Funny enough, its replies like this that should result in a banning, I simply asked a question, I've made it pretty clear for people who can actually read (which I can see you are not capable of doing) that I had no issue with it or the game, I just thought I'd make a topic about it, 1. to talk about the prospects and 2. because I'm in fact excited for the game to release. I don't think a person who only came here a full year and a bit after I came should go on about what is appropriate here and what's not, I've never been banned, warned or suspended in the 3 and a bit years I've been here.SeanTheOriginal said:Does this even fucking matter? If you don't want to marry a cat or a lizard, then don't fucking marry it.pulse2 said:So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm aboutBut there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?
(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)
-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.
I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
On the other hand, if someone does want to marry a cat or a lizard, why would you give a fuck? What's the point of giving a shit about something so arbitrary?
This thread is completely fucking useless and didn't need to be made. This is the kind of stupid shit that SHOULD result in a banning. If only this forum had proper forum moderation.
skyrim is turning our youths into homosexual animal lovers! also it turns them into ax murderers. and heathen.razerdoh said:oh god FOX NEWS!Nudu said:Oh god the furries.
yeah! they're clearly plants.Ekonk said:No, because the Argonians and Khajit aren't animals.
so you intentionally made a sensationalist post and now you are wanting us to "not get serious", because you don't care that much?pulse2 said:So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm aboutBut there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?
(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)
-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.
I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
...And they've stated that there's not going to be a demo due to content type, also fyi.TheHappySquid said:Skyrim isn't out until November, just fyi.Giest4life said:I haven't played Skyrim, but what if it is promoting bestiality?
I might try a PC demo if it is available on Steam just check that feature out.
Nailed it.Use_Imagination_here said:No, they're not animals, therefore it can't be bestiality.
It's still kinda weird though.