Indiana Jones Was Almost A Sex Offender


New member
May 30, 2008
Beginning to have serious concerns about the real reason Jar Jar Binks was exiled from Gungan City.

I mean, being exiled for clumsiness? That's got to be a cover!


New member
May 21, 2008
Really? Never guessed, look when I found out that Lucas and Lea were brother and sister, I breathed a sigh of relief that this creepy bastard didn't do that too anything else I thought was actually good, now I realize that was because someone on the crew was bright enough to slap his hands away from the editing desk and gave him a coloring book, unfortunately that person seems to have gone on and done other things, or died.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
indiana jones and the temple of pedo bear instead of the thugees worships a statue of kali ma they worship a statue of pedo bear


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Well, it would be an interesting and unusual character flaw. The MPAA wouldn't like it though.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
After reading some of this, I decided to Wikipedia ol' Georgie. He calls himself a "Buddhist Methodist". What the hell is that?


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Longshot said:
Everyone is just jumping on the Lucas-hate-bandwagon.
Pretty much.

I have no idea why people would think Lucas is a "pedo" or whatever just because of this. Seems strange to me. Indiana Jones is a work of fiction.

If I write a story where people are murdered, does that make me a murderer? Or would that make me out to have a lust for murder?


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
zoozilla said:
[obscure reference]That's like Mike sleeping with Marsha....
"Cock locked and ready to rock!"[/reference]

That is very strange, though. Then again, it is George Lucas. When you think about it, a lot of Star Wars is quite....weird.
Umm, ANAKIN SKYWALKER is 12. Padme looks to be, weeell, about 24.
Yeah, that totally works out in the end.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Padme is supposed to be 15/16, making the gap only like 4 years. Call it Dawson's Creek casting in her case, they were probably thinking of her as from Leon when they made the decision.
Keane Ng said:
Maybe he's just a huge troll and has just been messing with us all these years...
That's surprisingly easy to believe. Of course, the best trolls are the ones who're entertaining to watch.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
Which particular parts? Jabba's 'love' slaves but no female Hutts? C3P0 being camper than a row of tents? The kindly old man that wants to show the young boy something out in the desert and then ends up fighting his father? Han and Chewie? Lando and Han? The Trash Monster? Padme turning into Leia? That midichlorians are passed along the family line?
Jabba's from a hermaphroditic race, so that opens up more of the dom/sub idea there than would be safe for the brain. Ol' George's psychology is a fascinating wasteland indeed. This is coming from someone who can enjoy the prequel trilogy un-ironically if he holds his head just so.

Indigo_Dingo said:
Keane Ng said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Keane Ng said:
This was back in the day, mind you - the age of long hair, tight jeans, cocaine.
Pretty sure pedophilia was frowned upon then too.
That's not what my American History teacher told me...damn public school education.
So now we're lumping the 1980's in with Ancient Greece?
Must...resist..making "Ancient Grease" pun...
Aug 13, 2008
you know, this kind of reminds me of that episode of south park, where indie gets raped by george lucas and steven spielberg

but that was a cartoon and still quite disturbing, not actual people being filmed...


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Actually, that's nothing, in my filmmaking society's upcoming shoot the story involves incest and voodoo, and my last idea for a short film included an 18 year old girl whose family all die when she's young and she gets raped and sexually abused by her uncle, who it later transpires is really her father, and she tries to kill herself not long before starting a sexual relationship with her (male) best friend, it's hinted she had a lesbian affair with another friend when she was about 16/17, and she happens to be a crazed sadist who later kills her uncle/father as he tries to rape her again. Oh, and she's about as nutty as a fruitcake and fruity as a nutcake. Now THAT is messed up. Yeah, I'd probably be better pitching this to a film company in Japan... anyway, George Lucas seems pretty tame after that.

Forgot to mention, another film idea I had included a girl who murders her boyfriend and another girl who's in love with a sadistic ghost trying to kill them all. I should probably go see a psychiatrist...

Captain Blackout

New member
Feb 17, 2009
Yog Sothoth said:
Longshot said:
I don't see the problem. Suggesting that Indy had an affair with an 11-year old doesn't say anything about Lucas. Instead, it says something of the character they wanted to create in Indy. Indiana Jones was always flawed. This could have been an element of a darker, even more flawed Indy. It was discarded in the end.

Everyone is just jumping on the Lucas-hate-bandwagon.
I agree with most of that.... how much more interesting would Indy have been had they done this? Sure, it's taboo, but conflict is the essence of drama, so they say...
Um, let's see where to begin. Artists often use art to explore their own desires. George Lucas is a hack to begin with and Star Wars would've died an early death if it hadn't been for Lawrence Kasdan. The first kiss between Luke and Leia, thanks George. The second kiss between Luke and Leia, thanks for not telling Lawrence where that relationship was headed. I really would've rather seen her kiss the Wookie. Really.
CyberKnight said:
"Ani, you'll always be that little boy I met on Tatooine." --Padme, Episode II
I thought that line was creepy before...
Given how much little boy fantasy is in a bunch of movies created by a guy who clearly never matured as an artist I'm really sure his desires come through. Finally: Big time hero movie is also a full on pedo from the same guy that brought us ewoks? Lucas built the hate bandwagon himself and installed a large scoop on the front of it. Even if Lucas doesn't belong in NAMBLA I'm pretty sure Kyle and Stan would have a field day with this one.

EDIT: Let's say for one moment you're right. How well do you think George would've handled it? Think Young Indiana Jones would've made it? Would we have wanted it to?


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Macgyvercas said:
Marion was 16, not eleven
That's the point, George Lucas originally wanted her to be 11, then 15 before settling on 16. He wanted Indy to be a paedo, basically.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Macgyvercas said:
Marion was 16, not eleven
What... have you not READ the THREAD? The point is, Lucas' original ideas for the films was that she would be eleven. *facepalm*

Edit: Ninja'd.

Sir Ollie

The Emperor's Finest
Jan 14, 2009
Is it me or would the Temple of Doom be a very fucked up film if this actually happened.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Skeleon said:
Trivun said:
...and another girl who's in love with a sadistic ghost trying to kill them all.
Go watch "The Frighteners", they did that. :)
Fair enough, I wouldn't mind seeing that actually, but The Frighteners was meant as a comedy horror, whereas my film idea is sicker than Hostel. Characters die in a car crash (viciously mangled and still alive, they die slowly), suicide by hanging, they see visions, girl kills her boyfriend then gets stabbed by her friend's ghost in the back of the head, and the remaining two die in a mental hospital. They have their hearts cut out while they're still alive and they both bleed to death. In fact, the girl in love with the ghost tells him that calmly as he's cutting out her heart, and she lets him do it. How messed up is that when you compare it to the Frighteners?

Yog Sothoth

Elite Member
Dec 6, 2008
Captain Blackout said:
George Lucas is a hack to begin with and Star Wars would've died an early death if it hadn't been for Lawrence Kasdan.
What? You shut your whore mouth! Lucas, a hack? No way...!


Chris Hansen: "Mr Lucas, why don't you take a seat right there....."

Where's PedoBear when we need him.....?