hahah or the fact by the end game your PC can TAKE IT and not die..... drove me insane when i jsut died.... i was not even rad sick! thank god for modsGsmoove said:here's a question for fallout, "Why can't you send in the robot at the end?"
hahah or the fact by the end game your PC can TAKE IT and not die..... drove me insane when i jsut died.... i was not even rad sick! thank god for modsGsmoove said:here's a question for fallout, "Why can't you send in the robot at the end?"
Yeah, like he ^^^ said.Booze Zombie said:Ha, ha, ha!
I think this might work for the Japanese sense of humour, I could be wrong, but they seem to like spite-filled sarcasm and parody.
Er, people DO complain that FPS's aren't changing. How have you missed the oceans of people bitching about the endless sea of space-marines and the like?Fallen-Angel Risen-Demon said:Well, you don't complain that FPS's don't change there anything, why complain that JRPGs don't? At least they try. Not that I don't like fallout of course, but this is stupid.
I know but they don't do nearly as much recently. Also Bioshock tries too.Doug said:snip for space
Or Fawkes. Or just get a really big pole and poke in the numbers, then run out of the airlock, or just use that water-purifier in Megaton.Gsmoove said:here's a question for fallout, "Why can't you send in the robot at the end?"
I think you will find that just as many people complain that theres no change in FPSs, Just look at Zero PunctuationFallen-Angel Risen-Demon said:Well, you don't complain that FPS's don't change there anything, why complain that JRPGs don't? At least they try. Not that I don't like fallout of course, but this is stupid.