Interplay Calls Bethesda's Fallout Claim "Absurd"

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
OniaPL said:
Sheesh, we need this game so bad... Interplay and Bethesda should just join forces. This isn't about profit anymore, this is about the good of humanity! Seriously! Fallout MMO!
Doesnt Zenimax have.....a nice wad of cash they could Interplay?

Why didnt they just buy Interplay + Fallout...seems it would be faster then this legal smegal...


New member
May 28, 2010
I can't believe how asshole Bethesda is being about this. Out of all the times shifty lawyers pulled garbage like this, it'd have to be up there, at least in game related issues. My desire to buy any of their games from now on has now dropped significantly, not for a Valve fan reason like the whole LFD2 business, a genuine distaste for such a company. Good job guys.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Trogdor1138 said:
I can't believe how asshole Bethesda is being about this. Out of all the times shifty lawyers pulled garbage like this, it'd have to be up there, at least in game related issues. My desire to buy any of their games from now on has now dropped significantly, not for a Valve fan reason like the whole LFD2 business, a genuine distaste for such a company. Good job guys.
Don't blame the lawyers, they are just the grunts in court. Blame the CEO.

Do you know what's the worst part?

Every time a interview popped up Bethesda talked about what fanboys they were and what respect they had for the people that made the game (yes, I know, Black Isle was the developer). Now? They are just out there to kill the company that made the game they "respect".


New member
May 28, 2010
Traun said:
Trogdor1138 said:
I can't believe how asshole Bethesda is being about this. Out of all the times shifty lawyers pulled garbage like this, it'd have to be up there, at least in game related issues. My desire to buy any of their games from now on has now dropped significantly, not for a Valve fan reason like the whole LFD2 business, a genuine distaste for such a company. Good job guys.
Don't blame the lawyers, they are just the grunts in court. Blame the CEO.

Do you know what's the worst part?

Every time a interview popped up Bethesda talked about what fanboys they were and what respect they had for the people that made the game (yes, I know, Black Isle was the developer). Now? They are just out there to kill the company that made the game they "respect".
Yeah, I remember when they were announced as the developers for Fallout 3 and thinking "oh yeah, they respect it lots, that's really cool".

It's not quite as bad as Activisions fall from their origins, but it reminds me of it.
Apr 28, 2008
Traun said:
Is there one video game company out there that isn't run by complete assholes?
Well there's Bungie, but not everyone likes them.

OT: Can't we just give the Fallout license to neither? Can't we just give it to some guy named Joe so he can tell these people to stop bitching and get back to making games?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Lt. Vinciti said:
Doesnt Zenimax have.....a nice wad of cash they could Interplay?

Why didnt they just buy Interplay + Fallout...seems it would be faster then this legal smegal...
You think Bethesda's bad? Sorry, but Interplay is even worse. It's run by two guys without a clue, and it's beyond being run into the ground. Interplay is *nothing*, and they can't admit it.

Yes, this is a bit of a dick-move on Bethesda's part, but I think they've come to realise that Interplay won't give them the product they want, and they're (seemingly) fighting tooth-and-nail to get back what's theirs.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Oh, those wacky Bethesda chumps and their little plans! They actually thought they were getting out of their agreement to allow Interplay their MMO? Hah hah hah...they screwed up big time. Go get 'em, Interplay!

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
I think even the most charitable individual can quite clearly see that the point of that claim was never to make sense, because if Bethesda's assertions are true, somebody involved in that agreement was a lunatic - there is no logical reason to secure the rights to make a Fallout MMO and then fight to keep those rights after you (Bethesda) tried to yank them away by claiming that Interplay breached the terms of your agreement if what that actually meant was "an entirely unrelated game that just happens to have "Fallout" in the title.

No, it's extremely obvious that the point of this claim is simply to waste Interplay's time and money, so they'll be unable to complete their Fallout MMO and then Bethesda can take away their rights to do so like they tried to earlier. Which makes it a real jackass move - way to lose customer goodwill by taking plays out of Activision's PR handbook[footnote]Full of helpful PR tips like "Make sure your CEO says things along these lines ALL the time: 'I want to take the fun out of making games' or 'Games should be more expensive[footnote]Other CEO's might be thinking that, all the time, but Kotick comes right out and says it... in front of members of the press. It's like he's trying to make us hate him, and by extension his company.[/footnote]' - customers LOVE hearing that![/footnote] Bethesda!

Sgt Pepper

New member
Dec 7, 2009
Hmm, I'm wondering if Bethesda have taken a look at the work in progress to date, found that the Fallout MMO is shaping up to be rather bad and are trying to find any excuse they can to close it down.

Maybe, maybe not, but I'll keep an open mind based on what we know.


New member
Sep 11, 2009

Seriously though, what the fuck? Bethesda are fucking stupid.

Mike Laserbeam

New member
Dec 10, 2010
For God's sake Bethesda...
I personally think that Interplay should be able to do whatever they like with the Fallout brand, legally however I know that's not the case... First the whole "Interplay can't sell the games they made!" thing, now this. I know they sold the rights and all but, really Bethesda? You wouldn't have Fallout without these guys!

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Onyx Oblivion said:
Dennis Farina ain't that bad, Andy.
Dennis Farina is great, but not in L&O. Too gimmicky. I don't even mind the two guys from the first three seasons, George Dzunzunzadadaada and Paul Goodfellas, whatever their names are, and Jesse L. Whatshisfuck who took over from Mike was cool too, but once Lenny was out, so was I.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Dennis Farina ain't that bad, Andy.
Dennis Farina is great, but not in L&O. Too gimmicky. I don't even mind the two guys from the first three seasons, George Dzunzunzadadaada and Paul Goodfellas, whatever their names are, and Jesse L. Whatshisfuck who took over from Mike was cool too, but once Lenny was out, so was I.
No one could ever replace him. No one. But Dennis Farina isn't a terrible actor by any means. I believe Anthony Anderson is on it now, but I only watch old reruns on TNT, so they may not have the rights to newer episodes yet.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Seeing it from Bethesda's point of view, the agreement it signed with Interplay allegedly granted license to all Fallout material created by Interplay - FO1, 2, Tactics, BoS - but not anything created by Bethsoft. In other words, an Interplay-developed Fallout MMO would be based entirely on pre-Fallout 3 material, and give the success it's had with the franchise, Bethesda probably doesn't want that sort of schism to develop in the property. It may appear dickish on the surface but from a business point of view, it's not unreasonable.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
Traun said:
Is there one video game company out there that isn't run by complete assholes?

So let me see if I read this right. They told them to make a fallout game without any fallout?
Does that even make sense?


New member
Apr 27, 2010
I refuse to knee-jerk react to the legal tennis match being played between two companies. It's the height of foolishness to jump to sweeping conclusions about a situation we can't control and know very little about.

Leftnt Sharpe

Nick Furry
Apr 2, 2009
I hate to, well, hate on Interplay but lets face it there is no possible way that they can make a decent Fallout MMO, in fact I'm not sure that they could even make a decent game. All their best games (Infinity Engine games, Fallout series, Descent/Freespace series, MDK) were made by studios that are now either defunct or have moved on to bigger and better things. They have no credibility, all they have left are their licenses to said franchises, minus Fallout.

Edit: Here is the rage free version: Interplay are Interplay in name only.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Actually, of the original Fallout developers, Chris Taylor and Mark O'Green have rejoined Interplay and are working on Fallout Online.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Well what was the last Fallout game Interplay made, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel? Weren't they in debt 59 million$ when Bethesda bought Fallout? Great job. Yeah I rather they didn't fuck the series into the ground again. Two words - Fallout Extreme *shutter* thank god someone canceled it.

Selling a "Fallout Trilogy" (with Fallout 1,2 & tactics not Fallout 3 of course)when Fallout 3 came out, just fucking with words to trick customers. Then Bethesda dose it to you and your pissed? One good turn... ;D

GoodApprentice said:
I refuse to knee-jerk react to the legal tennis match being played between two companies. It's the height of foolishness to jump to sweeping conclusions about a situation we can't control and know very little about.
There you go, being all reasonable ;) Some people