Japanese Newspaper Confirms Wii 2 Controller Details


New member
Feb 17, 2010
A second screen, touch enabled or not, would provide a lot of functionality that would make video game platforms much more useful for games with hidden information. If they had any "on the go" functionality that would work with Ap-style gaming (Angry Birds, Plants vs. Zombies) then it it would be yet another way to open up a new style of gaming to a previously unrecognized audience.

I don't know if the in-controller screen is going to be reality or not, but I hope so and I look forward to seeing what evolves out of it.

Heck it'd be cool if Microsoft created a controller that allowed players to attach their windows phone 7 for an additional screen. That way people wouldn't be required to buy an extra expensive controller, but they could have access to advanced utilities and interfaces.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
i like the concept. but not when you think of it as a main way to play your game, but as a sub-screen to keep track of items, ammo, a map, etc.