Is it possible to get through Dragon Age Origins without a healer?


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I'm replaying DA:O and want to use a different party from last time, but this means cutting out Wynne and her healing awesomeness. Bearing in mind that I don't particularly want to make either my character or Morrigan a healy mage, is it possible to get through the game without a healer?


New member
Mar 18, 2011
GodsAndFishes said:
I'm replaying DA:O and want to use a different party from last time, but this means cutting out Wynne and her healing awesomeness. Bearing in mind that I don't particularly want to make either my character or Morrigan a healy mage, is it possible to get through the game without a healer?
I used to play a rogue, with two warriors and a battle mage. No need to skimp on those potions.


New member
May 9, 2011
I do that all the time, I only Use Sten, Alister, and Liliana.(<--- not sure I spell the names right it's been a while) And no I don't play as a Mage Only Warrior Its the only class I know how too.

Smurf McSmurfington

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Sure, it's technically possible, provided you actually know exactly what you're doing, but no, it wont be easy.
I'd applaud you for trying, though.

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
GodsAndFishes said:
I'm replaying DA:O and want to use a different party from last time, but this means cutting out Wynne and her healing awesomeness. Bearing in mind that I don't particularly want to make either my character or Morrigan a healy mage, is it possible to get through the game without a healer?
I'm sure if you have lots of healing and are on easy you can. I killed Wynne (still sided with mages) and on a really hard fight where Morrigan can't come I was forced to bring tonnes and tonnes of health potion with me. So yes it can be done but It will be hard.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
I got my butt kicked over and over for days before i went to the stupid mage tower and found they had a healer there. The game could stand to give you hint on that one. I was actually about to quit the stupid game (which i did later for other reasons). Yeah for me at least it was needed.

I played it on console though. I have heard the controls are much better for PC. I can see that, there is no top down view on console and random dudes show up out of nowhere all the time.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Easy or normal mode, lots of health potions. And it depends what you mean by healer. Does Morrigan having that one healing spell count?

It's a very MMO-esque single player game. All the combat archetypes are there, it's just that you can do most of the work with the tactics system. Same in DA2, but that you can't do without a healer, thanks to the cooldown time (and comparative scarcity) of the health potions.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Yes, if you have enough potions and know exactly what you're doing and what spells to use. I mean, I did it (hated Wynne) but I was playing a mage (most things were dead before Alistair started running towards them) or a rogue that feinted and hid.

In my experience, if you don't have a healer, get at least two fighters with you (possibly the dog too if you're using a mod). Spend a lot of money on potions, get Morrigan a healing spell or two and that's pretty much it. Granted, some party members will die but that's what injury kits are for.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
yes, i did it on normal with out one, however i did have the dog companion mod which effectively allows me to have 5 in a party and it was stupidly hard

Scizophrenic Llama

Is in space!
Dec 5, 2007
On the easiest setting? Yes. Past that? Enjoy loading back a lot. Stock up on a ton of potions as you'll need them and make sure you have a designated tank to soak up a lot of the damage, else you'll be taken out pretty quickly.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Should be very doable even on hard mode.
Potions/poultices are pretty good, but usually redundant, because of those healing spells that you now nolonger use.
You can spam pots by having different qualities of the same type hotkeyed. Cooldown times are seperate for each.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
If by "healer" you mean a mage specifically meant to heal others and cast buffs on party members, then yes, I did it at least 4 times. (out of the 7 times I played through, 5 of which were the notably more difficult PC version) But then, I knew where all the best stuff was, where the ambushes were, which areas were best avoided until later on, and which choices resulted in X and Y attacking or settling their differences without murder. Not something you want to try on your first go, I think.

If you mean without anyone healing by any means at all, (potions, blood magic, certain abilities, POTIONS) why would you want to try? Not sure it's impossible, but the Arch-Demon would be a real ***** no matter the difficulty setting, I think. Seems like one of those "Go through the entire game with no weapons/armor, one party member, and an enraged chimpanzee assualting you with a frying pan" type quests taken up mainly by lunatics.


New member
May 19, 2011
Yes. In fact it is quite easy if you know what you're doing. Just remember to have an ample supply of health potions.

First tip; Train a herbalist to make high quality potions and buffing potions. This will be of great help in a non-healer run. :3

Second tip; kill fast. Use poisons, enchantments, skills and big-ass spells. This will, obviously, make it very hard for enemies to attack you. If possible, get as many paralyse runes on all physical attacker's weapons. This will greatly help! Make sure you don't have too many passives on, just the ones that you need. This is especially true for mages whose damage literally depends on their mana.

Third tip; if you find it hard - cheat. A lot. This shouldn't be necessary though if you do it right. Muahahahaha!


New member
Sep 29, 2010
GodsAndFishes said:
I'm replaying DA:O and want to use a different party from last time, but this means cutting out Wynne and her healing awesomeness. Bearing in mind that I don't particularly want to make either my character or Morrigan a healy mage, is it possible to get through the game without a healer?
It's possible for you to beat the game, on nightmare, with 1 char if you choose too. Either way yeah, just make enough healing potions at camp to carry with you, take out mages first, and you should have little trouble with anything else.


New member
Jun 6, 2011
I always give Morrigan the Heal spell anyway. You don't have to spec her as a healer to give her that, it's a first level spell, and you get loads of spells in DA:O so you might as well.

You can easily do without a healer on Normal difficulty provided you build the rest of your party appropriately although you will probably have to tweak the AI or micromanage during combat. Like people say, make sure you train someone up as a herbalist.