Jack Thompson Threatens Gabe Newell Over School Shooter Mod


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Okay, let me get this out here first: I don't like Jack Thompson.

Unfortunately... I personally agree with him. On SOME level. This game is a sick idea and think it shouldn't be made.

If you don't believe me, go look up the game on youtube or the Escapist's article on the game here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108065-Inside-the-Sick-Mind-of-a-School-Shooter-Mod (edit: Sorry, i pasted the address for page three of the article. Here's the address for the beginning of it)

Look, I know we all want to yell at this guy, but yelling at him when he is, for once (but only somewhat), in the right, will only further prove his point about gamers. Especially when the mod comes out. Instead, we should make a temporarily truce with Thompson against this mod. Because it's the mod that is making gamers look bad. Not Thompson.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I think there should just be an industry standard response to his letters. Something along the lines of, "Dear Jack, although we appreciate your opinion and value the money you contine to contribute by purchasing our products to play and critique them (obviously you would need to do so for your opinion to have any weight, credence, credibility or hope of not making you look like a laughing stock) it is our stance on statements like these to humbly suggest you lighten up, eat a dick and beforehand fornicate yourself with said phallus. Love, logic, reason and real people."


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Media whore spreads his legs again. There's a shocker.

I think they should give a nicely worded apology that goes a little something like this:


Dearest Mr. Thompson,
We here at Valve studios are very sorry to hear that you have been made so upset by the School Shooter: North American Tour 2012 mod for Half-Life 2. Although we are in every way capable of shutting down the mod, we also believe in the first amendment rights of our community, although we here at Valve find the mod extremely distasteful as well. Your religious beliefs are clearly as such that you have nothing but disdain for freedom of speech, thought and religion, and while we respect your right to spew these beliefs publicly, we have no inclination to bow to them, or even acknowledge that they are remotely valid or coherent. That being said, please accept this token of appreciation for your constructive criticism: a copy of our most popular murder simulator; Half-Life 2, with an advance copy of the School Shooter: North American Tour 2012 mod! Enjoy.

-Sincerely Yours,
Gabe Newell



New member
Jan 20, 2011
I think the scariest part is this guy actually could have stopped Valve back in 2007. While spewing lies about the Virginia Tech massacre, he said Counter-Strike was made by Microsoft. Had he said Valve made Counter-Strike, another Hot Coffee case could have occurred. Thankfully, stupidity is a double-edged sword, it can easily hurt the user as much as the victim. Also, Valve's response should go something like the episode of South Park, 'Death,' where a network executive makes a statement to angry parents:

'I have prepared a statement for you on behalf of the network' *Puts on reading glasses* 'Fuck You.' *Puts away reading glasses.* 'Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. If there are any questions, you may direct them to that brick wall over there.?'

Link: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/149868/presidents-statement


New member
Apr 20, 2010
Scotty, activate Flame Shields!

I hate to say it, But I kind of have to agree with him.(My spleen expels itself in sheer disbelief at my statement). Ow.

Anyway, I have to agree with him in principle, but not in practice. Valve should take down the school shooter mod. How would you feel if you were a parent who's child was involved in a school shooting only to find out that this game existed? Think about it.

Valve needs to kill this mod. It's disrespectful, and I don't care what the modder says. It's sick.

Face-saver: That V-tech statement in the letter is so full of shit, it's container is also made of shit. Jack, you're a disgrace.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
honestly i don't understand why /b/ haven't gone after jack yet surely its about time don't ya thing?
Feb 13, 2008
If he's right all the time, why was he disbarred for showing gay porn, bullying an innocent, welching on a deal to give money to charity and disavowed by a family charity for being too corrupt?

The 11th Plauge

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Gabe Newell Could not be reached for comment, but has already sent his rebuttal to Jack, which is a simple 3 word statement written on a burger king napkin. it says "Make me, jack".


New member
Nov 29, 2010
So this guy's a critic...and he writes like a fucking school kid? Maybe we can get a model Jack Thompson in the game...


New member
Mar 6, 2009
even if the mod creators are moral cretins for being so stupid as to create a massacre mod, there is still a thing called freedom of expression... jack thompson is an idiot.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I'm kinda troubled by the way he just casually throws around the word midget.

Also, I get the feeling he just likes to hear himself talk, especially with htat line "I hate being right all the time".

Which of course he wasnt, cause he was wrong in that letter alone with the VT massacre.

Ellen of Kitten

New member
Nov 30, 2010
Abedeus said:
Murder simulator.

The School shooter game that Thompson is talking about is as close to "murder simulation" as we'll get in video games, I think. I personally am willing to give that to Jack. That and only that.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Wacko Jacko is back?

Awesome, we needed someone that we could hate without feeling every the tiny twinge of guilt, everyone else had some kind of redeeming quality, but not the Jacko, he's plain batshit crazy and always wrong.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
I like how Thompson OPENS with calling the subject in question "mental midgets" and expects to still be taken seriously. Or the bit about HL2 being a "murder simulator." Oh Jack, you just really want to think you are still relevant. But you never were in the first place. Gamers put you on a pedestool because you were such an incompetent douche that we enjoyed laughing at your hilariously misguided antics.