Is it possible to get through Dragon Age Origins without a healer?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Seeing as how I watched a man beat the whole game on highest difficulty without using any mages (will edit this with a video if I find it...) so yea, it is very possible. Just a few things you need to know...

1) Bombs and poisons are your friends. Without a dedicated healer, your gonna need to focus on just dealing as much damage as possible to every target you can. How do? Bombs/flasks are actually really nice against groups of enemies. Ditto with poisons against big enemies. Never really tried out traps though.

2) Positioning! Backstabby rogues should always be behind the enemy, archers should never be near enemies, and tanks should be able to shout and make everything attack them.

3) This gentleman's party was two rogues (himself as a melee, and leliana as an archer) and Alistair and Sten, doing their melee thang. Dunno if that's the only no-mage composition that will work, but it certainly looked functional. And you said no healers, not no mages, so with a good DPS mage, I see no reason why it isn't possible.

Just remember, buy EVERY potion/bomb/flask/poison you see, learn how to position your team appropriately, and looking up a couple FAQS on character building couldn't hurt, either.

I say power to you, and inform us of how it goes! Hell, I'd personally love to see a "Let's play" of this, even.

EDIT- Oh yea, it should go without saying, but having someone who can craft all that stuff will make this quite a bit easier.

Also, damn you, I think I may have to reinstall now to try this for myself.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I've never had a dedicated Healer. I hated all the specializations for Mages, except for Arcane Warrior and Spiritual Healer. I know Blood Mage would fit Morrigan's character more than Spiritual Healer, but I always had all the damage I needed between my 2-Handed Warden with Starfang, Alistair and his ability to kick monsters around with his shield, and Zevran as my Assassin.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Sure. Battle Mage, 2 Rogue archers, and a tank. One rogue make a ranger and call on animal friends. Most things die by the time they get to the tank.