Interest thread ( Sci-fi Survival horror RP )


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Dectomax said:
Added some more fluff to the OP.
More stuff to read!?!?! gawd.

OT: ALmost, almost ALMOST done. I've got about 800 words to go and then a bibliography to write, and then my dissertation will be done.

I'll let you know tomorrow if I've got it done and then we can get started if you have all the participants you need??

So excited.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Tips_of_Fingers said:
Dectomax said:
Added some more fluff to the OP.
More stuff to read!?!?! gawd.

OT: ALmost, almost ALMOST done. I've got about 800 words to go and then a bibliography to write, and then my dissertation will be done.

I'll let you know tomorrow if I've got it done and then we can get started if you have all the participants you need??

So excited.
I like to write? lol :)

That's cool, let me know when you're finished and we'll start then! I'm not going to start until everyone is ready! :)


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Dectomax said:
I like to write? lol :)

That's cool, let me know when you're finished and we'll start then! I'm not going to start until everyone is ready! :)
I also like to write...and read. Which is just as well because I'm doing an English degree. I would have been wasting my time if I hated reading lol.

OT: Excellent, I look forward to this starting. Atleast you've had lots of time to plan ; P


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Dectomax said:
That's cool, let me know when you're finished and we'll start then! I'm not going to start until everyone is ready! :)
I got this plugged in the Regulars group, so we may get a couple more sheets in the next few days. I think the deadline of the 5th should remain in place.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Tips_of_Fingers said:
Dectomax said:
I like to write? lol :)

That's cool, let me know when you're finished and we'll start then! I'm not going to start until everyone is ready! :)
I also like to write...and read. Which is just as well because I'm doing an English degree. I would have been wasting my time if I hated reading lol.

OT: Excellent, I look forward to this starting. Atleast you've had lots of time to plan ; P
Fair play! Yes...Lot's of time to prepare...I've spent the last week going over stuff for this RP, because I was busy with work for a few months before hand. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it! :)


New member
Jun 17, 2010
SeanTheSheep said:
Dectomax said:
That's cool, let me know when you're finished and we'll start then! I'm not going to start until everyone is ready! :)
I got this plugged in the Regulars group, so we may get a couple more sheets in the next few days. I think the deadline of the 5th should remain in place.
Awesome! Thank you! I'll keep the deadline for sheets set to the 5th, I wont start until everybody's ready though.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Sorry my sheet has been up before, I completely forgot about this.

Name: Walter Balkovic

Age: 28

Role: Computer engineer (maintains the ship?s computer and life support systems)

Weapon/equipment: A small kit containing a screwdriver and soldering iron, a few space computer parts and a small flashlight. He also carries a wrist mounted PDA (think a more streamlined, high tech version of a pipboy from Fallout). Finally, he also carries with high powered stun gun with two spare batteries.

Bio: Born in Warsaw, Poland, Walter grew up with a fascination with computers; this was mostly due to his father, who worked as a computer programmer. He would take Walter to work with him some days and show him how to use computers and various other types of technology. This fuelled his passion; he studied books on the subject, anything he could find. Due to this he excelled at any subject at school involving computers. He graduated from high school and enrolled at University, earning a decree in computer programming. He was hired at the company his father worked at and much to his father?s embarrassment became his supervisor. He worked at the company for a few years, steadily rising up the corporate ladder, before he was offered a job on the HMS intrepid. He would not be the primary computer engineer; however he would be needed if the senior officer was unable to perform his duties. Faced with a choice of a steady, well paying, boring desk job or a chance to see the stars and use the best technology available, it was a no brainer.

Let me know what needs to be changed/ improved etc.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Name: Susannah Calem



Weapon/equipment: Combat knife, Veterinary supplies (varying strength anaesthetics to administer injections but also to apply to tranquilizer darts, suture kits etc).
Also carries a lightweight tranquiliser rifle in preparation for hunting new species on planets. She never saw the need for lethal firearms for herself as she was always accompanied by appropriately-armed guards during expeditions on Earth.

Appearance: Susie is 5'8, and in exceptional shape considering she's had two children. Her long, red hair is extremely vibrant and often occasions comment from newly met people. She often wears simple, comfortable clothes like jeans and a hoody but has been known to dress herself up beautifully for the right reasons. On HMS Intrepid, she is wearing her work clothes, consisting of a black pencil-skirt, white blouse and white lab-coat.

Bio: Susie loves animals and is one of Earth's top animal experts. When she was offered a place on the HMS Intrepid, the potential to find and study alien species was too good to pass up.

Although she was excited by this one-time chance, Susie was also worried about being away from her husband, Jonhny, and spending so much time away from her two children; she knew there was the potential that she would miss them growing up if she agreed to travel on HMS Intrepid. Having finally been convinced by Johnny to take the place, she misses them everyday and can can sometimes fall into long episodes of depression despite her bubbly and energetic exterior.

Although Susie is an exceptional scientist, it is in the field that she most thrives. The thrill of tracking and studying animals on Earth is something that couldn't be beaten. Thus far, however, no alien species have been found and Susie spends her days physically and mentally excercising, twiddling her thumbs and longing to see her family again.

Name: Liz Bowes

Age: 27

Role: Junior Communications Officer

Weapon/equipment: Small repair kit bag containing a screwdriver, a soldering iron, solder, a first aid kit capable of treating minor wounds, an anti-static wrist strap, a receipt from HMV for two CDs and a film, and a long range taser pistol with two spare batteries.

Personality (For flavour): Liz is usually cheerful and bubbly when introduced to new people, and tries to make light of even the worst situations. Her chirpy personality can be annoying to some, but she knows when to keep her mouth shut and her head down. If constantly faced with defeatism and pessimistic attitudes, she may become either incredibly irate, or her mood will spiral down into a depressed state. When faced with a problem, Liz will face it calmly and methodically, looking for the solution that takes the least time, and the least effort.

Appearance: Standing at a little under 5' 8", Liz is slightly shorter than average, with wavy, dark brown hair reaching past her shoulders. Liz's uniform is in line with the standard issue for comms officers,[footnote]Unless all uniform is standardized across the ship, deviating where necessary for some professions.[/footnote] dark grey, with lighter sections, and a small, coloured emblem denoting her status. She wears black plimsolls on her feet, and has a small tattoo of a double tribar on her left shoulder.

Bio: Born to a moderately wealthy English couple in 2060, From a young age, Liz had a fascination with her grandparents' old analogue radio, from "Way back when Apple only made computers, over sixty years ago" The radio was still chosen over the toys offered to her by her parents. Most radio stations had stopped broadcasting on AM networks, preferring digital methods in the sixties, but three year old Liz would distract herself for hours twiddling the knob back and forth, listening to the static change as it approached a station and then cycled back to the same static on the other side.

When she was eight, Liz found the radio not functioning, so she grabbed a screwdriver from her father's tool bench, and with a glint in her eye, set about dismantling her radio, carefully laying out each piece, and looking at the larger parts with fascination. It took her several tries, but she managed to successfully reconstruct the radio, and keep it working. From then on, she had an even deeper fascination with radios and other methods of communication, until, after she completed her education, she was approached by [Blank][footnote]Is NASA running this ship? Or a separate country? Or is it a conglomerate entity of various nations? clarification, will result in editing.[/footnote] and offered a position on the Intrepid. Due to her inexperience, she was brought on as what essentially meant a spare comms officer, that would stay in cryo until she was needed to either help the senior comms officer with something that required a second opinion, or the unlikely event that the senior comms officer became incapacitated, and unable to maintain the communications array.

Mere moments after the final message was sent, the comms officer met his demise, and the waking process for Liz began. As the ship scans had reported the senior comms officer had died of violent causes, along with her personal belongings, Liz was issued with a long range taser pistol.
Name: James Hale
Age: 28
Role: Electrical engineer

Weapon/equipment: A standard issue plasma torch, a Swiss army knife, a Holographic Data Viewer or HDV for short (Basically it?s a wrist mounted equivalent of a laptop). He wears a standard maintenance uniform, with the HMS Intrepid's logo stitched onto his left shoulder.

Appearance: James has short, messy hair that is half way between brown and blond.
He is about average hight and girth. He?s one of those people you would most likely forget if you bumped into him on the street.

Bio: James majored in Electrical engineering at Sydney University and fresh out of uni he volunteered to join the Intrepid. He is the backup electrical engineer, so he is only thawed from cryo in extreme situations or in the event that the main electrical engineer can?t preform his duties.
He reacts badly to conflict, opting to run away from a fight rather than face it.

Name: Kurt Fellman

Age: 29

Role: Junior Psychologist

Weapon/Equipment: Touchscreen datapad for keeping notes with, telescoping taser baton for defense against those more "upset" patients, and a pen and paper notepad for those times technology can't be relied upon

Appearance: Kurt is nearly 6 foot tall with light brown hair. He has a light build but is not particularly skinny and has started to obtain a slight stomach due to his easy lifestyle. He usually wears semi-formal outfits that project an air of professionalism, while at the same time keeping him approachable. He has a rarely used pair of glasses that he dons when he is reading from far-away or wants to appear more intelligent.

Personality: Kurt generally acts friendly and open towards others. He does more listening then talking and shows an obvious curiosity into people's minds. Despite the fact that he is good at politely listening to others he is still somewhat cool and detached towards others. His interest into others' emotions is purely intellectual and he seeks mainly to understand and manipulate (in a non-malevolent fashion). This attitude tends to drop though when he is in a relaxed and friendly environment, where he shows a normal if somewhat unconsciously know-it-all personality.

Bio: Kurt was brought up in an average middle-class family on Earth. He had very little oddities about his life, going through school as "just another kid" who was never known for anything beyond being somewhat knowledgable. He went through a slightly rebelous phase, where he became interested in politics, but soon grew bored with it overall and found a new interest in the human condition. Majoring in Psychology in college as well as taking several sociology and philosophy classes, Kurt soon became very focused on understanding the deepest parts of the human mind.

When he heard about the HMS Intrepid's planned journey, he immediately saw it as an opportunity for him to study a closed environment of a human society. While initailly the organizers for the launch had little interest in him, as they were looking for a more experienced psychologist rather than a recent graduate, Kurt was able to convince them to let him aboard by stating that they might need a psychologist who would be able to "change" with the whole crew and be without previous attachments. Thus he was allowed into the crew as a junior psychologist to help track the overall mental health of the crew and to assist any of the more senior psychologists.

Name: Razei Volegase
Age: 26
Role: Field Engineer
Weapon/equipment: Portable wrist laptop, tool belt, bionic left arm, a box filled with medicine
Bio: Razei was originally born in Kansas, U.S. His parents were well known engineers, but he never saw them because of all the business trips they went on. He always felt like the odd one out at school and had few friends. His parents didn't care about his social skills, all they saw were the grade cards and Razei was shipped off to Stanford to become an engineer just like his parents. Yet again, he had few friends and his grades looked great. His parents couldn't be happier.
Razei started out as intern to a company that produced computers, known as PAStech. He showed off to his employer his ability to evolve to the situation and quick thinking traits. The company he originally worked for gained attention from the CIA, however it wasn't the good kind. The CIA approached Razei and asked for his help to take down the company, which was selling products under the table to terrorists. To make it even worse, his parents had been helping them. Razei testified against the CEO and PAStech was sued by the United States Government. By doing this, Razei's family name went down the toilet and he had trouble finding a job because of everything his parents had done.
However, Razei was commended for his help on the case and because of his abilities, he was lucky enough to be offered a job on a special team that went into terrorist hideouts and took out insurgents. His job description was Bomb Technician.
Unfortunately, these jobs were extremely dangerous and Razei wasn't perfect. A bomb went off and took his left arm with it. The doctors had to work around the clock to save him as Razei went in between life and death. He was in constant pain for almost a week before doctors were able to pull him out. He was told that his life as a bomb technician was over because of the heart and lung complications that happened to him. However, Razei didn't feel like listening to the doctor. He got himself a new bionic left arm and went right back to his usual business.
When Razei heard about the Ship, he was amazed. He pleaded to the CIA to let him go on it and finally, after months of tests, he was allowed to go on as a quick repairman. His main reason was that he wanted as little to do with his parents and his PAStech past as possible.

Name: Walter Balkovic

Age: 28

Role: Computer engineer (maintains the ship?s computer and life support systems)

Weapon/equipment: A small kit containing a screwdriver and soldering iron, a few space computer parts and a small flashlight. He also carries a wrist mounted PDA (think a more streamlined, high tech version of a pipboy from Fallout). Finally, he also carries with high powered stun gun with two spare batteries.

Bio: Born in Warsaw, Poland, Walter grew up with a fascination with computers; this was mostly due to his father, who worked as a computer programmer. He would take Walter to work with him some days and show him how to use computers and various other types of technology. This fuelled his passion; he studied books on the subject, anything he could find. Due to this he excelled at any subject at school involving computers. He graduated from high school and enrolled at University, earning a decree in computer programming. He was hired at the company his father worked at and much to his father?s embarrassment became his supervisor. He worked at the company for a few years, steadily rising up the corporate ladder, before he was offered a job on the HMS intrepid. He would not be the primary computer engineer; however he would be needed if the senior officer was unable to perform his duties. Faced with a choice of a steady, well paying, boring desk job or a chance to see the stars and use the best technology available, it was a no brainer.
Name: Eric Robertson

Age: 27

Role: Chef/catering staff

Weapon/equipment: Some cooking equipment in the kitchen. One large frying pan, a large saucepan, an assortment of knives, and a spatula.

Bio: Eric joined the crew for the HMS Intrepid after answering a call for catering staff. He once worked as a chef in a popular and successful restaurant in his hometown of Newcastle, England. While he was never a head chef, he was an integral part of the team as he made many of the sauces and glazes required for the meals. He had become proficient at monitoring multiple pans at once, and being naturally ambidextrous was also a huge help.

His earlier life wasn't so good, however. He had been sent to live with an Aunt at an early age, as his parents had been deemed unfit to look after him due to their problems with drugs and alcohol. He had a strict upbringing but was taught how to cook, which his Aunt saw as an important skill if he was to live well. However, she was a strict teacher, using unconventional punishments such as holding his face under ice cold water for a minute if a potato was slightly over-boiled. As a result of her child abuse, however, he was able to effortlessly cook a perfect meal every time.

His time on the HMS Intrepid had been good so far. The crew were appreciative of a proper meal every now and then rather than dried rations, and he had experienced a few benefits of being a crew favourite. One of the security staff had given him weapons training, normally reserved for only the security staff.

He is usually found in his chefs uniform (white coat, white trousers) which is his mark of pride. He currently mostly cooks desserts for the crew, and the ingredients for a lot of them are stored in a large refrigerated section of the ship. For practical purposes, it is only really possible to cook a proper meal for the crew on certain days, as it would be exceedingly difficult to carry enough food for everyone for every day of the journey. As such, while the crew mostly survives off standard rations, once a week the catering team spring to action to deliver proper food to the hungry and appreciative masses.

Thats all the sheets I've got at the moment, if yours is missing post it up again and let me know!

Edit: Took me 4 captchas to get one that was readable...

Also - How do i get rid of that stuff below?! Someone...Added it to there sheet, now it's following me about like the plague!!


New member
Jun 21, 2010
I'm finished with my dissertation now, thank fuck...

Unfortunately I'm playing D&D tonight so I likely won't be available until tomorrow. But I have nothing to do then so I'll be free all day = ]


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Tips_of_Fingers said:
I'm finished with my dissertation now, thank fuck...

Unfortunately I'm playing D&D tonight so I likely won't be available until tomorrow. But I have nothing to do then so I'll be free all day = ]
Awesomes! Well, I think we have enough sheets, I'll be picking around 5 out of all entries and then I'll get started on the Opening post. So, by either tomorrow or Friday, we should be good to go?


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Dectomax said:
Tips_of_Fingers said:
I'm finished with my dissertation now, thank fuck...

Unfortunately I'm playing D&D tonight so I likely won't be available until tomorrow. But I have nothing to do then so I'll be free all day = ]
Awesomes! Well, I think we have enough sheets, I'll be picking around 5 out of all entries and then I'll get started on the Opening post. So, by either tomorrow or Friday, we should be good to go?
Y'know, I think it was really great how we started yesterday. Absolutely fantabulatious.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
SeanTheSheep said:
Dectomax said:
Tips_of_Fingers said:
I'm finished with my dissertation now, thank fuck...

Unfortunately I'm playing D&D tonight so I likely won't be available until tomorrow. But I have nothing to do then so I'll be free all day = ]
Awesomes! Well, I think we have enough sheets, I'll be picking around 5 out of all entries and then I'll get started on the Opening post. So, by either tomorrow or Friday, we should be good to go?
Y'know, I think it was really great how we started yesterday. Absolutely fantabulatious.
YES! Yes it was! Sorry, I've been in and out of hospital this entire week! So, my time has been limited. I've got it all written up now, I'll post the excepted sheets in a second. So if everyone will post an: "I'm ready" in here, we'll get started.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Dectomax said:
As soon as you all post back, I'll start up the thread and we can begin!
I stand ready. Go ahead and start.

And I'm totally gonna finish that char sheet for you other one... >_>


New member
Jun 21, 2010
SeanTheSheep said:
I'm not ready in any way. At all. Ever.
I counter your sarcasm with feigned ignorance: Why are you not ready??

OT: I guess you could call me ready. But let it be known that it is not my preferred name.