Kroxile said:
I'm not 100% on just what you were trying to tell me here, but I think you may have gotten my message mixed up, lol.
I said this being a console debate (meaning PC, which is obviously the superior platform, is exempt) it doesn't matter who wins between PS3 and 360 because the Wii is still killing both platforms. Then I went on to say that I am a PC gamer (to indicate I have no bias in the console market, I really couldn't care less) but I call the shots like I see em (meaning sales figures).
I also know The Escapist is rife with frothing at the mouth Wii hate, but I think most of that comes from the fact that the little console that could is trouncing the "hardcore" gamers' console of choice and they can't stand it. There is a reason why Kinect and Move came out, you know... and it certainly isn't due to Microsoft and Sony having a stroke of innovation.
OT: blah blah blah japanese mag says their own console is better than the americans, blah blah blah
Point 1. If by "trouncing" you mean "selling a lot of physical systems because it's the cheapest and naive parents buy it for their kids and end up buying 3-5 games in the entirety of the console's lifespan" then sure, we're on the same page. Wii has sold more console units sure but the number of actual games being sold paints the Wii in a different light.
Point 2. I was challenging your pretentious notion of the PC being the better platform. I'd say neither one is 'superior' as a platform over the other due to too many variables at play. If you want customization and modding then sure, go with PCs; but PCs have a *lot* of flaws that a console just wouldn't have due to their nature. So when it boils down to sitting down and playing games, the console does the better job.
I look at PC vs consoles like home media vs cinema. PC is your home media, where you setup your own peripherals (tv, speakers, etc) and media viewing optimisation (let's be honest, we've all watched a few dvds naked before, feelsgoodman). Cinema is simple "go in, sit down, enjoy someone else doing all the hard work", I could also make a crack about cinemas are more social in nature and make the most money for movie-makers because it's significantly easier to pirate home media than to sneak into a cinema, but that'd be a cheap shot.