Nohra said:
skipping the gameplay in a game is basically saying "I want to read a book/watch a movie." If the experience is designed so you can skip the parts of a game that are actually a game, then there's no point in doing the combat/puzzles/whatever anyways. They're not adding to the experience at that point. You can't build up a character as being a complete and total badass and oh my god how are we going to defeat this guy he's so tough, then have a little button that says "Push X to kill boss!"
So you would choose not to utilise Hepler Mode. Other people have different opinions, as demonstrated by the modest support the idea has here, and they could choose to use it. The emphasis is on *choice* - we all enjoy different things: something you love in a game might be something I'd find incredibly dull and want to skip, or vice versa. Nobody loses either way.
Personally, as someone who's into writing and loves a good story, the idea that some people skip dialogue and cutscenes irritates me. Doesn't mean I don't think they should have the option to do so.
What I'm trying to say is once someone has bought the game they can play it however they want. It doesn't make a different to how anyone else plays, so why's it a problem?
FredTheUndead said:
As for Hepler herself, while the community at the time certainly didn't handle things correctly, she IS nothing less than a living tumor, one of many Bioware developed and rotted down to nothing because of.
Classy. I take it you know the woman personally then? Seriously, why would you even say that about another human being, especially one with whom you are only tangentially familiar?