Industry Obsessed With "Gay Space Marines," Says Mafia 2 Producer


New member
May 13, 2009
"Oh know, someone said gay!"

Stop being oversensitive you pricks. As a bisexual man I hate when people speak for me.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Jbird said:
Here's a original story for ya: Cthulhu and Satan must team up to stop a megalomaniac Jesus Christ from a parallel dimension, in which he wears an eye patch to signify how much more evil he is. And, it will be a puzzle-based game similar to Tetris, but the blocks are replaced with flaming unicorns wearing sunglasses. Progress through 400 levels to defeat Nega-Christ's evil army of space squirrels.

That original enough for ya, Mr. Italian-Immigrant-turn-Mobster-Game?
That sounds like a game that would generate so much controversy that if it could be turned into energy, it could power the U.S. for 3 months. It also sounds like the type of game that deserves a medal.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Valkyrie101 said:
Hyper-masculinity doesn't always indicate homosexuality. They could just be conventionally masculine.
Though it does indeicate overcompensation, though I see your point.

I'd actually prefer "Overcompensating Space Marines", since it could be interpretted in two different ways. Plus it's what I feel whenever I see them.

And to those who say Mafia's been done before, it's been done less in the gaming world recentlt than the endless line of space marines.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
because your game was soooo good :/. I'll take ghey spesh mehreens over horrible driving, boring combat, and a godfather rip-off any day.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
And yet the picture of Marcus and the other Gears characters... They aren't space marines, just regular ass "marines" (let's not go into if they're actually even marines or not). And the gay thing, it's pretty obvious that at least Marcus and Dom aren't gay as Dom spends half the second game looking for his wife and I think the only reason Marcus hasn't jumped on Anya yet is because he can't figure out how to get that damn armor off. And yeah go ahead and make fun of the goofy armor, they need to tone that stuff down a bit in a lot of games.

And anyway, that's a pretty bold statement coming from a guy who made a game that's not very fun to play. Grace should remember, they're called video GAMES, not video stories. I don't care how good your story is, if your game is no fun to play, I'm going to turn it off and do something else. I can see the cutscenes on YouTube if I care enough about the story you made. Anyway yeah, let me agree that he's an asshole, because first of all his way of saying it's a problem is stupid. Could have said "hyper masculine marines" and covered a hell of a lot more games, and oh look he made another story about Italian immigrants becoming mobsters and ending it with "CRIME DOESN'T PAY". Yes, that's so much more original than another cover based shooter with guys who are super manly men.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
FINALLY. Someone else who realises that not every damn game involving a gun and an enemy should have Marines in it.

There are 2 other branches of military for a start, as well as the regular Navy. Make something to do with those!

Sir Prize

New member
Dec 29, 2009
While I agree that the games industry needs to be more creative, it shouldn't be coming from this guy.
It's basically the pot calling the kettel black, and using the word gay doesn't make what he says anymore important.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
sp86 said:
Sebenko said:
Maybe he's been playing DoW II's last Stand with me then

Yes, that is who I always play as. Yes, it is even funnier when he summons a dreadnought.

I just got tired of everyone with their black armour serious mehreens.
Those are traitor legion colors! BURN THE HERETIC!
BY THE LITANY OF DECORATION! You have offended my honour, and my extention, the honour of the EMPRA, for SPESS MEHREENS are the embodiment of the EMPRA'S will!


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Dfskelleton said:

Because absoultely NOBODY likes these guys. Yeah, they're all gay and stuff.
(Isaac Clarke might not count, but he's in space and wears armor. Close enough. I might have a bad guy though from Warhammer, I've never played it, but I've heard that it was popular and the marines were cool. I don't know if he's good guy or bad guy, but he popped up first on google images.)
Remember kids, don't call a man with a BFG gay. Bad things could happen...
Perhaps I am missing the intention here, but I seem to remember a lot being said about whether or not Marcus Fenix and Dom were gay despite Dom's wife (who was gone). Similar things have been said about other hyper-macho military type games, where the developers seemed to be trying to get attention.

In Warhammer 40k this is less of an issue when dealing with the actual Space Marines as they simply put cannot be gay. These guys get genetically altered by this stuff called "gene seed" into super humans which means that they aren't going to be reacting to sex pheremones of their own gender. To be blunt, while the material contridicts itself at places (I've mostly read novels and some of the backrounds in the codexes) I believe they might actually be chemically castrated eunachs or something similar to it, "men" only in the most vague sense. This came up at one point where it was mentioned they were greatly resistant to attacks by worshippers of Slaanesh (Chaos Lust Deity) due to what amounted to "surgical and genetic repression". You basically can't seduce something or drive it into pheremonal lust when it's non-sexual.

Now on the flip side of this, Chaos Marines (those who have been corrupted and then mutated by Chaos) could very well be, especially those who have been corrupted BY Slaanesh specifically.

Beyond general civilian decadence, the only battlefield faction (not dealing with civilians, spire nobles, hive gangers, etc...) I know of in Warhammer 40k that would have any high percentage of homosexuals (excepting Slaanesh) and maybe the Dark Eldar are probably "The Sisters Of Battle" and that's somewhat touchy. That because they take vows of chasity being warrior-nuns, but I seem to have read that a lot of the differant sects actually take vows forsaking men and get *really* close to each other. That wouldn't be a majority or anything, but a presence. Especially seeing as part of this was (as I vaguely remember it) is that the Imperial Faith actually acknowleges "The Emperor" in a lot of differant forms, so some single human deity or goddess might be "him" by another name or aspect. Warrior priestesses coming from those planets would fall under the general "Sisters Of Battle"... heading among other things.

Genereally speaking who does what in the bedroom isn't a focus of this universe however.


When it comes to Issac Clark, I'm not sure if all the space faring military in that setting are Marines or not myself. The dude spends the whole game pining over Nicole, so he's definatly not gay.

For the sake of this discussion I'd think he does count as a "Space Marine" though. Despite all pretensions of the guy "not being the typical gung-ho military hero", he's pretty much the typical gung-ho military hero. It's just that his MOS is engineering apparently. I say this because the guy is assigned to deep space rescue teams which seem to be military going by their armament. What's more he's arguably important enough within that organization where at the very beginning he gets to be part of the whole "we're arriving" type mission briefing which typical grease monkeys wouldn't get. While his first weapon is a tool (as are some others) he has absolutly zero difficulty using assault rifles, flame throwers, and other things like a pro which makes it clear that he has apparently been taught by somebody.

All movies about fighting terrorists aside, I was most reminded of the Navy SEALs by this game to be honest. SEALs not just being soldiers, but a rescue team. Being deployed to a ship in serious trouble more or less "blind" where the problem could be anything from an enemy force, to technical problems, on a small boat, is the kind of thing that these guys do (among others).

It's been a while since I played it, but I definatly got the impression that Issac Clark was pretty much a combat engineer, and I don't remember anything else having been said to counteract that impression (though I could be forgetting something). A Space Marine with a couple of engineering degrees so to speak.... :p


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Therumancer said:
Perhaps I am missing the intention here, but I seem to remember a lot being said about whether or not Marcus Fenix and Dom were gay despite Dom's wife (who was gone). Similar things have been said about other hyper-macho military type games, where the developers seemed to be trying to get attention.


When it comes to Issac Clark, I'm not sure if all the space faring military in that setting are Marines or not myself. The dude spends the whole game pining over Nicole, so he's definatly not gay.
So, Dom spends the whole game pining over and looking for his wife, but he can still be gay. Issac Clark spends the whole game pining over and locking for his wife or girlfriend, but he's not gay? Why? Only difference is Issac Clark doesn't have other guys fighting next to him. Being alone excludes him from being gay, but Dom isn't safe because he also spends the game hanging out with 3 other guys most of the time?

Sounds about as dumb as the stuff when people say things like "Well all sports players must be gay because they run around getting all sweaty and then take a group shower." Apparently doing anything with other men makes you gay in some people's minds.


New member
May 1, 2010
Does anyone else find it kind of hypocritical that this is coming from a guy who made a game about gangsters!?

Anyways my Idea isn't to have fewer games about "gay spacemarines" but to make a game about a Gay space marine.(preferably staring John barrowman and/or Niel patrick harris.)


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Well he was a bit crass about it, but he's right. I'm just glad that Space Marines are the new WW2 for 'overused genre'

Now can we please go back to WW2 and do all the amazing bits that haven't been done yet? You know, the 99% that isn't D-Day?

Honestly I can't remember the last time I played a FPS where my actions seemed to hold any real weight to them. Oh yeah, I remember- World At War.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Hmmm i admit there are way too many games coming out all together that all have similar space marine stereotypes and no truly "femanine" characters. Yes there are probably some out there coming but for the most part it is males and tomboyish females.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
This is like Uwe Boll calling Ed Wood a hack.

And maybe I just have better self control than everyone else, but if I don't want to play a space marine game, I don't fucking buy it! And while I might hope for different kinds of games to come out, there are other equally valid consumers that want these games, and I won't demand they have fun the way I do.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Well, it sounds like he's more using "gay" as an insult as opposed to the characters in question preferring the company of men. Maybe if he wasn't so juvenile, I might be inclined to listen to him, but,

After all, I can't think of any gay space marines. Besides the fact the characters in GoW aren't space marines, Dom was married to a woman and Marcus was clearly interested in Anya, also a woman.

He's going to have to provide us with some examples, I'm afraid.