I'm....Confused about my Zodiac Sign.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Woah, since when did the LRR cast make profiles here?
Astrology is just what you take it for. Though mine matches pretty well (Aries)

Great leader
Short temper


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
If you believe in the signs of the Zodiac, then you also have to bear in mind that the 13th sign (Ophiuchus) has been omitted, so all the rest of the signs will be a bit off, especially if your birthday is on the cusp of 2 signs.

Google "13th sign of the Zodiac" for more information... I don't know or care enough about it to provide a credible link out of the many results.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
AnimePanda said:
I recently read the personality traits of my sign,Libra,And I felt It didn't suit me.
I read the Scorpio's traits as well,and that just feels more true. It says they have some of the deepest emotions and most passionate relationships. To think someone's emotions and opinions are more intense than my own just feels impossible. I was born on sept. 24,so i'm pretty sure I'm not getting the dates mixed up. It's not that I don't want to be a Libra,It just dosen't seem right. Do they just not affect your personality? I always believed they did.
Guess I was wrong though.
Well, you were actually lucky enough to be born on the day that only the most awesomest of people are born. Seriously. The greatest people in the entire universe were born on september the 24th. They're incredibly intelligent, great looking and absolutely phenomenal in bed!

Can you guess my birthday? ;)

But really, from the tone of your post, you're a Libran. You've been presented with something, but you dont believe it because there's too many variables that the person who wrote it might not have taken into account. And you think, "I should do some more research and find out for myself. But there's so much to take into account! I just cant make up my mind! Oh noes!"
You're a Libran. We cant make a decision to save our lives.
...Or can we?

...No. We cant.

...But maybe...


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Grampy_bone said:
To quote Weird Al:

"Now you may find it inconceivable or at the very least a bit unlikely
that the relative position of the planets and the stars could have
a special deep significance or meaning that exclusively applies to only you,
but let me give you my assurance that these forecasts and predictions
are all based on solid, scientific, documented evidence, so you would have
to be some kind of moron not to realize that every single one of them is absolutely true."
If we keep quoting that song for my zodiac:

You will never find true happiness.
Whatcha gonna do, cry about it?
The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up,
Do a bunch of stuff,
And then go back to sleep."

Fairly true, except for the 'never find true happiness' part.

I'm a Taurus, with a lot of the traits inverted (not stubborn, for one); and a Tiger with most of those traits accentuated (charismatic, fiercely loyal). So whatever.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
They're mostly bullcrap. Just large generalizations. I'm a Pices.
More importantly I was born on the Year of the Yang Metal Monkey. Metal anything is pretty badass plus I'm pretty sure yang is 'dark'.
just an FYI people: we are currently in the year of the
Dark Metal Tiger If you want your children to be sufficently badass and shread wicked guitar solos now is the time to fornicate.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Matt_LRR said:
Whoah, back up the bus. I'm going to avoid digging into to many of this posts points, but I will say this: Astrology is not a science. It is barely even a pseudo-science. It has no basis in fact, and has been demonstrated repeatedly by actual science to have no predictive value whatsoever.

Our knowledge and understanding of the universe has grown dramatically over the last hundred years, including the discovery of new planets, stars, and celestial bodies that were heretofore unknown, and therefore could not have been accounted for in older astrological predictions. Simple reasoning leads us to the conclusion that if astrology "works" today, then it couldn't have worked in the past. simply because they were predicting based on an incomplete reading of the skies.

That said, such a thought process grants astrology more credit than it's worth.

They make that shit up. They make it up based on centuries of tradition and and pseudo-science, but they still make it up.

Astrology is no more relevant to your life than as an amusement. Something to perhaps dabble in for fun, but it is NOT science.

Wow... you're clearly very angry about astrology. Did an astrologist run over your dog when you were little?

Okay, seriously. A careful read through of my post will reveal words like "for fun, have a birthchart done", "if you are curious", and "self-examination." Also "believe what you want."

Just FYI though:



1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
2. Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
3. An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing.
4. Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.

Astrology - as practiced by astrologers instead of newspapers - is a very complex and exacting science. Actually, it is basically the science of observational astronomy. Predicitive value is not required for a science, though it is required for a 'theory' or 'law' of science. For example, economics and pscyhology have very little predictive value.

In point of fact, I think there is a certain psychological value to astrology, despite the fact that I don't ascribe it any predictive ability or mystical power. And just because something do what it was intended to do doesn't mean it isn't useful, entertaining, or interesting. And it certainly has a place in the history of science. Considering that the very basis of the scientific method is to build on what has come before, dismissing it out of hand as worthless is kind of a smack at science.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
If religion can be described as the `opium of the masses` then I think horoscopes can be described as `the science of the masses`

I`m not having a go at religion or anything (happen to be religious myself) but I think this makes a good analogy about horoscopes...

,,,maybe it needs more work, any ideas?


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I'm an Aquarius and I feel the description describes me pretty well, the Chinese Zodiac fits me pretty good as well, as I am a Rabbit.

Though I don't let either thing define me as a person. Take from either what you will.


New member
Oct 25, 2003
I hate astrology.

When I tell people I want to study astronomy, they always mix those 2 up.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
SikOseph said:
AnimePanda said:
SikOseph said:
HAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? No it doesn't affect your personality. Oh man that's funny.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilSBQpcbuYY and the other two parts, if you're interested.


I find your humor in other's belief inadequete and disturbing.

Jk. This discussion can end,really.
Also, this is the original video I went to youtube to find, but got sidetracked. Enjoy.
Oh you glorious ninja! I was so gonna type that.

But yeah, astrology is nothing more than a diversion to pass the time when all the video games run out.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Matt_LRR said:
astrology isn't based in reality.

Stars are real!

OT: As a skeptic of everything ever until it proves its' worth to me, I only know I'm a pisces, one of the least sexy sounding signs


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
There's a possible placebo effect of being told 'this is your personality', but most of the times the predictions are generalisations that happen to most people relatively often anyway.

You don't notice something until someone tells you to.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
DeadlyYellow said:
It's okay, I don't match a Sagittarius. However, my Myers Briggs personality type is eerily accurate.
What is your Meyers-Briggs type? I seem to recall mine being ENTP, and one site where I took the test had a list of jobs that I'd be well suited for. ENTP evidently makes for great dictators, assassins, rock stars, and clergymen. So....yeah.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Nigh Invulnerable said:
DeadlyYellow said:
It's okay, I don't match a Sagittarius. However, my Myers Briggs personality type is eerily accurate.
What is your Meyers-Briggs type? I seem to recall mine being ENTP, and one site where I took the test had a list of jobs that I'd be well suited for. ENTP evidently makes for great dictators, assassins, rock stars, and clergymen. So....yeah.
I am an ISTP. The Mechanic or Artisan from what I've read.