I've seen a lot of stories lately on the Police in the US. This is by far the worst.


New member
Oct 10, 2010
one time my friend got pulled over for drunk driving and had to spend the night in jail. when he got to jail he said that the cop turned off the camera watching the jail cell and then went in and beat the living shit out of him. he defiantly had marks to prove it. just a fun little story about cops


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Shit's fucked up, yo.
Maybe the kid deserved a slap round the face, but no shooting was needed.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
When I read stories like this it makes me gals that the police in Norway are unarmed.

Eri said:
Razada said:
Well, You arm your police force, bad stuff happens.
If you ban guns, only outlaws will have guns.
Yes, because free guns for everyone has worked out really well on your side of the pond.

I live in a country that only allows hunting weapons for normal citizens.
For a handgun (pistol or revolver) you need a minimum of 2 years in a gun club, a clean record and a recommendation from the local police authority and from the president of the gun club.

Seems to be working fairly well, with minimal gun related violence each year.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
there was no need to have a gun out in the first place! sounds like a dumbass cop trying to be all macho. idiot.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Radeonx said:
Wow, 10 posts without some moron spouting out "I lost my faith in humanity!". That's probably a record.

OT: That's a shitty cop.
After seeing the post with the explanation, I take back what I said. The cop was pretty much in the right.
He shot a 14 year old kid. How the fuck is he in the right?


New member
May 27, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
Kingsnake661 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
You really think a 14 year old is responsible enough for their actions to deserve death in this case? What country are you from, evidently not one where the age for drinking, smoking, age of consent, marriage, death penalty etc are all higher than that age.

Also there was absolutely no reason to think he might have a weapon and honestly if a grown man feels threatened by a 14 year old, he shouldn't be in the police force.

Yes I DO belive 14 year olds are old enough to know right from wrong, and in some cases are physically large enough to present a threat. Esspecally if they get there hands on a weapon. From, oh, i don't know.. the SHED they were hiding in? Lots and Lots of teenagers kill people every year here in the States. It's not uncommon, and in some contries, they accually make up a part of military. (in some African countries like Dar 4 and the Congo..) And this kid was alreay demenstraiting his violent nature, by, you know, assulting someone which started off the whole situation...

This isn't to say the cop couldn't have handled the situation better, he really could have, but, to just assume this officer wasn't in some kind danger because the kid was 14 is wrong.
You can totally know right from wrong at the age of 14. That's why children and teenagers of all ages are legally adults.
Yeah, you actually can. Think back to when you were 14. I know that I knew right and wrong since I was friggin' 12, AND I didn't learn it from my mother, either.

Techno Squidgy said:
Radeonx said:
Wow, 10 posts without some moron spouting out "I lost my faith in humanity!". That's probably a record.

OT: That's a shitty cop.
After seeing the post with the explanation, I take back what I said. The cop was pretty much in the right.
He shot a 14 year old kid. How the fuck is he in the right?
You're focusing on the '14 year old' part too much. Look at it this way- 'A Police Officer shot a violent delinquent who had assaulted another person, resisted arrest, then hid in a shed full of potential weapons, then assaulted a police officer.'
Yeah, while I can't 100% agree with the cop in this situation, I still think he's in the right.
winter2 said:
why didn't he just taser the kid??
Tasers are SHIT. They don't work most of the time, they're hard to use effectively, and sometimes when they DO work, they permanently injure or kill the victim. A taser shouldn't be used...basically ever. At least not until they make it viable.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
3nglish said:
The news article posted tells the story mostly from the point of view of the mother of the boy being shot. How would she know what the boy did and didn't do when he was hiding? I'm not defending the police officer's actions, but the story seems to be biased and is clearly from the point of the wronged party. I would like to see more information before jumping to conclusions.
i'm sorry but even having the need to hold out a gun against a 14yr old boy when the cop could easily detain him with his bare hands as i've seen many police do that before oh and also if you think it seems a little biased there's this:

"the cop had been reprimanded 16 times in the previous 4 years, suspended without pay 5 times, and "recommended for termination for insubordination," but the school kept him on the force "without remedial training."

You don't need a gun to stop a 14yr old in the first place there is NO NEED.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
Techno Squidgy said:
Radeonx said:
Wow, 10 posts without some moron spouting out "I lost my faith in humanity!". That's probably a record.

OT: That's a shitty cop.
After seeing the post with the explanation, I take back what I said. The cop was pretty much in the right.
He shot a 14 year old kid. How the fuck is he in the right?
You're focusing on the '14 year old' part too much. Look at it this way- 'A Police Officer shot a violent delinquent who had assaulted another person, resisted arrest, then hid in a shed full of potential weapons, then assaulted a police officer.'
Yeah, while I can't 100% agree with the cop in this situation, I still think he's in the right.
I'm focussing on the fact that he shot him. How was it in anyway necessary to shoot him, cops are armed with batons, right? Knock the fucker out. Shooting him was completely unnecessary even if he was in his 20s or something.


New member
May 27, 2010
Techno Squidgy said:
Kopikatsu said:
Techno Squidgy said:
Radeonx said:
Wow, 10 posts without some moron spouting out "I lost my faith in humanity!". That's probably a record.

OT: That's a shitty cop.
After seeing the post with the explanation, I take back what I said. The cop was pretty much in the right.
He shot a 14 year old kid. How the fuck is he in the right?
You're focusing on the '14 year old' part too much. Look at it this way- 'A Police Officer shot a violent delinquent who had assaulted another person, resisted arrest, then hid in a shed full of potential weapons, then assaulted a police officer.'
Yeah, while I can't 100% agree with the cop in this situation, I still think he's in the right.
I'm focussing on the fact that he shot him. How was it in anyway necessary to shoot him, cops are armed with batons, right? Knock the fucker out. Shooting him was completely unnecessary even if he was in his 20s or something.
Not school cops. When I was in high school, they only had two guns and a metal flashlight. One was a taser and the other was an actual gun. As I've mentioned many times in this thread, tasers are shit and should probably -never- be used until they're improved on. That leaves the officer with a gun, and a flashlight that he might be able to use to bludgeon the kid with, but it wouldn't really turn out great if the kid had picked up a saw or something in the shed.

Look at the school the kid was attending. He was literally one step away from jail, and he just assaulted someone else. I'd have drawn my gun, too.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
JoJoDeathunter said:
Kingsnake661 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
You really think a 14 year old is responsible enough for their actions to deserve death in this case? What country are you from, evidently not one where the age for drinking, smoking, age of consent, marriage, death penalty etc are all higher than that age.

Also there was absolutely no reason to think he might have a weapon and honestly if a grown man feels threatened by a 14 year old, he shouldn't be in the police force.

Yes I DO belive 14 year olds are old enough to know right from wrong, and in some cases are physically large enough to present a threat. Esspecally if they get there hands on a weapon. From, oh, i don't know.. the SHED they were hiding in? Lots and Lots of teenagers kill people every year here in the States. It's not uncommon, and in some contries, they accually make up a part of military. (in some African countries like Dar 4 and the Congo..) And this kid was alreay demenstraiting his violent nature, by, you know, assulting someone which started off the whole situation...

This isn't to say the cop couldn't have handled the situation better, he really could have, but, to just assume this officer wasn't in some kind danger because the kid was 14 is wrong.
Okay firstly, you confused me for a second there, it would help if you had mentioned you weren't the guy I quoted as I almost thought you were him. Luckily I checked though so that isn't a problem.

Anyway, sorry but nothing you say can say to me justify killing a child in this situation. Yes, 14 is still a child, one of my brothers will be 14 in less than 2 months so I can guarantee that. Also "assaulting" a peer is a fairly common teenage trait and certainly does not mean one deserves to die. If he was a rapist or a murderer then I would be slightly more understanding of the policeman's fear but this kid was no more than a regular troubled teen.

Finally, he NEVER actually had a weapon. Simply saying that he might of is a poor excuse as any criminal could possibly have a weapon concealed on them, doesn't mean we should shoot every poor bugger who in any way resists arrest on sight.
I know ADULTS how are still "children". I've got brothers too, and one, who's 27 now, is prolly less mature then your 14 old. I can guarantee THAT. But having that 14 year old with you atm is prolly clouding your judgment, because, they all aren't your brother. And even at 14 they can be very dangerious. Your may not be, which is wonderful, but it's just the facts of life.

Now, understand, I'm not really trying to defend the cop, I wasn't there, i don't know the whole story, and i still think one should take greater care when dealing with kids. Yes i consider 14 year olds "kids". But, the assumption that someone can't be dangerious, or criminal at age 14 is, IMO, just flat out wrong. They CAN be dangerious enough to warrent deadly force. That doesn't mean this one WAS. I'm just saying you can't rule that out, based simply on his age. It's not a plesent though, but it's reality.


New member
May 21, 2009
The kid was a) fourteen. b) unarmed. c) probably scared shitless.
That cop needs to be up on murder charges. It's pathetic, and I'd say 'I lost my faith in the police force!' to be a troll... but to be fair I've never had faith in the police force...


New member
Aug 22, 2009
What the hell was wrong with him? Was the kid fighting with a chainsword or something?

This is gonna give cops one hell of a bad name, to say the very least of this incident.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
Techno Squidgy said:
Kopikatsu said:
Techno Squidgy said:
Radeonx said:
Wow, 10 posts without some moron spouting out "I lost my faith in humanity!". That's probably a record.

OT: That's a shitty cop.
After seeing the post with the explanation, I take back what I said. The cop was pretty much in the right.
He shot a 14 year old kid. How the fuck is he in the right?
You're focusing on the '14 year old' part too much. Look at it this way- 'A Police Officer shot a violent delinquent who had assaulted another person, resisted arrest, then hid in a shed full of potential weapons, then assaulted a police officer.'
Yeah, while I can't 100% agree with the cop in this situation, I still think he's in the right.
I'm focussing on the fact that he shot him. How was it in anyway necessary to shoot him, cops are armed with batons, right? Knock the fucker out. Shooting him was completely unnecessary even if he was in his 20s or something.
Not school cops. When I was in high school, they only had two guns and a metal flashlight. One was a taser and the other was an actual gun. As I've mentioned many times in this thread, tasers are shit and should probably -never- be used until they're improved on. That leaves the officer with a gun, and a flashlight that he might be able to use to bludgeon the kid with, but it wouldn't really turn out great if the kid had picked up a saw or something in the shed.

Look at the school the kid was attending. He was literally one step away from jail, and he just assaulted someone else. I'd have drawn my gun, too.
And suddenly I'm reminded why I don't want to live in America. Well this discussion has been somewhat interesting and enlightening, so thank you for that.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Eri said:
Here's some of the story they "left" out.
Ksat said:
The officer didn't see him at first, but "approached the storage shed to search further for the suspect announcing several times 'Police, Police.'"
The report also stated that the "(Lopez) lunged through the doorway at (Alvarado), intentionally knocking the shed door into (Alvarado's) face."
The report further details that "fearing for his life, (Alvarado) discharged one round striking (Lopez) in his torso."
so wait...this was a Kidd previous expelled twice? which leads me to believe he was a problem kid before this happened makes more sense as to why he might have drawn his gun before approaching. he had a gun out and was attacked, looks like an accident to me.