Is America going to collapse?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
America will collapse. I don't know how far in the future that is, but it will.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
America is nowhere near collapse. Most economists tend to look at a country's economic health by looking at the increase or decrease in the production of goods. During the Great Depression, America's production fell roughly 33%, in the 1970's it fell around 15%, at the moment it is something like 1.5% lower than usual.
Economies tend to move in waves, and we are in the recovery phase of this wave, where we are going up from a low point.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
I always thought that Usa was already fubar since long time ago, so cant help you with that.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
LifeCharacter said:
Your overdramatizing this a bit aren't you? Germany was a lot worse off at the end of WWI, granted it is a bit overshadowed by something a little later.

Just because we had economic problems does not mean we're going to turn into a third world nation, you not getting a job doesn't mean the country is dying.
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
we are still recovering, really my big worry is that the states will fuck up and take us out of it with their huge budget cuts and layoffs, you dont help job growth by cutting some of the few jobs you cant outsource

jobs are around but its certainly not easy finding them all but they are out there, temp agencies are probably the best bet, seems like retail and such are pretty much all full


New member
Sep 22, 2009
I live in the US, and I'd say within 2 years something big will happen, I highly doubt collapse, probably just some rioting until things get back into control.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
That's not collapse, that's economic recovery.

A collapse happens out of nowhere right when everything seems fine.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Ossian said:
What do you think? Are we going to survive or should I start speaking Indian/Chinese?
You folks will probably survive, just in a significantly different "USA" than you're used to.

How different? I dunno. All i know is that you're up for a painful "reboot".


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Ossian said:
LifeCharacter said:
Your overdramatizing this a bit aren't you? Germany was a lot worse off at the end of WWI, granted it is a bit overshadowed by something a little later.

Just because we had economic problems does not mean we're going to turn into a third world nation, you not getting a job doesn't mean the country is dying.
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.

Seriously, I go everywhere on a bus. The bus is your friend. Try using it.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Ossian said:
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.
ride a bike. walk to work if its close enough. use public transport. get a more fuel effecient car(im assuming cuase your american you have a massive hummer :). Car pool to work.

some days i used to walk 50 mins to work.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Ossian said:
Zechnophobe said:
I have a completely steady job and make good money. I've rather become MORE effluent in the past few years. So honestly, I don't even know what the problem is? What kind of jobs are you trying for that are so hard to get?
Retail/fast food/Grocery store jobs. All my friends at school say its a problem for them too.

Bobic said:
Your avatar is strangely fitting for this topic.
Yeah, it fits most of my topics. Which is kinda sad when I think about it.
You should change your avatar to this (Wow! massive link),r:6,s:0

Then maybe you'd post a load of happy, flamboyant topics.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
lacktheknack said:
That's not collapse, that's economic recovery.

A collapse happens out of nowhere right when everything seems fine.
Whatever you wanna call it. Implodes? Dies in slow motion? I dunno.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
BreakfastMan said:
If America collapses, it is taking the whole world with it, and I do not think that anyone wants that. So, yes, I think we are going to survive, at least for a while longer.
Actually, everyone will just turn to the EU and China. No one country is so important that it takes the entire world with it when it commits suicide.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
lacktheknack said:
Ossian said:
LifeCharacter said:
Your overdramatizing this a bit aren't you? Germany was a lot worse off at the end of WWI, granted it is a bit overshadowed by something a little later.

Just because we had economic problems does not mean we're going to turn into a third world nation, you not getting a job doesn't mean the country is dying.
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.

Seriously, I go everywhere on a bus. The bus is your friend. Try using it.
Merkavar said:
Ossian said:
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.
ride a bike. walk to work if its close enough. use public transport. get a more fuel effecient car(im assuming cuase your american you have a massive hummer :). Car pool to work.
I live in the country, 35-40 mins to school Half hour to the nearest wallmart. My bro drives a crappy little 2 door, mom drives a minivan. No buses come out here and I'm looking at a 1 1/2 bike ride to civilization, which would result in MASSIVE sunburns, trust me I've tried. I could barely touch my arms for a week.

Florida Sun is BRUTAL.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Ossian said:
lacktheknack said:
That's not collapse, that's economic recovery.

A collapse happens out of nowhere right when everything seems fine.
Whatever you wanna call it. Implodes? Dies in slow motion? I dunno.
No... economic recovery is a GOOD thing. Powerhouse countries don't suffer for years before whimpering out of existence.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Ossian said:
lacktheknack said:
Ossian said:
LifeCharacter said:
Your overdramatizing this a bit aren't you? Germany was a lot worse off at the end of WWI, granted it is a bit overshadowed by something a little later.

Just because we had economic problems does not mean we're going to turn into a third world nation, you not getting a job doesn't mean the country is dying.
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.

Seriously, I go everywhere on a bus. The bus is your friend. Try using it.
Merkavar said:
Ossian said:
Again, its not just me. How is the nation's Poverty stricken families going to get to work when they spend $5 a gallon on gas to get to work? Maybe its worse where I am, as Florida has never been all that great.
ride a bike. walk to work if its close enough. use public transport. get a more fuel effecient car(im assuming cuase your american you have a massive hummer :). Car pool to work.
I live in the country, 35-40 mins to school Half hour to the nearest wallmart. My bro drives a crappy little 2 door, mom drives a minivan. No buses come out here and I'm looking at a 1 1/2 bike ride to civilization, which would result in MASSIVE sunburns, trust me I've tried. I could barely touch my arms for a week.

Florida Sun is BRUTAL.
But you asked how impoverished families will survive with high gas prices, and that's how.

Nice location selection, though. Consider moving to the city when you move out.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
HerbertTheHamster said:
'Murrica will crash, China will take over.
They can't just "take over" no one can really invade another empire anymore, too many alliances. WW3 can't happen either, No one wants to mess with Nukes.

Okay, saw your EDIT. :)