Indiana Jones Was Almost A Sex Offender


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Is it just me or does "Indiana Jones was nearly a sex offender" sound like a song?

"Indiana Jones was a sex offen-dah
after he was out on that drunken ben-dah
met a young'un from the opposite gen-dah
An' he ploughed her 'till the mornin'!"

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Yog Sothoth said:
Where's PedoBear when we need him.....?
I'm imagining a shoop of an Indiana Jones DVD with the pedobear seal of approval on the box...since it would be my second PB pic post in less than 24 hours I'm gonna leave it though.

But I will say this...11...11...ELEVEN?! Seriously? What? Was he just trying to make everyone hate the main character from the get go? Trying sabotage the film? What?

the captain

New member
Nov 20, 2008
Well, this is the guy who raped Indy, Short Round, and a Storm Trooper. Nothing really surprises me about George Lucas anymore.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I haven't heard or seen anything to make me like Lucas in the past 10 years, makes me kind of sad.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Keane Ng said:
As Cinematical points out, this, along with the Padme/Anakin relationship from the Star Wars prequels, suggests that Lucas really has some kind of fascination with romances with age-gaps. Don't forget the relationship between Luke and Leia, either. That was pretty off, too. George Lucas, a sexual deviant? Never would've guessed it.
I forgot that Anakin was a little kid when he met Padme. The Luke and Leia thing freaked me out.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
the captain said:
Well, this is the guy who raped Indy, Short Round, and a Storm Trooper. Nothing really surprises me about George Lucas anymore.
Nice South Park reference.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
You know, in my honest opinion, Episode 1 was crap, but I've seen worse. Episode 2 was okay, but not up to Star Wars standards. Episode 3 is arguably better than Episode 6 (mainly due to ewoks, however Episode 6 does have that very nice opening in Jabba's palace). The Clone Wars miniseries was FANTAS-diddly-ASTIC, but that was done by Tartoskovy, with approval and suggestions coming from Lucas. The new Clone Wars movie is not only the worst Star Wars movie ever made, but it disrespects the miniseries. The 4th Indiana Jones movie was only slightly better than Episode 1 of Star Wars, mostly due to the few scenes where Indy actually fights the Russians.

But this is sad, however, I think Lucas likes writing kids, and they were just brainstorming. They may just have been goofing off with some very sick humor, at least it wasn't incorporated into the movie.

I don't know what to current opinion of Lucas is mixed. He has made some great movies, some crap movies, definitely is a sell-out, but for some reason still likes to think he's doing good. I think he is redeemable, as seen by the gradual rise in quality in Episodes 1-3, but is still very unlikely to change his ways.

Meh, at least he isn't as bad as SONIC TEAM, right?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I read part of the transcript. Anyway, it seems Indiana was really different character. Like, "yay money!" rather than "yay archaelogy!" In other words, they were trying to make him more complex than your average hero, a bit anti-hero. Like, "he's the hero of the movie, but not that good guy though."

Also, me can't keep eyes open. Me sleepy. Me might write badly. Me might misunderstand. Me sorry. Me off to sleep.


Sep 4, 2008
Wow, this is kind of like Michael Jackson - he was once really popular and did great things, and now... It looks like George Lucas wants to go down that same road.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I'm not a big fan of George Lucas nowadays to begin with.

However, I will point out that one of the stories I heard about Star Wars is that it involved a lot of heavy Japanese influance, and that he almost made the movie in Japan with an all Japanese cast. This is what spawned a lot of those Manga/Japanese versions running around with claims that they were an original version. How true all of this is, is beyond me since I have not researched it that heavily.

As any person remotely interested in any aspect of Japanese pop culture can tell you, that their specific laws aside, their attitudes are FAR differant when it comes to sex with children. I for example have seen quite a bit of Anime as an extension of my interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy (okay a whole lot of it). Relationships with pre-teen girls, either concentual, or as a result of rape, is not all that uncommon. Heck there are entire series driven by romances that go beyond creepy. One series I saw called "Speed Grapher" had romantic tension between a reporter guy in like his 30s or 40s and some high school girl who had her sexual characteristics/development repressed scientifically in order to exploit aspects of her biology (ie body secretions that could bestow super abillities). While not as shocking due to *age*, a series called "Maze" involved an amnesiac gender changing protaganist who turned out to be a brother and sister sharing the same body. Their minds were wiped and they were sent to this parallel magical world, due to them having this incest thing going on. It's been a while so I don't remember all the details but I remember sitting there with my eyes wide open as we saw scenes from the modern world with the guy getting threatening calls from his parents to "leave his sister alone" as he was heading out to cladestine meeting after being chased out of the house. Well that and the whole "a place to be free to love each other" super-hero power up melodrama at the end. I honestly don't think I misinterpeted it (or misremember it, though it's possible given all the stuff I've seen over the years).

At any rate, the point of this ramble is, that at such an early planning stage, what other changes were in that version? Was he developing it for a Japanese audience, and ummm... how much of an influance did that stuff have on him.

I am simply playing Devil's Advocate here, because if he was planning on making the movie for a Japanese audience or something originally, that might explain it.

It's ALSO possible that he was trying to be edgy, simply because I believe when Indiana Jones was coming out pedo-schlock was fairly popular. I was very young but I THINK this was around the time they were doing movies like "Pretty Baby" (with Brooke Shields I think). He might have wanted to cash in on the contreversy as well. George Lucas is nothing if not mercenary from what I've seen.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Keane Ng said:
Indiana Jones Was Almost A Sex Offender

Forget the Star Wars prequels. George Lucas' original concept for the relationship between Marion Ravenwood [], which involved an 11-year-old Marion having an affair with the 25-year-old Indy, might be the worst idea the man has ever had.

In the Indiana Jones films, the beginning of the love story of Indy and his main flame Marion goes something like this: Indy's the protege of Marion's father, who's a top-tier archaeologist. Naturally, as usually happens when people go on archaeological digs together, Indy, who was in his mid-20s, and Marion, who was in her teens, end up falling in love. The relationship ends when Jones decides to be a jerk and runs off to do his own thing.

That already sounds pretty sketchy, but it seems relatively benign compared to George Lucas' original idea for the relationship. According to the recently released transcript for Raiders of the Lost Ark [] that documents Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Lawrence Kasdan's brainstorming sessions for the film, Lucas originally wanted Marion to be even younger.

"[Jones] could have known this little girl when she was just a kid," the transcript has him saying. "Had an affair with her when she was eleven."

Shortly afterward, Lucas wants to make her twelve. "He's thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve," he said. Then, as justification for the age gap, he says that "it would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time."

Amusing? More like illegal, buddy. Anyway, as the transcript goes on, Lucas reveals a fixation on the age gap, even as he seems to become aware that he sounds completely insane and starts suggesting Marion be older. "Fifteen is right on the edge," he said. "I know it's an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she's sixteen or seventeen it's not interesting anymore."

As Cinematical points out, this, along with the Padme/Anakin relationship from the Star Wars prequels, suggests that Lucas really has some kind of fascination with romances with age-gaps. Don't forget the relationship between Luke and Leia, either. That was pretty off, too. George Lucas, a sexual deviant? Never would've guessed it.

[Via Cinematical []]





New member
Oct 8, 2007
Indiana Jones: The Lolita Chronicles

Why bother announcing this stuff now? Does he want to be hated for everything he does in the media or something?


Sep 4, 2008
drop2zero said:
He's a sexual deviant because he wanted a relationship with an age gap in his stories?
It's not just the fact of the age gap, but he was thinking about putting a child in that situation. The article DOES make him sound like he was very insistent on it (like he has a fantasy of it) - but at least he DIDN'T do it, so... I guess that negates a lot of it.

Hopefully, as he is aging and getting senile, he doesn't decide to remake ROTLA like he did Star Wars, but WITH this little fantasy of his in it. I can see it all going horribly wrong. Why not throw Jar Jar in there for good measure too, Mr. Lucas?