Industry Elites Added As Judges for Webcomic Contest


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Space Jawa said:
So when the trees grow back (as trees so often do), will they try to make another Dolph Lundgren? Or will they all go to IKEA this time?
Maybe Ikea will start selling do-it-yourself boxes of Dolph Lundgren parts.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I have done the waiting for a life changing outcome before; I was on the waiting list at my college for more than a mouth. So I guess I'm ok with waiting, but it still sucks. I have the feeling that I won?t win but part of me can?t help but think what if I do, what if I really got a real job doing something I love.

Casts a Shadow

New member
Feb 22, 2010
LACKT said:
Coelasquid said:
boybokeh said:
I think you should consider adding a third column for Keanu Reeves.
He doesn't meet the minimum chest girth my 80's-borne sensibilities have raised me to expect in my action heroes.
Waht?!No Tango and Cash?!A world without Kurt Russel and Sylvester Stallone is a world without METAL GEAR!
I second the Kurt Russell motion in hopes that in entails the best of John Carpenter (so sneak Roddy Piper and Keith David's "They Live" in there).


New member
Dec 14, 2008
There is too much hostility and anxiety in this thread, and its piling up. Do you not see the dangers of this! Just look at what you are doing to the poor kittens



New member
Nov 10, 2009
Between March 1st and now I have written and storyboarded 34 comics, Actually drawn 6 of them and finished editing 3 of those comics.

My question is did anyone else work on their comic in anticipation of the results?

One thing that sucks is that my drawing ability has improved alot since I entered so it feels like I didn't do my best.

edit: That kitten is ADORABLE!!! but I hate lolcats though.

Casts a Shadow

New member
Feb 22, 2010
titankore said:
My question is did anyone else work on their comic in anticipation of the results?
Not stricly in anticipation, but I have been making several more comics yes. But really, it would be silly not to, contest or not, if comic making is something you really want to do.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
titankore said:
Between March 1st and now I have written and storyboarded 34 comics, Actually drawn 6 of them and finished editing 3 of those comics.

My question is did anyone else work on their comic in anticipation of the results?

One thing that sucks is that my drawing ability has improved alot since I entered so it feels like I didn't do my best.

edit: That kitten is ADORABLE!!! but I hate lolcats though.
I did write and storyboard some comics for my comic but I did not do them on my computer yet.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
titankore said:
Between March 1st and now I have written and storyboarded 34 comics, Actually drawn 6 of them and finished editing 3 of those comics.

My question is did anyone else work on their comic in anticipation of the results?

One thing that sucks is that my drawing ability has improved alot since I entered so it feels like I didn't do my best.

edit: That kitten is ADORABLE!!! but I hate lolcats though.
I wrote several plots,producing a page would take a day of my time,so no I haven't drawn them yet.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Between work and school I can usually do at least half a comic a day, unless its a particularly long one (more then 6 panels). Story boards are real quick usually 30 minutes, this comes from me being a better writer then an artist though. My biggest weakness is photoshop though, I have to fight it most of the time to get it half-way decent.
If I have a day off of school and work I can make one in a day.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
actually we started a comic for when we lose. Which I will retool in the unlikely event we win, which will hopefully make it even funnier


New member
Feb 28, 2010
titankore said:
Between March 1st and now I have written and storyboarded 34 comics, Actually drawn 6 of them and finished editing 3 of those comics.

My question is did anyone else work on their comic in anticipation of the results?

One thing that sucks is that my drawing ability has improved alot since I entered so it feels like I didn't do my best.

edit: That kitten is ADORABLE!!! but I hate lolcats though.
The idea for my comic had been rattling around in my head for a while, this contest just gave me a reason to actually put it on paper. No, I haven't been working in anticipation of the results but I do have a notebook of ideas, plots, characters etc... that I add to now and again so I'd be able to pick right up and start making more. I have a pretty good idea of where the story will go and when and how I'll introduce characters, stuff like that.

I don't want to start making more until I know if I won or not because I'd like to discus some stuff contract wise etc... before continuing. Win or lose (like everyone else) I definitely plan on continuing the comic on my own, as I said the idea for my comic has been in my head for a while.

I would really like to get started though, making the first four pages has got me excited to make more XD


New member
Jul 6, 2008
RetroRobot said:
Spinwhiz said:
The gallery to see everyone's work is coming soon friends. Please stand by.
Ok, NOW I'm nervous...
Ditto'd. I would at least like to see other people's work... I'm hitting F5 like a rat in a skinner box. If that's not too nerdy.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
isjusterin said:
RetroRobot said:
Spinwhiz said:
The gallery to see everyone's work is coming soon friends. Please stand by.
Ok, NOW I'm nervous...
Ditto'd. I would at least like to see other people's work... I'm hitting F5 like a rat in a skinner box. If that's not too nerdy.
I'm shaking here. The anticipation... Killing me...

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
isjusterin said:
RetroRobot said:
Spinwhiz said:
The gallery to see everyone's work is coming soon friends. Please stand by.
Ok, NOW I'm nervous...
Ditto'd. I would at least like to see other people's work... I'm hitting F5 like a rat in a skinner box. If that's not too nerdy.
You might want to consider that you could be pushing F5 for a while yet. He only said 'soon'. What he didn't do was define whether we're talking "Next 5 minutes" soon or "Later today" soon or "sometime tomorrow" soon.