Is Morrowind worth buying?


New member
Jan 31, 2011
lunncal said:
Yes, it's Oblivion without the level scaling.

I'll repeat that for emphasis: Oblivion without the level scaling.


There's a ton of other reasons too, but that's the main one in my opinion. The only area in which Oblivion is better is the combat itself, whereas Morrowind has the better story, region, levelling system, spells, dungeons, lore, quests, items, weapons, pretty much everything in fact.

Also, did I mention the lack of level scaling?
Uhm elder scrolls always had level scaling,just play Arena. I can't explain why people call Morrowind better than Oblivion if not by calling them hipsters. Sure today Morrowind is an old game and a classic but it's the exception in the serie and Oblivion was a return to origins,level scaling and goblins and minotaurs(call them generic monsters but TES was doing it almost 20 years ago.) Point is they are both great games and if played on PC with proper mods they ar both bugless.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
I hated it, brown lands, shit combat, massive walls of text spouted out of everyone plus you moved so slowly that I got bored whenever I was walking anywhere.
I didn't especially love Oblivion either but I had more fun with Oblivion than Morrowind but I know some elitists who think I am some dirty console peasant and Morrowind was too deep for me or some nonsense.

All in all, you might like it but don't feel guilty if you don't.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Yep...add in the mods - some of which upgrade the graphics - and you've got a pretty solid game.

There was a graphical translation being done by fans a while back, not sure if it's still ongoing.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Get it. Seriously.

And while your at it, check out this graphical overhaul mod:

Gotta love people who make mods :D


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Cenequus said:
Uhm elder scrolls always had level scaling,just play Arena. I can't explain why people call Morrowind better than Oblivion if not by calling them hipsters. Sure today Morrowind is an old game and a classic but it's the exception in the serie and Oblivion was a return to origins,level scaling and goblins and minotaurs(call them generic monsters but TES was doing it almost 20 years ago.) Point is they are both great games and if played on PC with proper mods they ar both bugless.
Well, it's true that they've always had a very mild form of level scaling in certain encounters, but not in the same way Oblivion has. In Arena and Daggerfall it was possible to fight things above and below your level, and also possible to find objects above and below your level. Certain creatures and encounters were levelled, but many were not.

In Morrowind almost all of the content is not level-scaled at all, and even when it is levelled it is usually using lists with a very small range of levels, meaning it makes little difference. In Oblivion it was impossible to find anything below or above your level, (except due to a few mistakes the devs made with the levelled lists with regards to certain items).

When everything you find automatically has it's stats raised or lowered to match your level, what's the point in finding new things?

What's the point in levelling up when all your enemies are just going to level up with you?

What's the point in collecting that full set of daedric armour, when you know that pretty soon every bandit on the street is going to have his own set of the same thing?

The level scaling was far worse in Oblivion than in any of the earlier games, and it suffered a lot for it in my opinion. Morrowind is the all-round superior game by miles, as far as I'm concerned, and the absence of level-scaling is a major reason for that. (For a few of the other reasons see mine and other's earlier posts).

Also, randomly calling people who disagree with you "hipsters" is not the way to make a compelling argument, especially when it seems that it is you who is disagreeing with the popular opinion judging by the reaction on this thread. It makes me wonder if you even know what a hipster is.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
lunncal said:
Cenequus said:
Uhm elder scrolls always had level scaling,just play Arena. I can't explain why people call Morrowind better than Oblivion if not by calling them hipsters. Sure today Morrowind is an old game and a classic but it's the exception in the serie and Oblivion was a return to origins,level scaling and goblins and minotaurs(call them generic monsters but TES was doing it almost 20 years ago.) Point is they are both great games and if played on PC with proper mods they ar both bugless.
Well, it's true that they've always had a very mild form of level scaling in certain encounters, but not in the same way Oblivion has. In Arena and Daggerfall it was possible to fight things above and below your level, and also possible to find objects above and below your level. Certain creatures and encounters were levelled, but many were not.

In Morrowind almost all of the content is not level-scaled at all, and even when it is levelled it is usually using lists with a very small range of levels, meaning it makes little difference. In Oblivion it was impossible to find anything below or above your level, (except due to a few mistakes the devs made with the levelled lists with regards to certain items).

When everything you find automatically has it's stats raised or lowered to match your level, what's the point in finding new things?

What's the point in levelling up when all your enemies are just going to level up with you?

What's the point in collecting that full set of daedric armour, when you know that pretty soon every bandit on the street is going to have his own set of the same thing?

The level scaling was far worse in Oblivion than in any of the earlier games, and it suffered a lot for it in my opinion. Morrowind is the all-round superior game by miles, as far as I'm concerned, and the absence of level-scaling is a major reason for that. (For a few of the other reasons see mine and other's earlier posts).

Also, randomly calling people who disagree with you "hipsters" is not the way to make a compelling argument, especially when it seems that it is you who is disagreeing with the popular opinion judging by the reaction on this thread. It makes me wonder if you even know what a hipster is.
Sure I took you as a qoute but I could have taken 90% of the people in this thread. Sure Oblivion isn't a copy-paste of older TES bu that's actually trying different things. I'm not saying Oblivion's scaling is perfect or anything but if you're not perfectionists and 100%(you know getting +5 each lvl up etc) the game gets way harder than any predefined encounters where the dev has to guess what lvl are you gonna be. I hope Skyrim finds a good balance.

Before I go on a long run again, point why I can't think of another word but hipster is because people think Morrowind is cannon when it's not it was an exception with plenty of good things and tons of errors. Another good example is Fallout 3/NV. Fallout 3 a great game but very different from the originals(not because of the 1st/3rd person view) and even if for along time after it launched it was seen as Oblivion with guns today is a classic. Now New Vegas launches and it's pretty much a turn back to the origins(with all that great humour and plenty or RPG elemets). How is NV seen? well tbh now I don't really know since you can't even call it buggy thanks as always to the unofficial patches. But still people try compare it to Fallout 3 as if that was the cannon of the serie and not the exception.

Point is anyway they are all great games and actual RPGs experiences if played properly(talking about TES serie),so really no point on comparing them,even though I liked the more colourfull Cyrodiil over the browny Morrowind. Hope Skyrim is more than just white/snowy terain.


New member
May 6, 2011
Cenequus said:
Uhm elder scrolls always had level scaling,just play Arena. I can't explain why people call Morrowind better than Oblivion if not by calling them hipsters. Sure today Morrowind is an old game and a classic but it's the exception in the serie and Oblivion was a return to origins,level scaling and goblins and minotaurs(call them generic monsters but TES was doing it almost 20 years ago.) Point is they are both great games and if played on PC with proper mods they ar both bugless.
Because by far the best parts of an Elder Scrolls game is the exploration and mods, and Morrowind has better exploration and mods. Also, if hating "I saw a mudcrab the other day..." conversations makes me a hipster, then I will wear the label with pride :)


New member
Jun 16, 2011
YES. No question about it. It's one of those games that you owe it to yourself to play, it just brought so many interesting experiences to the fantasy genre. Travelling everywhere by giant flea things for one...

I'm not selling there. Ignore that. It's awesome. Buy it.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Get it.

Unlike everyone crying that "Bethesda ruined my childhood via Oblivion/Fallout"

Morrowind -> Massive Massive World...lots of reading too (its big) odd combat

Oblivion -> Combat Improved, Map is..decent, and Shiny look (also it has 14 voices >.>)

I enjoyed both...played GotY Morrowind and then Oblivion thru ALL DLC (yep Horse Armor too)

(New Captcha system sucks)

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
I'm not sure, I always get bored with it before I can really get anywhere interesting...
I also dislike it when I miss something in combat even though I clearly aimed at it.

I should probably copy my saves over from my old pc so I can continue sometime...


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Popadoo said:
I'm a late entry to The Elder Scrolls' fanbase. A friend of mine introduced me to Oblivion, and I was skeptical at first.
'The graphics are terrible! Why is that guy in the other cell yelling at me? Why is the king here? Why aren't I shooting stuff?!'
But I was drawn in. I haven't completed the main quest yet, but that's mainly because I got caught up in the side-quests.
Now, I ask, is Morrowind worth buying? I've heard a lot of people saying Oblivion is 'dumbed down' and isn't as great as Morrowind. I have a regular, none-gaming PC, but Morrowind pretty old so I think I can run it.
What makes it better than Oblivion? Is there more content? Give me details, people!
Get it FOR THE PC! but since yours isn't upgraded a whole lot, be careful about mods because they could easily turn your computer against you. You should be okay with,12.0.html this mod as long as you activate light/vanilla details. Simply follow the directions and provided to install.

Futurenerd said:
No. Buy Oblivion, or wait for Skyrim. Morrowind was total shit. Unfortunately, it was made especially bad by the fact that it was so CLOSE to being good, that the fact that it wasn't became extremely noticable.
That's what you get for playing on the Xbox, not the PC. Morrowind was designed for the PC from the start.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Futurenerd said:
SirBryghtside said:
Yesyesyesyesyesyes. It's my favourite game of all time, but if you start and fail/hate it, DON'T GIVE UP. Look up a tutorial, work out your class skills, but do not give up on this 500 hour epic in the first 5 minutes. Well, technically everyone quits after half an hour, but whatever :p
Futurenerd said:
Morrowind was total shit. Unfortunately, it was made especially bad by the fact that it was so CLOSE to being good, that the fact that it wasn't became extremely noticable.
I'd say that about Oblivion, not Morrowind... both of them are good games, but the problems with Oblivion were worse, and more noticeable, than the ones in Morrowind.

Which did you play first? And for how long did you play them?
I haven't even played Oblivion. I just know that I hate Morrowind, and Oblivion looks awesome. Morrowind just had so many little problems that I could never really enjoy the game.

Hate =/= bad game, there's such a thing as personal preference, for example yatzee hates jrpgs and RTSes, and dislikes fighters. While I can certainly expect him to point out it's attributes I doubt he's the best person to judge whether or not it's a good game.

Whether you liked it is about personal preference, whether it's a good game or not is about overarching attributes. Things like aesthetic, gameplay, story, plot, whether it's approachable, and immersion.

So while I find it perfectly understandable that YOU don't like it, if you're gonna say it's a bad game you need to justify it.

Cenequus said:
lunncal said:
Yes, it's Oblivion without the level scaling.

I'll repeat that for emphasis: Oblivion without the level scaling.


There's a ton of other reasons too, but that's the main one in my opinion. The only area in which Oblivion is better is the combat itself, whereas Morrowind has the better story, region, levelling system, spells, dungeons, lore, quests, items, weapons, pretty much everything in fact.

Also, did I mention the lack of level scaling?
Uhm elder scrolls always had level scaling,just play Arena. I can't explain why people call Morrowind better than Oblivion if not by calling them hipsters. Sure today Morrowind is an old game and a classic but it's the exception in the serie and Oblivion was a return to origins,level scaling and goblins and minotaurs(call them generic monsters but TES was doing it almost 20 years ago.) Point is they are both great games and if played on PC with proper mods they ar both bugless.
I've played both Daggerfall and Arena, as well as Morrowind and oblivion, morrowind is by far the best of it's series as of the time it came out. Unfortunately it's rather dated.

You point out that it is an exception to the series, but the fact is that it was an exception is what made it so amazing. More then anything else, morrowind MADE ME BELIEVE THAT YOU COULD BUILD A CITY OUT OF GIANT MUSHROOMS. The fact is, the other elder scrolls games, were good fantasy games, but lacked the spark of uniqueness and the immersion which made morrowind so great game instead of merely a good one.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Popadoo said:
I DO like less generic settings... I'm very interested in the Lore of The Elder Scrolls universe. Will I find new and interesting quests related to lore in this game? And since there isn't level scaling, will there be harder areas and easier areas?
Oh yeah, at level one if you venture too far out to sea you may well get killed. Every time you enter a cave or tomb it's a good idea to be ready to run in case you can't take what's in there, and there is no guarantee that you won't run into Daedra worshippers right next to Seyda Neen (The start town).

If you do get Morrowind, make sure you get the game of the year edition as the expansion packs greatly improve the game (it's still fantastic without them but they make it that much better)

Also Morrowind has so many more factions: it's got your four normal ones (though the dark brotherhood is a unique Morrowind spin), Imperial factions for magic, stealth and fighting as well as Vvardenfall factions plus the story gets caught up with a lot of politics.

The only things you might find difficult are no voice acting so it's a lot of reading and the gameplay is very clunky and dated.

tl;dr Get the goddamn game yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!