Is Hentai Bad?


New member
Jun 9, 2010
No, to both issues raised. If it doesn't do harm, it isn't bad, regardless of personal preference.

That's my view anyway.

El Camarado

New member
Jul 24, 2009
As long as something does not cause harm to real people I'm fine with it. Whether lolicon causes any harm is debatable, but, like with violent videogames, I've yet to see any compelling arguments to support the hypothesis that it is indeed harmful.

I find that many of the things that are depicted or shown in hentai are not suited to my tastes, or are things that I find repulsive. But like any other medium, it is mostly a simple matter of personal taste.

As for the argument that situations that are depicted in H materials that would be extremely immoral and illegal in real life should also be as immoral and illegal, I only have this to say: you need to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Setting philosophical debates about existence aside, reality is very different from drawings, animations, pixels, and vertices. To my knowledge, fictional depictions do not think or feel. They don't, because they can't.

Nova Helix

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Is 'The Birth of Venus' bad?

There is nothing wrong with a drawing, animation, painting, ect. No you boththings you said.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Of course not, it hurts no one and thus pose no ethical problem whatsoever.

I'd kind of worry more about the stuff featuring real human beings, with feelings and personalities and whatnot. I find the notion of some actual human being potentially forced by circumstances into making porn infinitely more disturbing than even the sickest of lifeless drawings.

Pretty sure the strangest of it can amuse quite a few by sheer WTF?!-factor alone too, even if its actual merit as erotic stimulation would be limited to extremely small niche groups.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Trezu said:
Lolicon is BAD
If it doesn't appeal to you then how would you know? It may be morally wrong, but isn't most Hentai? It's not illegal and if it's not your type then don't bother with it.

In my personal opinion, I think there's nothing wrong with Hentai. Put it in the same group as regular porn if you wish but would you believe that this is from a Hentai flash:

I dunno why, but I adore this pic.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
I've never gotten into it... So therefor it must be shit! Jk..

Not to offend anyone, but it seems a bit childish to me.. Im closing into my 30's now, and feel that this ship is not something i should board now..

Though i watch Griffin and Simpsons, but i feel they are somewhat different.. If not, im just an a-hole trying to be smug so please overlook post..

Swny Nerdgasm

New member
Jul 31, 2010
Meh in my mind it's a sub-genre of anime, so i equate that with bad, but if it's what you're into whatever, i'm not gonna attack you for it

Nova Helix

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Would all of the child angels in 15th century art count as loli? They are children and are naked after all.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
There is a fine line of where porn goes from good to creepy/scary. Hentai drives a rocket car over that line 70% of the time. 10% is just stuff I don't find tasteful. And I will admit that the voices of the women do grate on my nerves during the sex scenes.

Orc rape, or rape period for that matter, is not something I find arousing. Maybe I'm just a big sissy.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Hasn't this been a thing in the japenese courts for a long time now?
Courts argueing they support and instigate crime and deviant behaviour,
Artists argueing creative freedom?

Personally I think if people can't see the difference between reality and a clearly made-up situation, it's only their own fault. I kinda like it 'cos it's a medium where impossible settings and storys can be easily told.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Cuy said:
MercurySteam said:
Trezu said:
Lolicon is BAD
If it doesn't appeal to you then how would you know? It may be morally wrong, but isn't most hentai? It's not illegal and if it's not your type then don't bother with it.
A man in Sweden was convicted of violations against the child pornography law for translating hentai with lolis in it. Tell me again that it isn't illegal, will you?
He never said it wasn't illegal, he said it wasn't bad, kinly lerarn to read would you.
Well shut me up, looks like I'm the one that can't read, the rest of my post still stands though.

Besides until recently it wasn't ilegal in its country of origin, it may not actually be illegal now but there's talk.

OT: what exactly could be wrong with hentai?

Why did you feel the need to state your opinion on loli when the two are not necesserily relatyed, and yes it is opinion, I personaly find nothing wrong with it as there is no child involved, it may be odd but no one is hurt.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Honestly, I'd rather see that there are comics and drawings of seemingly underaged people in sexual situations than actual children being put in harm's way.

Otherwise, hentai isn't bad at all. After all, they're just drawings or animations of people. .__.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Well, let's look at it this way: the amount of attractive women in hentai far exceeds the same amount, for lack of a better term, "real" porn provides.

I don't know about you guys, but I think most pornstars look pretty nasty. At least I don't have to dig for ages to find hentai that's easy on the eyes. Though, then there are those hentai. I'm sure it's better left unsaid if you don't know what I'm talking about.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Less bad than normal porn, since it's more clearly a fantasy setting for these ludicrous sexual scenarios, and if you've got a problem with the dignity of porn actresses and such, in hentai the only thing being exploited is their voice.