If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas

Chelsea O'shea

New member
May 20, 2010
FallenMessiah88 said:
I love how this topic almost instantly turned into a "America sucks!!!111!1!!one11!!!!" thread. Seriously people, this is just one guy and last time I checked, one man does not a country make.

OT: What I find most hilarious about this article is how the guy states that "The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American" when one of the most special things about America is how anyone can be an American, regardless of race, ethnicity and religion.
this is the escapist,its the norm here just like most of the internet. sad isn't it?


New member
Mar 26, 2010
There's no reason to get worked up over this. Let them have their opinions and free speech, no matter how narrow-minded they may seem and just ignore them if things like that makes you angry.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Jodah said:
A private institution can deny anyone they want. Any business can do it, most won't, however, due to bad publicity. This only applies to service btw. Hiring is a whole different story.

The government is not a private institution. Licenses are given by the government. Thats like saying that they can refuse to give you a Drivers License at the DMV because they dont like your race or your religion, and thats somehow protected under the 1st amendments FREE SPEECH. Nope, sure isnt. Its the constitution that says the OPPOSITE, that everyone is protected under the law.

Its so hilarious. This man is trying to infringe on peoples SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, the thing the gun nuts are saying IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT EVER, and heres a man who is literally trying to go against that amendment, but because he said "YEEEHAAA, MUSLIMS/OBAMA!", all of a sudden the constitution doesnt matter anymore.

Well, that pretty much disregards everything you guys have to say about that forever....


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Anodos said:
Jodah said:
A private institution can deny anyone they want. Any business can do it, most won't, however, due to bad publicity. This only applies to service btw. Hiring is a whole different story.

The government is not a private institution. Licenses are given by the government. Thats like saying that they can refuse to give you a Drivers License at the DMV because they dont like your race or your religion, and thats somehow protected under the 1st amendments FREE SPEECH. Nope, sure isnt. Its the constitution that says the OPPOSITE, that everyone is protected under the law.

Its so hilarious. This man is trying to infringe on peoples SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS, the thing the gun nuts are saying IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT EVER, and heres a man who is literally trying to go against that amendment, but because he said "YEEEHAAA, MUSLIMS/OBAMA!", all of a sudden the constitution doesnt matter anymore.

Well, that pretty much disregards everything you guys have to say about that forever....
Licenses are given by the government, the classes are taught by private individuals. He isn't denying them a license, he is refusing to teach them the course. Anyone he refuses is free to go somewhere else to take the course.

Edit: Side note, I don't support what he did. I do, however, support his right to do it.

Jay Yaternick

New member
Sep 7, 2011
Joush said:
The United States doesn't have a monopoly on racism or religious phobias. There's nowhere in the world that couldn't stand some more tolerance and understanding.
You make a salient point. I'm sure Keller would fit right in with the Taliban.

So people are giving him support on this, eh? Who would have thought that racism and bigotry were market advantages?

Atmos Duality

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Mar 3, 2010
Danyal said:
Someone is refusing these two groups, those who oppose this mans right to guns, and tribal cultured Middle Eastern muslims (who actively denounce unbelievers in there holy scripture), access to his classes, and you are losing your faith in humanity? I mean come on, we are with 7 billion people now and you can't imagine ONE SINGLE PERSON to be not supertolerant against people who want to make laws against him and others who believe in scriptures saying he is the worst creature imaginable? Come on.
Right on.

When you see the "Faith in humanity" card get played as part of a leading argument (or response), that's your cue to immediately dismiss it because it's bullshit. They're saying that to exaggerate the relevance of their topic and to get you to post.

Is this firearms instructor a racist asshole? Yeah.
Does he represent the entirety of humanity and the values they collectively hold or stand for?
Fuck no.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Jodah said:
Licenses are given by the government, the classes are taught by private individuals. He isn't denying them a license, he is refusing to teach them the course. Anyone he refuses is free to go somewhere else to take the course.

Edit: Side note, I don't support what he did. I do, however, support his right to do it.
Nope, try again. Make a business, any business. Post "no whites" or "no jews" in your ad campaign. You'd better believe you're gonna get shut down. This is not different.

Perhaps, *perhaps* if he were to talk with people individually, get to know them, and *then* discriminate based off of religion/beliefs/political preference *individually*, he could get away with it... unless a lawyer could show a pattern of discriminatory behavior, in which case, he'd be shut down.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Oh look, people being racist and hyper conservative!

boy, it sure is a shock to hear of intolerant people existing.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Is there any point in my mentioning that this behavior is neither exclusive to nor ubiquitous in Texas? That many Texans, myself included, find this sort of bullshit reprehensible and would smack this dude in the face if he didn't have a gun and was worth the trouble?
Would it make any difference, convince anyone that their deeply-held beliefs that all Texans are undereducated pigrapists - beliefs which jackasses like this only reinforce, to be sure - might not be accurate?

Misinformed Man does Stupid Misinformed Thing, is supported by his Misinformed Peers. What can you do about it?
Simple: don't go to his stupid class. Even if you do live in the area (which I'm betting most of us don't: I live in Texas and this guy's town is a six-hour drive from mine) and would otherwise be eligible (I don't classify myself politically, did not vote for Obama and am neither Arab nor Muslim) you have the right to refuse to patronize him. It's not like there's a shortage of gun classes to take in this state.

Don't lump all of us in one category. Some of us are almost respectable.

captcha: aniziw Jonathan. Johnny-boy, you probably shouldn't go to this gun club. Pronouncing "Aniziw" wrong is probably the least offensive thing Keller will do.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
<spoiler=My Reaction to Mr. Keller>http://chanarchive.org/content/27_ck/2811617/1305427835804.jpg

Oh God, please don't ban me for a low content post. But this is the only thing I could say whilst sounding neutral as possible... ._.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
I'm going to flat out stop viewing threads that i think will piss me off, I was ranting for almost an hour about how Texas is such a disgusting and horrible place, and how this jerk needs to be burned at the stake, and I don't think my roommate can handle much more...


New member
Apr 6, 2010
OhJohnNo said:
superdelux said:
I hate living in that state sometimes ,but at least I don't live in Alabama.
Metalix Knightmare said:
Thank you Texas! Once again, you make my state of Alabama look better with your unrelenting stupidity on a much more massive scale.
Do Texas and Alabama have a rivalry going on, then?

*is British and oblivious to all inter-state relationships*
Iunno, do Britain and France have an inter-country rivalry going on or something? :p Of course our rivalries haven't been going on for NEARLY as long, but rivalries crop up whenever you can define an "us" and a "them".

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
What? A right wing gun nut says something racist?
NO!! Next you'll tell me Bill O'Riely spun the news to his own political agenda!

Honestly this isn't anything new. If you were to base it on what you see in the news alone, Texas is the state where morals, ethics, and human decency go to die. I never have been to the state and sincerely hope that the religious right lunatics don't accurately depict the average Texan. Especially since it's in poor southern states like that where the American socialist movement began in the first place, before the red scare.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Jay Yaternick said:
Joush said:
The United States doesn't have a monopoly on racism or religious phobias. There's nowhere in the world that couldn't stand some more tolerance and understanding.
You make a salient point. I'm sure Keller would fit right in with the Taliban.

So people are giving him support on this, eh? Who would have thought that racism and bigotry were market advantages?
I was literally just learning about this in class today! It's called an externality, and it is an example of market failure! The price and the quantity produced (or in this case, hours of class taught, I suppose) are not being directly affected by themselves, the buyer, or the seller, but by a non-relevant quirk of the seller, which shifts the market away from equilibrium (which pretty much must be avoided at all costs in economics, or so I gather). Therefore, the government ought to intervene to bring the market back to equilibrium. :D Yay, applicable knowledge!


New member
Dec 15, 2010
RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE- Oh, god dammit, what ever this guy a fucking idiot.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Jimmybobjr said:
I just had a thought; To the American readers-

-Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you were required to use your personal firearm for defence?-

Cause i find America's gun laws stupid.
anywhere between 1.5million to 2.5million times per year depending on the study
or about .5% of the population per year