Instead of promoting bestiality, how about it's promoting equality no matter what you look like?
Bugger. I'm not passing by that way any time soon. ¬_¬SirBryghtside said:In a cupboard in Bethesda, MarylandKaizokuouHasu said:Any idea where one would acquire this piece of pixel art?SirBryghtside said:More fun fact - they were going to involve romance way back in Daggerfall - in fact, BGS still have the disc which has the pixelly sex video on. Tastefully done, apparently.![]()
THIS is awesome, thank you. Very akin to my feeling on how many people had their knickers in a twist over Duke Nukem's "capture the babe" mode. "So, killing hordes of faceless enemies is okay, but slapping a stripper on the ass is going too far?" (And, having been a stripper who's had her ass slapped, I can keenly say video games had nothing to do with influencing those guys' behaviour.) It often seems to me poeple get their priorities a bit out of whack on issues like these, yes?Hagi said:Personally I'd be more concerned with Skyrim promoting genocide, seeing the amount of people I generally kill in a playthrough.
I think possible bestiality is rather low on my list of things I do in Skyrim that would be morally questionable in real life.
You might be waiting a while, there will be no demo.Giest4life said:I haven't played Skyrim, but what if it is promoting bestiality?
I might try a PC demo if it is available on Steam just check that feature out.
Quite a few people, she has a very big fan base.Generic_Username said:Who even romanced Liara? I never got the appeal, she kinda creeped me out.scnj said:Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Pretty much yeah...TheDarkestDerp said:THIS is awesome, thank you. Very akin to my feeling on how many people had their knickers in a twist over Duke Nukem's "capture the babe" mode. "So, killing hordes of faceless enemies is okay, but slapping a stripper on the ass is going too far?" (And, having been a stripper who's had her ass slapped, I can keenly say video games had nothing to do with influencing those guys' behaviour.) It often seems to me poeple get their priorities a bit out of whack on issues like these, yes?Hagi said:Personally I'd be more concerned with Skyrim promoting genocide, seeing the amount of people I generally kill in a playthrough.
I think possible bestiality is rather low on my list of things I do in Skyrim that would be morally questionable in real life.
.....KaizokuouHasu said:Short answer:
It depends on how you look at it. Argonian and Kajiit are animal, no doubt. They can't bare human children, and vice versa, humans can't bare Kajiit or Argonian children (don't argonians lay eggs?). Where this occurs we can safely call it inter-species breeding. So, yes, it would be bestiality with the added difference that the beast in question can actually give informed consent. I think we'll see much more Rule 34 on the Elder Scolls after this - unless Bethesda intends to sue for infringing, that is.
What would we call such a hybrid? A Dorc? Dorc Elf?questionnairebot said:WHY CAN'T I FIND IT!!!! lol.
Finally my dreams will come true of a Dark elf and a Orc having a baby...yay.
Implies it was rather dirty though, doesn't it.LuckyClover95 said:Aha those books! Made me laugh so much... I remember something about how cleaning the masters sword would take all night because it was so longJedamethis said:Lusty Argonian Maid anyone? I'm going to get me one of them.
I'm going to be an handsome Argonian rogue, so it's all good for me.![]()
THISHagi said:Personally I'd be more concerned with Skyrim promoting genocide, seeing the amount of people I generally kill in a playthrough.
I think possible bestiality is rather low on my list of things I do in Skyrim that would be morally questionable in real life.
Strictly speaking, the fact that Trills and Klingons can bear common offspring means that they are the same species - just by the definition of the term. What they are is different subspecies.honestdiscussioner said:We've never had any problem with sci-fi inter-species sex. In deep space 9 Judzeia (a Tril) and Warf (I don't have to tell you he's Klingon) get it on, and she even gets pregnant. Nothing wrong with that?
Not really. First off, I think it required some medical intervention to make it work, and since they share no common ancestor, they can't be the same species. If that were real, there would be no way two species from different planets with that are so obviously different would be able to naturally procreate.Don Reba said:Strictly speaking, the fact that Trills and Klingons can bear common offspring means that they are the same species - just by the definition of the term. What they are is different subspecies.honestdiscussioner said:We've never had any problem with sci-fi inter-species sex. In deep space 9 Judzeia (a Tril) and Warf (I don't have to tell you he's Klingon) get it on, and she even gets pregnant. Nothing wrong with that?