I SAY NAYMaxwellMurder said:Fox news is going to skew this and say you can Marry a Horse. I just know it
Sorry I tried so hard to resiset but my inner smart ass would not let me
I SAY NAYMaxwellMurder said:Fox news is going to skew this and say you can Marry a Horse. I just know it
Lesbian Argonian...wait...You know what? If I were to make a Nord/Argonian lesbian marriage, that is the closest I could come to Vastra/Jenny from Doctor Who. I now have to do that.PoisonUnagi said:Beastiality and anthro romance are entirely different. Skyrim isn't promoting beastiality in any way.
For the record, I intend to be a lesbian Argonian, at least on my first playthrough.
When the game isn't ninety fucking US dollars.
It blows my mind that Bethesda are actually trying to pull of a 90 dollar game. That's just bullshit.
I mean, asari are a bit more like humans than khajit or argonians (IMO), and we know that reproduction is possible between asari and humans. Not so sure about that with the TES races. Although they are still sentient, so who's to say there couldn't be interspecies love?scnj said:Is it technically any worse than romancing Liara in Mass Effect?
Oh god Australian ban-hammer!razerdoh said:oh god FOX NEWS!Nudu said:Oh god the furries.
Very true. Inter-racial couples are not a new thing in Tamriel - if you read some of the in game books in Oblivion, there are even mentions of it happening (such as in The Real Barenziah with a Dunmer and a Khajiit, and in another book I can't remember there was a mention of Orc children to human races).C95J said:The marriage of different races is completely normal in The Elder Scrolls universe.