Is America going to collapse?

Arizona Kyle

New member
Aug 25, 2010
lacktheknack said:
BreakfastMan said:
If America collapses, it is taking the whole world with it, and I do not think that anyone wants that. So, yes, I think we are going to survive, at least for a while longer.
Actually, everyone will just turn to the EU and China. No one country is so important that it takes the entire world with it when it commits suicide.
Well america could take the world with it.... but i mean we would really have to try to f**k up the world before we go under and i do mean really try

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
As my grandma always says, "Things are going to get worse before they ever get better". America is just having a tough time with the economy due to the war in Iran and the whole deal with Egypt. As for gas prices, those are closely related to the war as well seeing as we get most of our gas and oil from there. Though I do know very little seeing as how I have always hated politics, I do know that we are expected to have a rise in prices soon before it goes back down to the norm. All in due time I always say.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
*facepalm* Ok, look, I want you take a minute and step back and actually think about what you just asked. Is America going to collapse? I'm sorry my friend, but all the doom spewin' in the world isn't going to make that true. Gas prices went up because of unrest in Libya. Worst case scenario, if Libya goes to Civil War, AND Iraq once the US leaves, goes to civil war AND Iran invades Kuwait, Then and only then when 10 - 15% of the world's oil supply is cut off, will gas prices rise to $5 dollars. Is it possible? Sure it is. It's also possible it won't.

This recession is bad. But we're recovering, we've made it out of the worst of it. Unemployment has just leveled at about 9% is all. People really need to realize fixes don't come over night, no matter what the Media would like you believe. The Stock market crashed in 1929. It took until WWII, the event that basically created jobs and kickstarted the economy to, to fix it. And that More than a decade later. Relax. This is going to take some time.

If you can't afford gas, take a bus, walk, or bike. Is it inconvenient? You bet your ass. Will you live? Yes. Most people in the world do just fine w/o a car. If you can't get a job, keep looking. Persistence does pay off in this world. If you just focus on how you continue to be unemployed, and stop trying, of course you're going to stay unemployed. Keep looking. Eventually you get hired. Somewhere. It may not be where you WANT to work, but it'll be a job none the less.

If anything rising gas prices will push the world towards energy reform. That's what I believe anyway. At that point, new energy research will be cheaper than gas, and people will suddenly flock to it. It's all about the money. It's sad, but it's all anybody cares about.

America's not doomed. Far from it. Despite what people say, we're one of the if not the most stable governments in the world. We've endured and prospered for over 200 years, I think we'll be ok.

Be happy. Be optimistic. Seriously, living your life in sadness and pessimism is pathetic and isn't good for your health.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
I hope you enjoy bankruptcy or plan on moving to a different country because your screwed. normally the job market would indeed pick back up and new businesses would open and spending would increase once more after a financial F##k up. Unfortunately the banks that would make that possible don't want to lend to you when it can make more money playing proverbial blackjack.

That line of credit is what makes an economy grow, if you cut it off it atrophies. So yes america is going down and by the looks of it, it's not exactly trying to stop itself.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Civil War yes.
Complete collapse. unlikely.
so joining the anti central government movement.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
The main problem the US has is the majority of super powers hate you. So If you were to go belly up who would bail you out ? (Not trying to be a dick)

For a country like the US to go under is highly unlikely however due to the fact that you guys have put a finger in most peoples pie and when you go shits up you can cash that finger in ( World lending). All this depends on the countries called on actually having the money though.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Arizona Kyle said:
lacktheknack said:
BreakfastMan said:
If America collapses, it is taking the whole world with it, and I do not think that anyone wants that. So, yes, I think we are going to survive, at least for a while longer.
Actually, everyone will just turn to the EU and China. No one country is so important that it takes the entire world with it when it commits suicide.
Well america could take the world with it.... but i mean we would really have to try to f**k up the world before we go under and i do mean really try
Did I not just get done telling you a LOT of "evidence" on Global Warming was falsified for political gain? And no, we've had a LOT higher carbon than this, and orbital charts prove nothing because they show now without showing the then. The famous "hockey stick" graph that shows the exponential rise in carbon? Falsified by the University of East Anglia. I could go on, but I don't reallly NEED to argue longer than two replies with someone on the internet. But seriously, we spend way too much money hunting down things people in charge say exist and when we don't find it they say we weren't looking hard enough. I don't know about Europe, but the US just had a REALLY cold winter, the coldest in a lonng time. Also, do you know what we've been warming up FROM, and from WHEN? Look up the little ice age. Literally the entire population of Loondon could EASILY have stood on the ice of the Thames river, and even threw festivals on it. We have been warming up from a VERY recent FREEZE-OVER, THAT is why it's hotter than it used to be. Also, bye internet person.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Ossian said:
What do you think? Are we going to survive or should I start speaking Indian/Chinese?
Don't bother learning Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi or the rest, India's second language is English, as for Mandarin, it really can't hurt but I wouldn't bother with Cantonese or any of the other languages.
Zechnophobe said:
I have a completely steady job and make good money. I've rather become MORE effluent in the past few years. So honestly, I don't even know what the problem is? What kind of jobs are you trying for that are so hard to get?
Really? Effluent? Come on that is too much. I was drinking when I read your post and now I have to clean my keyboard. Funniest thing I've read in ages and you probably didn't even mean it.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Zechnophobe said:
It's like, one side argues based on drama. OMG not everyone agreed all at once! The other side has evidence. This isn't a soap opera man. Just because harsh words are said doesn't mean the CO2 levels aren't the highest they've been in 650 thousand years.

We *should* be entering a cooling cycle now. This should correlate with a decrease in CO2. It isn't. See how the chart shows the normal cycle being followed for the past 400k years, and where we are now it is supposed to be going down... but isn't?
That is not to say that global warming will kill us all. Yes, it is likely to cause lots of nasty things for various people, but there'll be plenty of others living better off to turn them away at the border.

Which is ok as long as your a turner away, not a turnee away. And even the turnees away have a decent chance of survival.

octafish said:
Really? Effluent? Come on that is too much. I was drinking when I read your post and now I have to clean my keyboard. Funniest thing I've read in ages and you probably didn't even mean it.
Ah...takes me back to when Kath and Kim was funny.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
BrownGaijin said:
It's still going to be a while before we see improvement in the economy
We're already seeing improvement. GDP is going up. I know, thats not the only thing and all that jazz, but its going up, which is a good thing. It goes down in recession and depression, so as long as it goes up it means your country is doing SOMETHING and getting itself out of whatever funk its in. Unless of course its sandwiched between years of negative GDP growth. Then that means the year was either a fluke or your country needs to get it together.

CaptQuakers said:
China for one. They have alot invested in us and if they cant collect that debt they'll be PISSED. People like to say that China doesnt need the US or it would do well without it and is gonna over take it (which may be true) but China and US are possibly the two most bonded countries in recent history.

Its like the middle east and other oil giving countries. They like to say that the world needs them more then they need the world, but if everyone starting buying things that didnt need gas they'd change their tune real quick.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Yeah... The third largest country population wise, with the largest economy, that has endured worse in the past is suddenly going to collapse overnight. Right.

Sarcasm aside, the short answer is no. Things where actually picking back up pretty quickly there for a while. Faster even the the SY was recovering. Things have stalled out a bit, but they will pick back up again, they always do. Its not going to be an economic downturn that does in the US. Like most nations power will wane someone else will take over the top dog spot, and people will continue to live their lives.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
We'll be fine, but I have to admit it's time to bring the jobs back.

Seems India or Chinese workers don't get a pay check then buy American goods, or rent or utilities...

So between that and Illegals, they sabotaged the economy in the excuse that the corps save money...

They "save" money yet no one in America has a job to buy a product...


New member
Feb 4, 2010
octafish said:
Ossian said:
What do you think? Are we going to survive or should I start speaking Indian/Chinese?
Don't bother learning Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi or the rest, India's second language is English, as for Mandarin, it really can't hurt but I wouldn't bother with Cantonese or any of the other languages.
Zechnophobe said:
I have a completely steady job and make good money. I've rather become MORE effluent in the past few years. So honestly, I don't even know what the problem is? What kind of jobs are you trying for that are so hard to get?
Really? Effluent? Come on that is too much. I was drinking when I read your post and now I have to clean my keyboard. Funniest thing I've read in ages and you probably didn't even mean it.
It was a mistake on my part, I think I will leave it so as to beer-soak additional keyboards for others with good vocabulary.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Right now our national debt is the monkey on America's back. And its getting bigger. Its not just Obama's and the Democrat controlled congress of 06' to '10 fault, its Every government this country has had since FDR enacted the New Deal. The actions of all those governments over the last 70 years has put the idea in the minds of us Americans that we can live however we want, and do whatever we want cause a lot of us think government will provide for us. Problem is, government isn't supposed to provide for the people. the Federal Government is obligated to do only what the Constitution says it can do. Unfortunately, because most politicians care more about what actions will get them re-elected than what is actually good for the nation, the federal government has essentially ignored the Constitution or twisted it's words to go in their favor.

Wall Street played a very significant part in this whole economic nightmare, but it was government who really made it happen and worse when they had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac back mortgages that we're obviously doomed from the start (allowing other lenders to just go nuts with loaning money to people who shouldn't have gotten any) and then spending ridiculous sums of taxpayer money bailing out the companies who should have seen this coming but let their greed get in the way.

Unless the government realizes that the vast majority of Americans are mad as hell and want the government to change how it does things, not only are they going to pay the price, but so are we the people and the rest of the world


New member
Sep 2, 2007
CaptQuakers said:
The main problem the US has is the majority of super powers hate you. So If you were to go belly up who would bail you out ? (Not trying to be a dick)

For a country like the US to go under is highly unlikely however due to the fact that you guys have put a finger in most peoples pie and when you go shits up you can cash that finger in ( World lending). All this depends on the countries called on actually having the money though.
The US is the only true super power. The economy is on par with the entire economy of the EU, largest military force, and not by far, the US military is larger then the EU's, and the US has the third largest population in the world. Third largest country lad mass wise as well. China's economy the second largest of any single country is less the half as large as the US economy.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Ossian said:
Because I'm getting worried. I can't find a job anywhere, I'm trying my best. Gas prices are going so insanely high my parents are having a hard time getting to work in the morning, and I know there are family way worse off than mine. I heard prices are going to be $5.00 later this year.

How much longer can this last? I want to finish college and get a career but I fear there won't even be a job market when I get out. I have this overwhelming sense of doom crushing down on me. (Mind you I do live with a dad that is the biggest prophet of doom you've ever seen.)
I know history is full of depressions, but the world is a much different place, population growth no longer bolsters an economy like it did back in the day.
What do you think? Are we going to survive or should I start speaking Indian/Chinese?
Don't worry pretty much sums things up for me since i got out of college a about 2 1/2 yrs ago and i'm still looking for a career coming from me who lives on a small island which really isn't going to well for myself.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Nah, I think America will be fine. Sure, there is minor political unrest, and sure, we have a humongous debt. But this can be fixed with a Politician that does the right thing over the thing that is not just a part of their political party.

America has suffered worse then this, we will survive.


New member
Dec 25, 2009
silver wolf009 said:
but it is very possible and likely right now that we are going to be surpassed as the worlds number one superpower by China or India
Despite India having a very very large population, they also have a very very large AIDS epidemic and a HIGH HIGH poverty rate...I'd just say China on this one.


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Ossian said:
silver wolf009 said:
Trust me, I know the feeling. >_< I try to remain hopeful, though it's hard when I've been out of work, despite my best efforts to find even the lowliest of jobs in the area, for so long; postponing my college education in the meantime. How troublesome.

Anyways, no, the US isn't going to collapse; what would that even mean? The government implodes and everything goes south? Not going to happen.

Nieroshai said:
What the?