and not one of them actually proven to reduce crime rates. It HAS been proven that when gun laws become more lenient in an area, crime drops. There are a bunch if cases when guns have been used for self defense, why? because criminals dont fear cops, they people defending themselves.

I dont know which country youre from. But each has its own domestic problems and solutions. Ive known friends who have gotten mugged ten feet of college campus. Why? because guns arent allowed there and criminals know its easier to mug and even rape students. Dont call another country's laws BS if you are ignorant and ill informed.
Since you can pull studies out of your ass, so can I. It has been proven that lenient gun control laws DO NOTHING to the crime rate. It has been proven that when a gun is in your home you or a family member are far more likely to die by that gun than by that of a criminal (this study I have actually heard about). You cite anecdotal evidence against gun control, I can cite anecdotal evidence FOR it. One of my uncles died due to accidental gun fire. NONE of my family, friends, aquaintences have ever been in a situation where a gun would have saved a life or prevented a crime. That's 0 points for gun ownership, 1 point against.

Even then I dont want to ban guns, I want them controlled/regulated. The right to bear arms is pretty vague. At todays tech level that could include orbiting lasers and thermonuclear weapons.

Every right has restrictions. If you cant hunt without a 15 round or more clip and a semi-automatic rifle you FAIL as a hunter. If you think you need a semi-automatic assault rifle to defend your home, you should consider taking medication to reign in that paranoia you have. Gun ownership with resonable restrictions should allow you to hunt and defend yourself just fine. I am sorry if you and your buddies like to dress up in camo and play real life "army" with military grade weapons, and then get all butt-hurt and pout like a spoiled 5yo when people suggest taking your toys away. But, none of that has anything to do with rights or reasonable restrictions on those rights.
"has been proven that when a gun is in your home you or a family member are far more likely to die by that gun than by that of a criminal"

Do you know why? because people are irresponsible and lazy. That "study" is wrongfully used to support gun control because they leave out other points. In that study it also showed that the guns in question were being kept loaded and unlocked. Parents would hide the gun from their children instead of educating them on the dangers.

My mom grew up in a home of 3 children and her father had a small arsenal. He sat them down taught all of them how dangerous guns can be and the consequences of joking around with firearms. Do you know how many times they had a problem? never. I owned my first gun as a senior in high school, shotgun. Im one of six children. I sat down with my younger siblings and explained how dangerous they can be, we never had a problem either. Its not difficult to educate young kids on the dangers. People are just F*CKING stupid. Every single "accident" could have easily been avoided with common sense.

I dont know what kind of accidental gun fire could have occurred to kill your uncle. Pretty simple rules of dont leave loaded guns unattended and make sure they arent pointed at people.

Owning guns is already well restricted. the NRA even supports a lot of checks to make sure guns are not sold to criminals. But thats where the problem lies. Criminals are not following laws buying guns in stores to allow themselves get checked. They use illegal means to acquire guns, gun control is bullshit because all it does is keep them out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

What the hell do you mean vague? US citizens are allowed to own firearms to defend themselves. Its one of the shortest amendments and most specifically worded. and exactly how many run-of-the-mill people do you know, or heard of, that owns a fuckin orbital laser or thermonuclear weapon? now whos pulling BS out of their ass?

Who said anything about hunting with automatic rifles? Why exactly are you making up stories?

Lastly here is some info for your reading and viewing education.
An Article by World Net Daily.
"National Academy of Sciences, Justice Dept. reports find no benefits to restricting ownership of firearms"

Penn & Teller's Emmy winning Bullshit series does an episode on Gun Control and much it's useless.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
There are no facepalms hard enough. Whatever happened to free exercise? I mean, a muslim or other non-christian could probably sue him pretty hard based on R.A.V. vs. St. Paul, and I'm pretty sure that if people pay for this course, then it's probably a violation of the 1964 civil rights law...

"You've already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law"

Those who live in glass houses, Mr. Keller. Especially since you probably voted for Rick Perry.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Jimmybobjr said:
I just had a thought; To the American readers-

-Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you were required to use your personal firearm for defence?-

Cause i find America's gun laws stupid.
What about them do you find stupid, per say?

OT: I don't think he should be doing this.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Well it is a good thing I voted for Stephen Colbert then. This is all fine and well, but this guy really isn't the rule. There are people in other countries who think like this as well. There are people who think like this about Americans. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, and he is entitled to run his business the way he wants. I don't agree with it, but then again I don't disagree with his right to say it.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Wushu Panda said:
"has been proven that when a gun is in your home you or a family member are far more likely to die by that gun than by that of a criminal"

Do you know why? because people are irresponsible and lazy. That "study" is wrongfully used to support gun control because they leave out other points. In that study it also showed that the guns in question were being kept loaded and unlocked. Parents would hide the gun from their children instead of educating them on the dangers.

My mom grew up in a home of 3 children and her father had a small arsenal. He sat them down taught all of them how dangerous guns can be and the consequences of joking around with firearms. Do you know how many times they had a problem? never. I owned my first gun as a senior in high school, shotgun. Im one of six children. I sat down with my younger siblings and explained how dangerous they can be, we never had a problem either. Its not difficult to educate young kids on the dangers. People are just F*CKING stupid. Every single "accident" could have easily been avoided with common sense.

I dont know what kind of accidental gun fire could have occurred to kill your uncle. Pretty simple rules of dont leave loaded guns unattended and make sure they arent pointed at people.

Owning guns is already well restricted. the NRA even supports a lot of checks to make sure guns are not sold to criminals. But thats where the problem lies. Criminals are not following laws buying guns in stores to allow themselves get checked. They use illegal means to acquire guns, gun control is bullshit because all it does is keep them out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

What the hell do you mean vague? US citizens are allowed to own firearms to defend themselves. Its one of the shortest amendments and most specifically worded. and exactly how many run-of-the-mill people do you know, or heard of, that owns a fuckin orbital laser or thermonuclear weapon? now whos pulling BS out of their ass?

Who said anything about hunting with automatic rifles? Why exactly are you making up stories?

Lastly here is some info for your reading and viewing education.
An Article by World Net Daily.
"National Academy of Sciences, Justice Dept. reports find no benefits to restricting ownership of firearms"

Penn & Teller's Emmy winning Bullshit series does an episode on Gun Control and much it's useless.
Hm. Funny how the violent crime rate dropped consistently once the Brady Bill went into effect.

Most of the illegally obtained guns used in crime were stolen/illegally purchased from people who bought them legally. It's pretty hard to smuggle an american-made gun into a country it's already in. Obviously systematic gang violence using smuggled weapons that aren't legal in most western countries is an exception.

Anyway, the 2nd amendment actually is kind of ambiguous. When they wrote "bear arms," what arms did they mean? They obviously didn't specify, but does that give everyone the constitutional right to own a bazooka? It also mentions a "well-regulated militia." Now, that's even more ambiguous. How do you define "well-regulated?" Do you mean like the colonial militias in Great Britain, the occasional hoplite training sessions in Greece, or does everyone automatically belong to "the militia?" (I mean the amendment itself is pretty ambiguously worded, the various interpretations of it based on an ancient court ruling are pretty clear.)

I personally think guns need to be regulated in some way, but a complete ban is something different. The other option is to go the route of several other countries, and require everyone to undergo military training, then issue them a powerful rifle. When everyone has one, it's a lot less safe to break into someone's house, so basically as long as everyone has one or no one does, it helps the crime rate. But to be honest, if you're going to half ass it, you might as well regulate certain types of weapons. There will never be a need for any person to own an automatic weapon, since hunting with one is impractical and inefficient, target practice with one is even sillier (Have you ever tried holding an automatic weapon steadily on a target? Even in short bursts it's probably not as a effective as a semi-automatic weapon at any appreciable range), and using an automatic weapon for home defense is just going a little over the top, to be honest. No one will ever need heavy ordinance. Handguns are even less practical, as they're basically useless at any range of over 40 yards, they're easy to conceal (and thus easier to commit crimes with), they're cheap and easy to obtain, and capable of killing a lot of people quickly. When something has no practical use aside from killing people, is it really something you want to have as a widespread aspect of your society? Things like hunting rifles and shotguns, even semi-automatic ones, have clear purposes for both sport and hunting, and as long as you pass the mental health/criminal background check, you should be able to own one in pretty much any caliber allowed under the geneva convention.

Also, going back to the accidents, that's exactly the point. If guns are easy to obtain (a la no gun control laws), lazy and irresponsible people will have easy access to them, and thus accidents will happen frequently. You are more likely (statistically, probably not you personally, from your attitude) to accidentally hurt your own family member than a burglar. You can't regulate gun ownership based on arbitrary determinations of someone's responsibility/laziness, so you really can't keep stupid lazy irresponsible people from owning guns. What you can do is keep them from owning guns most likely to cause those accidents.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Jodah said:
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
A private institution can deny anyone they want. Any business can do it, most won't, however, due to bad publicity. This only applies to service btw. Hiring is a whole different story.

The government is not a private institution. Licenses are given by the government. Thats like saying that they can refuse to give you a Drivers License at the DMV because they dont like your race or your religion, and thats somehow protected under the 1st amendments FREE SPEECH. Nope, sure isnt. Its the constitution that says the OPPOSITE, that everyone is protected under the law.

Its so hilarious. This man is trying to infringe on peoples SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, the thing the gun nuts are saying IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT EVER, and heres a man who is literally trying to go against that amendment, but because he said "YEEEHAAA, MUSLIMS/OBAMA!", all of a sudden the constitution doesnt matter anymore.

Well, that pretty much disregards everything you guys have to say about that forever....
Licenses are given by the government, the classes are taught by private individuals. He isn't denying them a license, he is refusing to teach them the course. Anyone he refuses is free to go somewhere else to take the course.

Edit: Side note, I don't support what he did. I do, however, support his right to do it.
Yes, he can deny to teach gun safety to people. Thus losing HIS license to give out gun safety licenses, which is from the government.
And that's between him and the government that issued it. My point is he isn't doing anything illegal and is just another bigot trying to get attention. If Texas wants to yank his license then they can, but its still his right to refuse to teach them.
Actually, I'm pretty sure he's violating the civil right's act of 1964. If not, he's certainly violating the 15th amendment, as the state issued the license to Keller to teach those gun classes. Blatant discrimination based on color, race, previous condition of servitude, you get the idea is unconstitutional, he could definitely be sued if anyone was determined enough. At the very least the government could probably constitutionally make a ruling governing this, because I seriously doubt all of his guns come from within Texas.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Laggyteabag said:
Mmm.. racism

"The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American," Keller reportedly added. "Why should I arm these people to kill me, that's suicide."

Wow, just wow
Because, you know, the population of America wasn't founded on religious tolerance or anything *facepalm.* I mean, we are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian-Islamic values (actually the values of essentially every religion ever- There are so many common themes in the various moral codes of religions that to say a law is derived from one or the other is just silly. I mean, everyone has their own prejudices, but prejudices are like a penis; you may have one, but don't whip it out and shove it down other people's throats.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Jodah said:
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
A private institution can deny anyone they want. Any business can do it, most won't, however, due to bad publicity. This only applies to service btw. Hiring is a whole different story.

The government is not a private institution. Licenses are given by the government. Thats like saying that they can refuse to give you a Drivers License at the DMV because they dont like your race or your religion, and thats somehow protected under the 1st amendments FREE SPEECH. Nope, sure isnt. Its the constitution that says the OPPOSITE, that everyone is protected under the law.

Its so hilarious. This man is trying to infringe on peoples SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, the thing the gun nuts are saying IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT EVER, and heres a man who is literally trying to go against that amendment, but because he said "YEEEHAAA, MUSLIMS/OBAMA!", all of a sudden the constitution doesnt matter anymore.

Well, that pretty much disregards everything you guys have to say about that forever....
Licenses are given by the government, the classes are taught by private individuals. He isn't denying them a license, he is refusing to teach them the course. Anyone he refuses is free to go somewhere else to take the course.

Edit: Side note, I don't support what he did. I do, however, support his right to do it.
Yes, he can deny to teach gun safety to people. Thus losing HIS license to give out gun safety licenses, which is from the government.
And that's between him and the government that issued it. My point is he isn't doing anything illegal and is just another bigot trying to get attention. If Texas wants to yank his license then they can, but its still his right to refuse to teach them.
Noone was talking about arresting him over it......

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
The Long Road said:
If I were to bet, I'd put big money on the OP whining about Fox News at least once every week, probably more. Oh well. Hypocrisy is a ubiquitous human trait. Keeps us all sane and happy.

Huffington Post is going to sniff out the worst offenders of good taste they can find and publish them, so long as they make liberal ideology seem like humanity's last shining beacon in the dark. That's their business model. At its core, it's no different than Fox's strategy of making liberals look like the Red Army reincarnate. Inciting crowds draws business, and at the end of the day, those employed by both Fox and Huffington need to put food on the table.

The worst thing people could possibly do here is say "Only in America/Texas", because you're just displaying your own bigotry. It's a different flavor, for sure, and for some reason it's more socially acceptable. However, you've just shown that you're capable of the exact same thoughts this guy has. Would you eliminate him and his kind just because of their opinions? If you thought "yes" for even a nanosecond, that means you're a bigot, too.

Considering the population of both liberals and Muslims generally drops sharply when away from major population centers, it's almost certain that this was a giant publicity stunt to get the attention of, well, people like the OP. Perhaps he's truly devious and his plan was to get all the "All Americans are racist idiots" people to come out of the woodwork and show that neither side has a monopoly on bigotry.
I don't really have anything to add to this "discussion" (in quotes because it's really just broken down into a whole lot of bitching about... well, everything).

I just wanted to say that I love everything you just wrote there. Well done. You have proven yourself to be sane. That's a rare trait on the internet.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
harmonic said:
HalfTangible said:
And yes, I DO wish Texas was a country. It's economy is diverse enough, (as evidenced by how well it's weathered the recession/depression thus far) it's people are proud enough, and the more I here about how much the rest of the country hates us, the more I want to scream 'WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?!'
Dude, most Americans do not hate Texas. :p

You're mostly getting hate from non-Americans. (Therefore, shrug.)

Please stay in the union. I want my domestic oil production and Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.
Amen! I don't want this state to secede. It wouldn't do too well without the rest of the country, and the U.S. would lose a valuable member. No one would be happy after a few years.