Is Skyrim promoting bestiality?


Black Rose Knight
Jan 19, 2008
pulse2 said:
So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm about :D But there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?

(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)

-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.

I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
The thing is, they're putting marraige in the game. Inter species marraige in a world where one of the most hotly desired porn novels is "the lusty argonian maid" kinda makes sense . . . sure it might seem bizare at first, but look at it this way . . . it makes more sense than not being allowed to no matter what. Especially with the way Marraige will work in the game, giving you a partner for questing and what not.

So, imagine they made it species specific and you chose an argonian male. You want a great questing partner, but the only argonian you can find that's an adventurer to marry you is a shitty archer and there's a Khajitt, a Human, and an Orc who are all awesome fighters and mages. You'd be shit out of luck cuz you chose the "wrong species" at that point. So really, they probably would allow inter species marraige for the sake of that system.

Personally I look forward to the IMMENSE humor of making a purposefully HIDEOUS Orc or Argonian and having him marry every man and woman who'll accept XD

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
honestdiscussioner said:
Not really. First off, I think it required some medical intervention to make it work, and since they share no common ancestor, they can't be the same species. If that were real, there would be no way two species from different planets with that are so obviously different would be able to naturally procreate.
They do share a common ancestor, though. Next Generation has a few mentions of the elder race, most specifically in "The Chase". :)


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Hagi said:
Personally I'd be more concerned with Skyrim promoting genocide, seeing the amount of people I generally kill in a playthrough.

I think possible bestiality is rather low on my list of things I do in Skyrim that would be morally questionable in real life.
You know that's a good point. Can't forget witch craft and theft too. All my playthroughs of Morrowind and Oblivion involved a ton of summoning demonic forces and stealing people's shit.

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
short answer, no

mostly because you got the definition of Bestiality wrong
that means sex with animals

in skyrim you have relationships with fully sentient, fully intelligent beings regardless of whether they look like animals

its the same as relationships with Aliens in mass effect, or dwarves/elves in dragon age


New member
Apr 17, 2011
There is no "beastiality" portrayed here. You're saying just because they look different means they aren't "human" in mind? They are all people. PEOPLE. You can't kill an Argonian and get away with it from the police, can you?

You can play any of them, are you saying playing a Tiger-like race makes you a tiger? Beastiality is a wrong term to use in this case as well. Your words may be true if you were marrying a dog, on four legs, and no real thought process, but in Skyrim, you're marrying a fully "intelligent" A.I.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Don Reba said:
honestdiscussioner said:
Not really. First off, I think it required some medical intervention to make it work, and since they share no common ancestor, they can't be the same species. If that were real, there would be no way two species from different planets with that are so obviously different would be able to naturally procreate.
They do share a common ancestor, though. Next Generation has a few mentions of the elder race, most specifically in "The Chase". :)
That certainly seems to be implied, and that could be what they meant in that episode, but outside of that episode it doesn't work out. First off there is humanoid life in nearly every quadrant, not just the Alpha quadrant. This race supposedly only seeded life in the Alpha quadrant. Second off Q in one episodes brings Picard to the first pool on earth in which self-replicating molecules formed, implying that is how humanity got there, not by some external force. The implications of a common decent of all humanoid life would contradict so many freakin' things, it goes far beyond the random science error. What happened is that someone on the writing staff wanted to write a metaphor about the fact that we're all the same species, we humans, and that means we should, or at least one day, will learn to get along and war will come to an end. It didn't sound like it was one of those things that was supposed to matter in the long run.

Regardless, I'm fairly certain they needed medical intervention to basically splice their genes together. We can do that with almost anything. We can splice spider genes into goats to make them produce spider silk in their milk, that doesn't mean goats and spiders are the same species.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
pulse2 said:
So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm about :D But there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?

(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)

-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.

I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol

You're reading too much into things.
[sub]fap fap fap fap fap[/sub]

I just want to be able to play mixed race characters.
That would be awesome

Doctor Glocktor

New member
Aug 1, 2009
Nudu said:
Oh god the furries.
Oh god the furries.

But seriously, promote is a strong word to use. Allowing it just for the, uh, 'eccentrics' out there is harding telling the players to start fucking dogs.

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
honestdiscussioner said:
Don Reba said:
They do share a common ancestor, though. Next Generation has a few mentions of the elder race, most specifically in "The Chase". :)
That certainly seems to be implied, and that could be what they meant in that episode, but outside of that episode it doesn't work out. First off there is humanoid life in nearly every quadrant, not just the Alpha quadrant. This race supposedly only seeded life in the Alpha quadrant. Second off Q in one episodes brings Picard to the first pool on earth in which self-replicating molecules formed, implying that is how humanity got there, not by some external force. The implications of a common decent of all humanoid life would contradict so many freakin' things, it goes far beyond the random science error. What happened is that someone on the writing staff wanted to write a metaphor about the fact that we're all the same species, we humans, and that means we should, or at least one day, will learn to get along and war will come to an end. It didn't sound like it was one of those things that was supposed to matter in the long run.

Regardless, I'm fairly certain they needed medical intervention to basically splice their genes together. We can do that with almost anything. We can splice spider genes into goats to make them produce spider silk in their milk, that doesn't mean goats and spiders are the same species.
Fair enough. I don't remember my DS9 well enough to recall what kind of problems there were Jadzia's child, but I took the elder race as the most reasonable explanation for the prevalence of humanoid races in the Star Trek universe, aside from budget constraints. Anyway, Klingons are still not, exactly, lizard people. All the main humanoid races in ST are very human-like.


Nov 18, 2009
Wow, 8 pages of people saying No, yet in the thread about the BBFC giving Skyrim a 15 cert, people are still droning on about this and throwing in the Bestiality card..

It's not Bestiality (as everyone else has said)
It's a relationship with a fellow sentient being (again as everyone else has said) i.e. Bears, Lions, rats and horses are not acceptable (it's a consent thing).

But consider this: It's OK for another other intelligent bipedal races to join a guild, fight, laugh, joke and die by your side, but if you make a deep connection, they can't be with you in a meaningful relationship? Sounds a little bigoted to me.

On another note, I do have to wonder: What are the chances of a human who's into people shaped like cats meeting a cat like person who's into humans? it obviously doesn't happen very often because the races are so distinct in game - you don't see many half argonian/half kajiits walking around.. (or was that just a lack of art assets?) - although there may be half elves and half orcs in Oblivion; I can't remember.

This leads me to one of 3 possibilities.
1. Relationships are fine, but the DNA or method of intercourse is so different that there is no chance of producing hybrid offspring.

2. While humans may be pervy enough to want to do this, the other races tend to keep within their own species making getting into an actual relationship in the first place very difficult.

3. This was only added by the developers to stir up hype about the game and get people talking about it..


New member
Jul 17, 2010
ascorbius said:
On another note, I do have to wonder: What are the chances of a human who's into people shaped like cats meeting a cat like person who's into humans? it obviously doesn't happen very often because the races are so distinct in game - you don't see many half argonian/half kajiits walking around.. (or was that just a lack of art assets?) - although there may be half elves and half orcs in Oblivion; I can't remember.

This leads me to one of 3 possibilities.
1. Relationships are fine, but the DNA or method of intercourse is so different that there is no chance of producing hybrid offspring.

2. While humans may be pervy enough to want to do this, the other races tend to keep within their own species making getting into an actual relationship in the first place very difficult.

3. This was only added by the developers to stir up hype about the game and get people talking about it..
Orcs and humans can interbreed, as The Grey Prince is half human(technically vampire) and half Orc (yet he appears as full Orc). I don't know of any other hybrids, but for character design, I think they just didn't want to have to create cat\human face molds . . although I guess the DNA problem would also be at issue.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Nudu said:
Oh god the furries.
Ho god the lolz, trollz and drama that will follow. XD

Editum& on topic: If we're not going to stay serious about it, why be so serious about it? Thinking it all the way through about DNA, intercourse, hybrids and the techniquality behind it. It's there, a fantasy world where several humanoid species are present. We're all thinking to much and reading to much into this.

Personally I find it good for a laugh.
And the bestiality card? Oh please... If this is considered bestiality we should not watch Thundercats, Swat Cats, TMNT and so on and so on.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
honestdiscussioner said:
Don Reba said:
Anyway, Klingons are still not, exactly, lizard people.
But the Gorn are.


That's not lizard people. That's a guy in a suit. He'll move human, he'll talk human, he'll think human and he's shaped human so chances are pretty good he's actually human.

Same goes for Skyrim. If you actually saw something on the street that look like a Khajit would you honestly be too confused to tell whether it was a guy/gal in a suit or an actual non-human animal?

Every single Khajit and Argonian in Skyrim is a perfectly normal human in a suit he/she can't take off. That's exactly how they act, think, move and look. Now why anyone would want to marry someone in a suit in a game is something else. But attraction to people in wacky suits is hardly bestiality or anything even remotely close.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Of course. Bethesda would like nothing better than to promote bestiality. That is their agenda.

Although the furries will be all over this, and I'm not entirely comfortable eith the idea of playing something that a furry is getting off on.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Versuvius said:

Third times the charm ¬_¬
Thumbs up man. That made me laugh. And it's true. The title is kinda creepy =/


Nov 18, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
ascorbius said:
Wow, 8 pages of people saying No, yet in the thread about the BBFC giving Skyrim a 15 cert, people are still droning on about this and throwing in the Bestiality card..

It's not Bestiality (as everyone else has said)
It's a relationship with a fellow sentient being (again as everyone else has said) i.e. Bears, Lions, rats and horses are not acceptable (it's a consent thing).

But consider this: It's OK for another other intelligent bipedal races to join a guild, fight, laugh, joke and die by your side, but if you make a deep connection, they can't be with you in a meaningful relationship? Sounds a little bigoted to me.

On another note, I do have to wonder: What are the chances of a human who's into people shaped like cats meeting a cat like person who's into humans? it obviously doesn't happen very often because the races are so distinct in game - you don't see many half argonian/half kajiits walking around.. (or was that just a lack of art assets?) - although there may be half elves and half orcs in Oblivion; I can't remember.

This leads me to one of 3 possibilities.
1. Relationships are fine, but the DNA or method of intercourse is so different that there is no chance of producing hybrid offspring.

2. While humans may be pervy enough to want to do this, the other races tend to keep within their own species making getting into an actual relationship in the first place very difficult.

3. This was only added by the developers to stir up hype about the game and get people talking about it..
I'm actually starting to think this is how racism happens. I bet that way back when, humans had the same reservations about black people.
Partly, Difference is the key.

Basically Racism happens when people use a difference to categorize individuals as a group and use that as an excuse to be shitty to them. Often using another difference to feel superior to them. The difference becomes the description, the problem and the justification for any action; Actions which they would never inflict on one of their own.

It may be a skin color thing, it may be a culture thing, maybe they eat more cheese than other people; but as long as there is one difference that a group exhibit, it makes grouping them all together easy, making it simpler for an individual to dehumanize them and treat them badly.

It would be interesting if Skyrim had discrimination against the player if they chose a specific race/tribe etc. and there was an active dislike from other NPCs of another, especially if it wasn't a hard coded thing and you could make a difference though your actions - for better or worse. That would get Fox news in a rabid fury. I think Dragon Age: Origins touched on it.

Thinking about it, there are different species, races, castes and tribes.
By our standards it should be a perpetual blood bath - yet they live and work together side by side.

The Elder Scrolls universe is actually a bit more progressive than our own at times.