In terms of what the franchise was before and after, the 1999 release of The Phantom Menace was akin to The Pope - or maybe even a messiah Himself - appearing before a congregation with a thunderous declaration of "Just kidding!"
I just about fell out of my chair laughing at that line.
I don't think George did anything wrong, I think he just did what he felt was appropriate for the kind of cinema we're presented with today. It's like when the "new kid" on the scene does something to redefine what that scene is. Then a seasoned veteran on that same scene takes up the challenge of utilizing what that redefinition is in their own work. People expect a lot from the veteran because of his past successes and how it impacted their lives at that time. So when you don't get what you were expecting, you flip your fuckin' lid over it.
I'm not a fan of the Prequel films myself, so... I simply don't watch them. Or acknowledge them for that matter. If I don't see it, it doesn't exist; Ostrich Syndrome FTW. I didn't like the wanton abuse of CG effects or some of the actors cast for certain roles. I didn't like the fact that a lot of the characters were so hard to become emotionally invested in or were simply unlikeable. Of course, that's my opinion.
Now, for the Special Editions of the original Trilogy, there's been like, what... 4 or 5 different Special Editions/Remasters since the mid-90s? I think I liked the very first Remasters of all of them, they were spruced up jut enough without going ape-shit on the CG. I've always said a balance of actual optical effects and CG effects make for the best presentation. When it's 100% CG it's too hard to believe. If you can film a scene with real actors/props/puppetry/make-up effects... you should. When a scene calls for something humanly impossible to be performed, then you go to the CG effects.
I guess I sound like one of those "elitist" Star Wars Assholes but I really was trying to sound more logical and calm about it. Probably doesn't help I have the original trilogy on Laserdisc, does it? ^_^;