Indiana Jones Was Almost A Sex Offender


New member
Feb 2, 2009
So Lucas likes to film pedo and incest...hmmm...Guess Jar Jar Binks is the result of him never managed to make mid 20 year old Indy with 11 year old Marion and Luke with Leia relation on the big silver screen.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I don't see the problem. Suggesting that Indy had an affair with an 11-year old doesn't say anything about Lucas. Instead, it says something of the character they wanted to create in Indy. Indiana Jones was always flawed. This could have been an element of a darker, even more flawed Indy. It was discarded in the end.

Everyone is just jumping on the Lucas-hate-bandwagon.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
This actually makes me respect Lucas a little bit. Has anyone heard of the novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov? I would like to see that side of Indiana Jones.

Yog Sothoth

Elite Member
Dec 6, 2008
Longshot said:
I don't see the problem. Suggesting that Indy had an affair with an 11-year old doesn't say anything about Lucas. Instead, it says something of the character they wanted to create in Indy. Indiana Jones was always flawed. This could have been an element of a darker, even more flawed Indy. It was discarded in the end.

Everyone is just jumping on the Lucas-hate-bandwagon.
I agree with most of that.... how much more interesting would Indy have been had they done this? Sure, it's taboo, but conflict is the essence of drama, so they say...


New member
Feb 2, 2009
zoozilla said:
[obscure reference]That's like Mike sleeping with Marsha....
"Cock locked and ready to rock!"[/reference]

That is very strange, though. Then again, it is George Lucas. When you think about it, a lot of Star Wars is quite....weird.
Im gonna guess Spaced, cause of your avatar and the fact that Mike and Marsha are both characters in it.

Also, Lucas also struck me as a bit mental, this actually didnt suprise me as much as it should.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
It's not as if George Lucas doesn't have bad ideas, I mean we've all seen his works across the past decade.

zoozilla said:
[obscure reference]That's like Mike sleeping with Marsha....
"Cock locked and ready to rock!"[/reference]

That is very strange, though. Then again, it is George Lucas. When you think about it, a lot of Star Wars is quite....weird.
That reference isn't that obscure if you're british. It's also dobly fitting because in the 2nd series of Spaced had the "the Phantom Menace?" thing.

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
Keane Ng said:
This was back in the day, mind you - the age of long hair, tight jeans, cocaine.
Pretty sure pedophilia was frowned upon then too.
That's not what my American History teacher told me...damn public school education.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
That's nothing. The original prequel plot had a Padme/Jar-Jar thing going on that would knock your socks off.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Phhhhhhhhhh hahahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhah

Indigo_Dingo said:
Keane Ng said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Keane Ng said:
This was back in the day, mind you - the age of long hair, tight jeans, cocaine.
Pretty sure pedophilia was frowned upon then too.
That's not what my American History teacher told me...damn public school education.
So now we're lumping the 1980's in with Ancient Greece?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I have to agree with anybody that says that this doesn't say anything about Lucas, but the kind of character that Lucas wanted Indy to be, and the kind of movie that he wanted Raiders to be. It would have turned "You broke my heart" into "You ruined my life" and would have severely altered the whole tone of the film. I can just imagine Marion being completely distrustful of Indy, not going anywhere with him, not wanting to be near him, but having to be because he's trying to save her father. And then there is Indy, feeling incredibly guilty for what he has done, feeling that now might be the time to make it right, if he can make it right at all. Granted, Raiders would not have been the sweeping adventure we all know and love: it would have been a dark and deep human drama, one that I don't think audiences were ready for then and would obviously cause no small amount of controversy even now, but a pretty deep movie none-the-less.

Maybe make Marion thirteen-fifteen, and make Indy in his early twenties (21 or 22, still young and dumb enough to do something like this) to narrow the gap and make it a little less creepy, but I could have seen this movie working. Though, I am glad they went the route they did and we have an awesome adventure movie instead of a disturbing examination of adolescent sexuality and mental trauma. I say this was actually a good idea of Lucas', just one I'm glad, in hindsight, he didn't pursue.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Oookay, one more reason to avoid Lucas.
Not that I needed another one, but... there you go.