I'm not interested in Christmas


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I like christmas.
Being drunk tipsy with family and getting presents (I kidna feel a bit spoiled actually like you said, I always told my parents to not get me too much stuff) and eating all the really great food. I can't but enjoy xmas.
sory about how you feel but I can't but enjoy this holiday.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
It's my favorite season/holiday. And all of your objections are totally valid, but there's more to it than that. Tim Minchin says it best here:

Sep 17, 2009
Oh god everyone is so cynical on this site, it is pathetic.

Presents are awesome, Christmas is awesome, if you don't like how commerical it is then don't give/recieve gifts, turn off your TV and enjoy the festivities with your loved ones.

Hating the world isn't cool.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
binnsyboy said:
saucecode said:
I kinda feel your pain emotion.
I really dont care about gifts, more about being around other people celebrating with tables of delicious food. Its the single time of the year where im social, really.
Indeed. Christmas be CAH-RAY-ZEE!

Jonluw said:
Also. Let me guess: You're 15, aren't you?

But to answer your question: No you're not the only one. You're never the only one.
I think you'll be wanting this:

Wonderful the things you can find to get your point across on this very site...

DAMN NINJA'D. No you aren't the only one. Also, I'm not interested in you not being interested in Christmas. So it all works out.

Chromanin said:
Erja_Perttu said:
Dude, chill. Christmas isn't even a religious holiday anymore. The power of Santa compels you!
Thanks for the laugh, but ritualized happiness through materialism is just as bad.
No more birthday parties for you.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Woodsey said:
I agree: we shouldn't let the gifts totally detract from the food and beer.
I thought that's what Christmas was about, beer and food, was else was it about?

OT: I freaking love Christmas, and I had to block out the media and whatnot so that they don't ruin the season for me. Gifts are a small part of the holiday, but I wouldn't think it was the biggest part of it, it should be about family.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I tend to be pretty indifferent to the holiday myself- but, I work retail. When your livelyhood involves being at ground zero for the worst the season has to offer, a little disassociation is good for the pysche. (I only cried once this year!)

I still stick with it for that little bit of time I spend with family and friends, exchanging gifts and goodwill. I also make time for the Will Vintion claymation christmas special I watched as a kid (only 20 minutes, easy enough). And baking- loves me some Christmas cookies. Beyond that though, I'm pretty content to ingore the lot of it in favor of silly internet videos.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Well, I get some family in town that I like, and free gifts and shit (though I have a hard time asking for things from people), but I honestly stopped feeling the charm about Christmas when I was 15.

Though you do bring out a stereotype of "angsty teen/young adult who hates holidays for convoluted or symbolic reasons" that I oh so love.

I never understood why people made such a big fuss about everything. You don't have to celebrate it. It's completely optional, believe it or not. Lighten up.


New member
May 27, 2010
Pyramid Head said:
I personally am not much of a man for the holidays because i view many of them as hypocritical. Christmas was never a Christian holiday, it was originally a pagan holiday that Christians hijacked for some reason, and even then with that pretext it still remains little more than a consumer whore holiday marked by the appearance of whiny shit kids at all of my hangouts and these ugly decorations. But i personally hate Thanksgiving more. We're really supposed to celebrate what was probably a forced meeting between white settlers and American Indians that would later evolve into a practical genocide of the natives? FUCK. THAT.

But i'm only bitter on Thanksgiving. Christmas? I just don't make a big deal out of it.
What do you mean 'for some reason'? I can't think of a single Christmas holiday that isn't a bastardized version of a pagan holiday. Then there is the whole Old/New Testament thing.

Anywho, can everyone stop with the 'You are never the only one' bullshit? It gets annoying. I highly doubt the OP was being literal.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I,m more pissed about people still thinking it,s about the birth of Jesus.
in reality it,s a pagan holiday celebrating the start of winter.


New member
Dec 17, 2011
I love Christmas! I just love the whole holiday season. Maybe it's because I'm still young, and my whole family loves Christmas too. My entire house has basically been a winter wonderland since the 1st of December. I guess I really love Christmas because everyone in my family is happy, and everyone makes an effort to be functional. The presents and homemade cookies are a nice bonus as well. Christmas is what you make of it really. It kind of depresses me that maybe when I'm older, it won't be fun anymore. So I'm gonna make the most of it while it lasts I suppose.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I love the end of year holiday where we celebrate with our closest friends and family, eat a nice meal, enjoy a quiet drink, catch up and exchange enjoyable, meaningful, gifts.

I absolutely loathe the over commercialised season of excess, forced socialisation and rampant spending to the point of debt.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Are you the only one? Noooooooooooooooo.

I quite like seeing some of the family but I hate the whole atmosphere of 'buy shit for everyone or you clearly don't care about them!' Also Christmas songs are terrible.

Substitute Troll

New member
Aug 29, 2010
What's wrong with gift giving? Spoiling children is bad, yea, but I don't see anything wrong with having an excuse to give each other some gifts. Perfectly harmless.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
ectoplasmicz said:
The thing that disgusts annoys me the most is the spoilt children. A lot of these kids get a ridiculous number of presents, when neither them or their families understand what christmas is actaully about. It all just seems like another excuse to receive gifts, and another excuse of a holiday.
Well Santa Claus in his modern red coat fat form was created by Coca-Cola and the holiday was just originally a Pagan holiday meant to celebrate Winter Solstice , taken to create converts. The sharing creations were made by corporations to make it a cultural tool it can manipulate to its advantage and increase profits, hence why say Thanksgiving or labor day won't have universal celebrate by companies Christmas will.

In short it's a Capitalist creation meant to manipulate society into boosting profits into a predictable cycle.

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
Nah i'm not particularly enamoured of christmas either. I don't mind receiving gifts but i could live without them tbh.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
Carnagath said:
Being in my late 20's and living alone, I also am not too bothered about Christmas. I don't even do any decorations, it just seems pointless and silly.
I'm in pretty much the same situation and I've also got really crappy christmas memories from when I was young so see it more as a nice 4 day holiday with a good excuse to listen to cheesy music and watch Muppet Christmas Carol again. However, I'm determined that if/when I have kids they will enjoy it a damn sight more then I ever did.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
what i don't like is that it's a hell of a lot of build up for something that's over so quickly (i'll let you come up with the innuendos)


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Rednog said:
LordFisheh said:
I don't like the 'true meaning of Christmas' stuff that gets thrown about. There is no true meaning; the meaning is whatever people decide to give it. Once upon a time, it was a celebration that winter would start to recede and take the cold and hardships with it. That could be considered the 'true' original meaning, despite the fact that it's totally outdated and that none of us suffer any real seasonal hardships at all. To someone starving in a war zone, the true meaning of Christmas may be precisely nothing. Likewise if someone has a consumerist Christmas and cares only about food and presents then, for them, shinies are the 'true' meaning. I'm not saying that the consumerism is a good thing, but any kind of 'true meaning' is a lie. So complain about selfish children getting xboxes all you like, but don't pretend that they're violating some kind of universe-spanning law on the true meaning of the 25th day of the last month of the year.
Err, time out, it has a meaning.
It is a Christian holiday with a set history and meaning.
Just because someone who isn't a Christian is celebrating on that same day doesn't mean they are celebrating Christmas. If you're not doing the whole Jesus religion thing then you aren't doing Christmas, it is as simple as that.
That makes sense. When I say Christmas, I mean the entire generalised festival... not sure what the name for that would be. *Christ*mas would be a Christian festival, so it'd have the Christian meaning - though even the identity of that is open to debate. But the true meaning of the non-specific general winter festival season thing that most celebrate is still undefined IMO. So while fewer and fewer and people are following the true meaning of Christmas, that debate would be more about the decline of a faith than the true meaning that people try to impose on the general festival itself.