Is it possible to get through Dragon Age Origins without a healer?

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
You can yes, I beat the game on hardest difficulty with only damage dealers.
But then you really need to think about your tactics and read up on your skills and how the party will hit together, then the real game starts.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Well I beat the game before with only having Morrigan and the one heal spell. It took a fuck ton of potions though and was not easy. Of course, my party wasn't the best build either and ended up looking pretty lean towards the end (people started leaving).

So yeah, it is possible. But you will need tons of potions. And probably some serious damage dealing to make sure you don't lose too much health.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
yes but it's not fun. at least you can make Morrigan a healer, she never will be as good as the other one(i killed her and played through the game once) but she will do


New member
Jun 16, 2009
You can make yourself into a healer if your a mage, but still, even on the lowest difficulty it would be hard without a dedicated healer.


New member
Apr 10, 2011

In fact I found it SO much easier without a healer (on nightmare).

Heals cost tons of mana over time, heal relatively little and take up tons of tactics slots.
Crowd control costs relatively little mana over time, prevents insane amounts of damage and takes only a single tactics slot.

If you manage your party members in harder fights to ensure the right enemies get crowd controlled it's just so much easier without a healer.

I usually take one warrior (doesn't even have to be Alistair, just has to have taunt and strong armor), one lockpicker, one crowd control mage and the last slow with whatever you want.

Heals are so overrated.
Sep 14, 2009
jesus compared to some people i always think i'm horrible at rpg's..maybe not so much anymore, my first 2 playthroughs i did it on normal with no healing mages, i had morrigan blizzarding the whole field while i dual wield raped everything with tornado and had shale and alistair tank everything else.

the only time i ever actually "died", was in the annoying as fuck fade part and at the end with the archdemon, because i didn't see the large crossbows the first time through..


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Hagi said:

In fact I found it SO much easier without a healer (on nightmare).

Heals cost tons of mana over time, heal relatively little and take up tons of tactics slots.
Crowd control costs relatively little mana over time, prevents insane amounts of damage and takes only a single tactics slot.

If you manage your party members in harder fights to ensure the right enemies get crowd controlled it's just so much easier without a healer.

I usually take one warrior (doesn't even have to be Alistair, just has to have taunt and strong armor), one lockpicker, one crowd control mage and the last slow with whatever you want.

Heals are so overrated.
But what happens when you get to the long drawn out boss fights (Flemeth comes to mind)?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Is it possible to get through Dragon Age Origins without dieing of boredom?


New member
Aug 13, 2010
I did that on my first playthrough. I found it really difficult, but it's doable.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Eduku said:
Hagi said:

In fact I found it SO much easier without a healer (on nightmare).

Heals cost tons of mana over time, heal relatively little and take up tons of tactics slots.
Crowd control costs relatively little mana over time, prevents insane amounts of damage and takes only a single tactics slot.

If you manage your party members in harder fights to ensure the right enemies get crowd controlled it's just so much easier without a healer.

I usually take one warrior (doesn't even have to be Alistair, just has to have taunt and strong armor), one lockpicker, one crowd control mage and the last slow with whatever you want.

Heals are so overrated.
But what happens when you get to the long drawn out boss fights (Flemeth comes to mind)?
Flemeth and other dragons are actually rly easy to solo with any archer. Their AI is totally screwed so you can avoid all their melee hits, and as long as you wear a fire def potion/gear, you get hit for almost nothing by fire atks. You just stand in one spot shooting and when the dragons jumps, you move back outta melee range.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Eduku said:
But what happens when you get to the long drawn out boss fights (Flemeth comes to mind)?
Defensive warrior with all kinds of sustainables to increase armor and use only taunt as skills (and shield bash if an ally is picked up).

Use cone of cold and, if you have it, that Earth magic 4th skill (turns enemy into stone, in my experience works on bosses quite often) frequently.

Two other high damage characters to kill the boss quickly.

If you use a few poultice, you should gather MORE then enough during normal play, during the fight you should be fine.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
It'd probably be hard, but possible. Even if you just gave Morrigan heal+group heal (is that a basic spell? I forget) you could probably do it.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
In theory, yes. But be prepared to chug those healing potions like Nonstops.

OR, you could just give Morrigan the Heal spell.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Am I missing something here? Components for potions are cheap as hell and can be created in tons at the Dalish Elf camp. I've never used a healer.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
GodsAndFishes said:
I'm replaying DA:O and want to use a different party from last time, but this means cutting out Wynne and her healing awesomeness. Bearing in mind that I don't particularly want to make either my character or Morrigan a healy mage, is it possible to get through the game without a healer?
oh thats easy play a mage be an arcane warrior use the glitch to make yourself 25 and watch as all your enemies run in terror:)

if you dont want to do that and you have the dlc for shale that comes with a new copy just grab him make him your healer hes not as good as Wynne but hes close.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
It will make the game a lot harder, but it is possible on normal. I would know since my brother did it. It does require you to be ULTRA careful - but since you could never spam heal in DA:O, it won't really cause that many problems. If you don't have a healer, focus on being as offense-orientated as possible, since you'll depend on killing your enemies as fast as possible.

I don't know why you wouldn't have at least one healer - Morrigan can learn healing spells and mages are very useful for their offensive capabilities. You can do it - but unless you are purposefully undertaking a challenge (which is laudable), you'd only be making life difficult for yourself (unless that's what you want, which is a perfectly valid way to play through a game, akin to a no-level up run through a Final Fantasy game).

Buy potions like crazy, invest in offensive skills, and be prepared to die a lot before you can uncover the tactic to beat the fights. DA:O allows you to pick a party without a mage, and it does so because it's possible to beat the game without mages. Although.... really... the mages are useful and they are some of the best characters in the game.