James Cameron Commits to Avatar 2 & 3


New member
Sep 18, 2009
And there I thought one of the story's few plus points was that it was self contained and didn't easily leave itself open to sequels - and was probably originally planned as such. This is a purely money led thing, vs the first film's apparent "12 year labour of love" status (the 2014/15 release dates also speak volumes vs that, though I suppose most of the real heavy lifting has already been done). All respect for JC... suddenly lost. Though it may have been the studio forcing his hand.

It was an awesome piece of non stop eye candy, seeing it in IMAX 3D, but as I told mother dearest & her beau as they were about to pick it up from blockbuster ... go see it there while you still can, don't bother with the DVD until TVs are huge and three-dimensional, or you have a opposite-polarised twin lens HD home-cinema projector going to waste. The actual storyline is a thin shell to hang the unashamedly (nothing to be ashamed about) lush visuals on.

Dude should've got together with Hayao Miyazaki or Stephen Spielberg, maybe both, so their waning plotline powers could get respective boosts back up to their earlier creative peaks and have made something truly epic. Just sayin'. Unless he pulls something spectacular and unexpected out of the bag, it's going to be like Matrix / Reloaded / Revolutions all over again.
(I'd have said Lucas ... but ... no. That's just asking for trouble.)


Dyslexic Wonder
Sep 4, 2008
The only thing I have to say, is that I'm happy I can at least wait a few years before I'm dragged into another movie that bores the hell out of me half way through again. It was all I could do to not fall asleep during the second half of the film. Beautiful visuals can only go so far when the story is uninteresting and bland.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Sneaky-Pie said:
Awesome. I can't wait for some pretty pictures and more Dances With Wolves... in space!
Neither can I! Maybe we'll get an original story now...


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Istvan said:
Duffeknol said:
Bah, the story was done for all I'm concerned. I hope the humans Death Star that entire moon in part 2.
Amen brother!

In my opinion avatar wasn't so much a movie as a few cheap and shallow attempts at creating sympathy, with some 3D thrown in. The best thing that could happend to the Na'vi in my opinion would either be torture scenes with Mel Gibson brought in as a consultant.

I would explain but Plinkett does it in a much sexier fashion than I possibly could.

lmfao that video is amazing

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
If the plot to the next film isn't "Humans return to Pandora, proceeded to orbitally bombard the SHIT out of it", then I will immediately know things have gone wrong. Because by that point, the humans should KNOW that that's the only way they're going to win and they could do so easily.

Seriously it wouldn't even need a nuke, just a half decent MOAB launched from space and bam, no more troubles, begin mining operations end of story.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Man people gotta hate. Cameron once said that the story was meant to be simple because you kind of need to focus of the way the movie was made. Sure you can hate on the movie I respect opinions that don't involve "RIP OFF DANCES WITH WOLVES!" (because everyone bleeps it like freaking sheep get YOU OWN IDEA) with the story being simple and lets face it that type of story never gets old, you can focus on how beautifully made the movie was. How there is a planet that totally different but the same, the language and the animals they introduced. I think now since the world was established they can move on to more original plot.

I loved the movie, I've seen Dances with Wolves and other movies where someone is initiated into the native culture and they all are pretty awesome movies but Avatar was pretty damn cool with the big blue kittens and the giant six legged animals kicking everyone's ass.

Edit: Also I've read some people comparing Avatar to District 9.

There is nothing in common other than alien lifeforms living together on the same planet.
The Prawn did not try to assimilate into human culture or vice versa. The stories are nothing a like and I feel you can not compare the two.

Now I invite the people who bleep like sheep about the "dances with wolves" dilemma to make your own totally original story, have it beautiful and have people understand it as well.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Avatar was predictable and occasionally trite, but I won't pretend I didn't enjoy it. I'm certainly looking forward to another Avatar movie a lot more than I'm looking forward to the possibility of another Lucas-helmed Star Wars trilogy.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Electrogecko said:
cobrausn said:
Also, I feel obliged to post this (long and silly) review.

Wow. That was a great review, but there is a difference between a bad story and bad characterization.
Perhaps you are correct, but the characters are the ones delivering the story and allowing us to relate to it. The characters in Avatar were so one-dimensional that the story came off that way. There was potential there for them to make it a really good story. All they would have had to do was make the the Na'vi less 'perfect' and the humans less 'evil'. Instead, everyone could have been acting in what they thought was for the best and we would have been left trying to decide which of the flawed characters and groups actually was right. You know, like the real world.

Instead, we got 'Big Corporate Evil White Guy out to Rape, Pillage, and Murder' and 'Lovable Blue Space Tree-Kittens fighting for Peace'.

Gag me. It was as though Ferngully and Pocahontas had a baby.

tobi the good boy

New member
Dec 16, 2007
oh god this makes 2012 seem prefreble
avatar was a terrible movie that was over hyped, i am not going to watch another giant cat faced smurf movie.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
cobrausn said:
Electrogecko said:
cobrausn said:
Also, I feel obliged to post this (long and silly) review.

Wow. That was a great review, but there is a difference between a bad story and bad characterization.
Perhaps you are correct, but the characters are the ones delivering the story and allowing us to relate to it. The characters in Avatar were so one-dimensional that the story came off that way. There was potential there for them to make it a really good story. All they would have had to do was make the the Na'vi less 'perfect' and the humans less 'evil'. Instead, everyone could have been acting in what they thought was for the best and we would have been left trying to decide which of the flawed characters and groups actually was right. You know, like the real world.

Instead, we got 'Big Corporate Evil White Guy out to Rape, Pillage, and Murder' and 'Lovable Blue Space Tree-Kittens fighting for Peace'.

Gag me. It was as though Ferngully and Pocahontas had a baby.
Lol...it's true, and after watching both parts of that video you linked, I find myself disliking the movie much more than I did previously. It does a very good job of reverse engineering the film and examining every decision that was made in it's design and the purpose those decisions were made to serve- most of which are very shallow and manipulative.

I actually thought the entire concept behind the avatar system was the most creative and unique thing the movie did. I think something about it appealed to the gamer in me.


New member
Sep 13, 2009
Sneaky-Pie said:
Awesome. I can't wait for some pretty pictures and more Dances With Wolves... in space!
I thought everyone knew by now that pointing out that Avatar has a similar plot to Dances With Wolves doesn't make you funny or clever, it just makes you look like a giant bandwagoner douche.

OT: I personally liked Avatar, but are squeals necessary?

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Why all the hate for the original? Yes, you could predict several plot developments, but the same could be said of the vast majority of films in existence. Just seems to me that its now 'cool' to hate Avatar.

Despite what other people think, i'm still going to see Avatar 2 and 3, and like most people enjoy them.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
RooftopAssassin said:
Sneaky-Pie said:
Awesome. I can't wait for some pretty pictures and more Dances With Wolves... in space!
I thought everyone knew by now that pointing out that Avatar has a similar plot to Dances With Wolves doesn't make you funny or clever, it just makes you look like a giant bandwagoner douche.

OT: I personally liked Avatar, but are squeals necessary?
Then I must be the funniest, cleverest, giantest, bandwagonerest, douchiest, douche!

High five!