You have neatly encapsulated all of the problems PC gamers are facing by the boneheadded decisions made by Activision and Infinity-Ward on MW2, as well as John Romero with Rage.
And I also agree that the first issue is also by far the biggest problem, by far. But apart from that, there'd be no way to kick people using glitches, or just being utterly insufferable douchebags.
The ping issue is also a big concern for me because I live in the middle of nowhere, and if anyone else is even browsing sites on the internet, let alone trying to stream videos, in this house then my ping goes up from 50-200 to OVER TWO-THOUSAND. I WISH I was kidding. Unless you people have lived with a family that doesn't even care what you're trying to do, and frequently being able to aim, shoot, or even MOVE in online games for years, then you simply do not know my pain. Although at the same time I would never want to subject anyone ELSE to that crap, so imagine what would be happening if by some fluke, I was ever the host if my internet was behaving, and then started acting up mid-game.
I salute you, Shaemus Young. As I hope every PC gamer is doing.
It is not because I am an elitist and feel I am entitled to these extras; it is because PCs are a fundamentally different platform to consoles and, barring some miracle of programing genius, REQUIRE most of the 'extras' to even work properly. Especially the ability to kick and ban cheaters...