I'm new here: What're these forums like?


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
The short version:

Gaming Discussion is a generally civil (generally) place to discuss games, and if you're a fan of Bethesda's body of work you'll find a LOT of kindred spirits, many of whom still regularly play Oblivion, although if you haven't yet played Fallout 3 but you want to (why haven't you bought the game yet?), you might want to stay away because GD's common knowledge is most people's spoiler. If you don't want to bother actually PLAYING Fallout 3, you can feel like you've played it just by reading all the topics about it.

User Reviews is a smart, funny place full of insightful commentary and brilliant writers, plus a few total dipsticks. Asking Wilson or Nuke to red-pen your work is a savage but effective way to learn the writer's craft.

Off-Topic is the Mos Eisley Cantina. You have been warned.