Is Skyrim promoting bestiality?


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Fox News: This just in- Bethesda releases Animal raping simulator, Christian mother of four tells of her horror.

If we're lucky. Anyway, my Breton will be too busy studying the magicks to give any time to her layabout Khajiit girlfriend.

EDIT: Hey, didn't Yahtzee want a game that lets you truly be free and decide to fuck a dog? You know, I've never seen him and Todd Howard in the same room.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Giest4life said:
I haven't played Skyrim, but what if it is promoting bestiality?

I might try a PC demo if it is available on Steam just check that feature out.
its not out yet!


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Of course, its' not bestiality. The only concern I have is Fox. I can see it now; "NEW GAME ALLOWS HUMANS TO HAVE SEX WITH TIGERS".



New member
Jan 19, 2011
KaizokuouHasu said:
So, yes, it would be bestiality with the added difference that the beast in question can actually give informed consent.
Under that logic, human on human sex is also bestiality, since we are also animals.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
axeman157 said:
This shit again? YOU have a CHOICE to PICK who YOU WANT. simple as that.
.. I.. I'm sorry, but for a lot of people their sexual persuasion isn't a choice.

Did I just defend [insert (pig/faux)latin suffix]sexuality? wtf?!

I just want 7 brides to keep my castles clean, cook, fetch mead and wash my clothes. I can do the nasty with the wenches. Now that is a choice, but would I be able to? NO!


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Every read the original non censored in Morrowind and Oblivion in game book "The Real Barenziah" There is a moderately graphic sex scene between Barenziah( who is a Dunmer) and a Khajiit,lets just say that male Khajiit's are barbed... But yeah since the Argonians and Khajiit are sentient, and intelligent on a human level and thus can consent its not bestiality.


New member
May 10, 2008
sergnb said:
pulse2 said:
So apparently you can marry in Skyrim, this news is old now, you can marry same sexes too! This news is also old now. But has anyone stopped to think about the animal races marrying humans? :/ Now of course I'd love to demonstrate my male ego by playing as a Tiger, therefore the Khajiit perfectly represents what I'm about :D But there's something a little strange about marrying a female lizard (argonian) or heck even a human species :/ Will I ever get used to this? Will you ever get used to this? What do you think?

(Lets not get all serious, I really don't care that much, just thought it would be an entertaining topic)

-_- Lizard wife in a pink dress with lipstick on, horrifying mental image.

I just know there's a bestiality forum somewhere on the internet talking about how exciting this news is, lol
so you intentionally made a sensationalist post and now you are wanting us to "not get serious", because you don't care that much?

What was the purpose of this thread then? earning the popular thread badge?
There's a level to which you come across as just looking for trouble for the sake of it, and that's making a big issue out of nothing, I didn't start the topic to cause offense or to get high post counts or anything of the sort, started it to have a nice little banter with fellow gamers about the prospect of marrying a lizard woman, is that so bad? Do we need to have more generic "You've been trapped with a game character" threads? Or threads asking which console it better just to start a flame war? Or threads that get several replies of hatred just because someone has an opinion on something? What's wrong with having a simple banter? I thought that was what forums were for, idle chit chit and debate, I thought that was what this gaming section was about, chit chat about games, no matter what the case may be.

I don't mind people telling me it "technically isn't bestiality", like I've said several times now, as long as it's a conversation and its enlightening, what I don't like is a pretentious douche coming in and lecturing me on how and what I should and shouldn't post, or how I'm making an assumption on something when I clearly haven't stated anything as fact or made any points about having an issue with it, when they haven't done anything yet for me to say was admirable.

I intentionally put the point "lets not get too serious" because while there are people on the internet that have "a sense of humor" and don't take everything as a personal attack, I knew full well there are a minority of those who think they are something special and are more important then everyone else on the internet, feeling they have the right to tell others what to post and not post because they are the internet moderators.

Most of this has nothing to do with you but what does have to do with you however is this: Its a game, a fun game at that I hope, it bears no connection with what goes on in real life, interspecies relationships don't exist in the real world and the ones that do are usually called bestiality, so you can forgive me for seeing an article on a gaming site having a little joke about the prospect of it and wanting to come here and chat to fellow escapists about what made me chuckle. Jeez.


New member
May 19, 2011
xPixelatedx said:
KaizokuouHasu said:
So, yes, it would be bestiality with the added difference that the beast in question can actually give informed consent.
Under that logic, human on human sex is also bestiality, since we are also animals.
No, no, no. Don't be silly. How did you come to that conclusion? If you have sex with your own species it's called "normal". Bestiality is when you have sex outside your species. You know; Canines, Fish, Horses, reptiles - Not humans. Makes me wonder; is it called bestiality as well when, for instance, a dog and a donkey bump uglies?

That said; the word falls a little bit flat when applied to fantasy worlds with humanoid beasts. Animal-people. Such things do not exist in our world, so no word had to be invented to cater to this kind of intercourse. I suppose the closest thing we have is 'furries', but I'll be damned if the Dovahkhiin is going to be called a Furry (no offence intended to furries). ¬_¬

Am I the only one who is starting to feel a bit... weird discussing the semantics of sexual intercourse with imaginary creatures? I think we're reaching the point of ridiculous very quickly. :(


New member
May 10, 2008
xPixelatedx said:
KaizokuouHasu said:
So, yes, it would be bestiality with the added difference that the beast in question can actually give informed consent.
Under that logic, human on human sex is also bestiality, since we are also animals.
Lol, I suppose it probably would be from a more intellectual species in the universe that can't understand our primitive dialect :D

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Yes. Skyrim is clearly telling its players that it's cool to go out and start banging lions and alligators in real life because you can marry an Argonian or a Khajit in the game.

...Who the fuck is stupid enough to believe that?


New member
Nov 26, 2008
...yes, yes Skyrim is promoting bestiality by allowing you to marry sentient cats and lizards when you yourself may not be one. Also necrophilia if they happen to be vampires at the time.

And Mass Effect is promoting Xenophilia and New Vegas is promoting robophilia.

Despite none of the games ever actually talking about it or making it compulsory, they are out to destroy our values. All of our values. All of them.

Andy Szidon

New member
Aug 13, 2011
It would depend on what npcs you can marriage with. There are, like, tons of extremely varried and diverse npcs, so you can't necessarily marry every single character, including cultists and vampires and your arch enemy.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Well, it's not promoting it, but giving the option.
Also, in Morrowind...
... you have a more or less romance with the Khajiit Ahnassi.
... there is a book describing an Argonian maid having sex with a human or elf race (not sure anymore).
... there is a book describing Barenziah (the Queen of Morrowind) as having had sex with a Khajiit, among others.

Anyway, back to topic. If you don't like it, don't do it.


New member
May 8, 2008
Holy shit, an RPG that gives you an option of doing things...
That´s like real life, you know...all thos gay people are promoting homosexuality, so we should all become gay right now, right?
Fucking NO...if you have a choice, you can take it...I know society nowadays doesn´t wanna do decisions themselfs anymore but jeez people, if you want to bang a lightpost, go do it, or not if you don´t, don´t blame the freedom of choice.